Monday, February 29

What is Obesity and How To Avoid It?

fit and obese body |

Obesity has become a common problem and spreading fast among every age groups. If you gain excess body weight which may put a negative effect on your health then you are under obesity attack. 

How do you confirm that you are obese or not? To confirm this, first check your body mass index (BMI). If your BMI index is between 25 and 29.9, you are considered overweight. In other words, if your body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be, you might be obese.

You can check your BMI here. Following is the Body Mass index (BMI) category:-

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Now you are clear about body mass index and you might have checked your BMI. If you are under normal weight category then its ok but if your BMI is greater than 29.9 then you need to pay attention to your weight. You should avoid become obese because it can bring you nothing but the diseases.

Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Overall, you can say that obesity reduces the life expectancy.

What are the causes of Obesity?

There are different factors which affects obesity. Unhealthy lifestyle has greater contribution to make you obese. Following are the other causes of obesity:-

  • Eating more kilojoules (energy) than you need can add up the extra fat to your body.
  • Reduction in physical activity due to your desk job, sitting in front of computer and TV, drive car even for a small distance etc.
  • It is found that the people with lower education and income level likely to be more obese because they have less opportunity to eat healthy foods.
  • Obesity can be caused due to genetics factor. If your parents are overweight than it may be possible that you have risk of obesity.
  • No or poor nutrition and low birth weight can make you obese in the later part of your life. There is convincing evidence showing that breastfeeding infants compared with formula feeding is associated with a reduced risk of becoming obese.

How to avoid obesity?

food and exercise |

Obesity is harmful to you and linked with the overweight. There are many health conditions which may arise due to your overweight like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes etc. But you can avoid and control this problem.

Here are the methods to deal with obesity:-

Physical Exercise

Exercising regularly is the key to getting rid of obesity. Obesity makes you lazy and you feel distracted in any work. 

Experts recommended at least 30 minutes of exercise on regular basis to remain fit.

Start from body stretching exercises and controlling your breath. Do not stretch your body too much. Do exercises regularly and daily. You can take a day break.

You can start with the moderate intensity exercises like walking, jogging, swimming and tennis. If you can increase the intensity slightly then high knees, Burpees, push-up on knees are the good exercises to start.

Eat Healthy Food

With regular exercise, eating healthy is also very important. First of all, avoid all the junk foods and the food which uses oil to prepare. Oily food is the main reason of weight gain because it increases fat in the body. Eat fruits and vegetables more. Eat salad regularly, it has fibers.

Drink lemon water early in the morning is good for your stomach.

Healthy Food includes:-

  • Fat-free and low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, cheese, and milk. 
  • Whole-grain foods, such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice. Other grain foods include pasta, cereal, bagels, bread, tortillas, couscous, and crackers. 
  • Fruits, which can be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried. 
  • Vegetables, which can be fresh, canned (without salt), frozen, or dried. 
  • Protein foods, such as lean meat, fish, poultry without skin, beans, and peas. 

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. While eating healthy food and avoiding oily food, take care of your nutrition intake. If necessary, take food supplements like Omega-3.

Be Active and Think Positive

positive thinking |

Positive thinking about yourself and around you make you happy. It will have positive impact on your health. Be active all the time. Involve yourself in your daily activities. Think positive and try not to get tense under difficult situations.

Make a list of your works and complete those which have the highest priority.

This makes you feel great and you can focus on your diet. A healthy diet with regular exercise and positive thinking can help you to get rid of obesity.

How To Remove Dandruff? With The Help Of Lemon

We all know that lemon is very good for our hair, skin or health. But how to use lemon is a big question. Here some home remedies for remove dandruff.

Lemon for Dry Scalp and Dandruff 

Take one lemon and cut it two halves and apply the juice directly on the scalp.
Massage it gently for few minutes don't rub hard and let it sit for another 5 – 10 minutes.
Rinse your hair with normal water. 

Lemon with coconut oil

Coconut oil has a deep moisturizing property that clears dry scalp and dandruff. Both coconut oil and lemon contain anti-bacterial properties that fight dandruff-causing fungus.

How to use 

Mix 2 tablespoons of warm coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and massage onto the scalp.

Leave it on for 1 hour then wrap your hair in a warm towel.
Leave for 20 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo.

Lemon Juice with Curd and Honey 

Curd is a very good moisturizer for your scalp and hair and honey has anti – bacterial and anti – inflammatory properties.

How to use 

Mix 1 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 – 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in 1/2 cup of curd. Mix it well and apply this thoroughly on the hair.
Leave for 30 – 40 minutes before washing with mild shampoo.

Lemon Juice with Garlic Powder

Garlic is very good antibiotic property kills the bacteria on the scalp.
Mix 2 tablespoons of garlic powder with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to make a paste.
Apply on the scalp and hair and massage it gently.
Wash with herbal shampoo and cool water after 30 minutes.

Lemon Juice with Ginger and Olive Oil

Ginger acts as an anti – fungal and anti – inflammatory. Olive oil strengthens and nourishes the scalp and hair. This combination process not only clears dandruff but also prevents its recurrence.

How to use 

Peel and blend a ginger root to get its juice.
Mix equal quantities of ginger juice, fresh lemon juice, and olive oil.
Mix it well and apply this on the scalp by massaging it gently.
Wait for about 30 – 45 minutes before washing with water.

Lemon Juice with Egg white

Egg contains proteins and nutrients that nourish the scalp to prevent dryness, itching, and inflammation. 

Whip an egg and add 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
Stir it well and apply this as a hair mask. 

Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse your hair with water followed by mild shampoo.

Lemon with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has anti –bacterial and anti – fungal properties that clear dandruff. 

Mix freshly extracted aloe vera and lemon juice together.

Apply this on the scalp.
If it stings, apply 1 tablespoon of yogurt or olive oil to this mix.
Leave it on for about an hour and rinse your hair with mild shampoo.

Lemon with Neem

Neem leaves are loaded with anti – bacterial, anti – fungal and anti – inflammatory properties that work well to reduce the dandruff growth.

How to use 

Blend a few neem leaves to make a fine paste.
Add the juice from half a lemon and stir well.
Spread all over the scalp and wait for 30 minutes.
Wash with shampoo and water.

Easy Way To Control Blood Pressure For A Healthy Life

Blood pressure refers to the force exerted on artery walls by the blood flowing through them. The narrower and stiffer your arteries become, the higher your blood pressure goes. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80. If your blood pressure is above this, you have high blood pressure (hypertension). Once you learn the basics about high blood pressure, you can follow some simple steps to change your lifestyle and lower your blood pressure

Easy Way To Control Blood Pressure For Healthy Diet 

Limit your salt intake. 

Sodium can significantly affect how high your blood pressure is. The amount of sodium the patient gets through both table salt and foods themselves.
Many processed foods contain high levels of sodium. Be careful of processed foods when considering how much salt your body is getting. Even processed foods that don't taste salty may have significantly more salt than is healthy. You can check the packaging of most foods to see how much sodium it has. Sodium is listed in milligrams (mg) on every nutrition label.
Be mindful of serving sizes and track the sodium you consume each day to try to keep it below 1500 mg.

Take whole grains into your diet. 

A healthy diet consists of 6 to 8 servings of grains, preferably whole grains, per day. Try to eat whole grains over refined grains. There are some smart choices you can make in order to avoid refined grains and eat the ones most healthy for you. 

Quinoa, bulgar, farrow, oats, rice, wheat berries, and barley are all good sources of whole grains. 

If you've got a choice, opt for whole grain pasta instead of regular pasta, brown rice instead of white rice, and whole wheat bread instead of white bread. Always look for labels that clearly state 100 percent whole grain or 100 percent whole wheat. 

Choose food that is as unprocessed as possible. If it comes out of a bag, a drive through, or in a box with more than 3 ingredients, it is probably too processed. If is comes out of a tree or is grown on the ground, it is more than likely healthier.

Eat more vegetables. 

Vegetables are delicious, diverse, and very good for your blood pressure and general health. You take 4 to 5 servings of vegetables per day. Squash, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, artichokes, and carrots are good examples of vegetables that are high in fiber, potassium, and magnesium. 

These vitamins are needed by the body to keep it running and help lower high blood pressure.

Add more fruits into your diet. 

Your body needs the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are found in fruit. You can use fruit both as a natural treat and a substitute for refined, sugary sweets that you might want. Take 4 to 5 servings of fruits per day.
Leave on the edible peels of fruits for extra fiber and roughage. The peels of apples, kiwis, pears, and mangos can all be eaten and enjoyed along with the fruit.

Eat protein. 

Adding lean protein to your diet can be helpful, but you need to make sure you limit your intake every day. Take 6 servings of lean protein, such as poultry breast, soy, or dairy, in a day.
When eating lean protein, be sure to trim away any fat or skin from the meat before cooking. 

Never fry your meat. Try grilling, broiling, roasting, boiling, or poaching instead as a way to cook your meat.
Make sure to get lots of fresh (not fried) fish in your diet. Fish such as salmon contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which help ease high blood pressure instead of contributing to it.

Eat nuts, seeds, and legumes. 

Aside from having plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in fiber and phytochemicals. Take 4 to 6 servings per week as opposed to per day.
This restriction is because nuts, seeds, and legumes are high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.
Eat foods such as almonds, flax seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, lentils, peas, and kidney beans.

Cut down sweets.

You should only have about 5 servings of sweets per week. If you do have sweets, try going for low-fat or non-fat sweets such as sorbets, fruit ices, or graham crackers.

Sunday, February 28

Amazing Health Benefits Of Garlic In Our Life

Garlic is used as an ingredient in food, especially in Asian countries like India and Bangladesh. China is the largest producer of garlic. It is also known as a herb. It is best known as a flavoring for food. But over the years, garlic has been used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. The fresh clove or supplements made from the clove are used for medicine.

Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. This is what seems to make garlic work for certain conditions. Allicin also makes garlic smell.

Different studies suggest that garlic can be very useful for the medicinal purpose. garlic is full of energy, vitamins, protein, and minerals. Garlic is generally used in cold, mix with vegetables as a paste.

Following are the health benefits of garlic in our life.

1. It helps in high blood pressure condition. It is good to use in cardiovascular conditions. Use 600 to 1200 mg of garlic extract 3 times a day.

2. Garlic helps to reduce high cholesterol. 
 New research has found garlic supplements can reduce cholesterol in those with elevated levels by 8 per cent.

3. Garlic helps In atherosclerosis problem. Atherosclerosis is about hardening of the arteries.

4. Garlic helps To Prevent Cancer. Some people use garlic to prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. It is also used to treat prostate cancer and bladder cancer.

5. Garlic helps In Diabetes condition. Garlic helps lower blood sugar and may be used by people with diabetes in addition to their regular regime of insulin and special diets. It lowers the glucose level in blood.

6. Garlic helps Arthritis patients. It is a degenerative health condition that affects your joints and causes severe damage and loss of movement in the affected areas. Garlic possesses some antibacterial, anti-thrombotic and anti-hypertensive properties as well. Eat 4 grams of garlic daily 3 times might help in arthritis.

7. Garlic helps In Skin Treatment. garlic paste is widely used to treat fungal infection in the skin. To treat this, use 
garlic ingredient ajoene as a 0.4% cream, 0.6% gel, and 1% gel applied twice daily for one week.

Garlic is quite useful for our health. It is a common item in our kitchen. It is also an ingredient in our food. Eat garlic daily and stay healthy. 

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What is Stress And How To Deal With It?

Hi, friends! This post is all about stress management. As you know, most of the people and probably you are under stress most of the time. You face this almost every day. The reason for your stress may be from your personal life or from the workplace. This hampers your work performance as well as your personalities. 

So, the question is what is stress and how to deal with it?

If you type stress in google search bar, it says that "stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. In other words, it's an omnipresent part of life. A stressful event can trigger the “fight-or-flight” response, causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to surge through the body." 

Your stress is categorized under the following category:-

  1. Routine stress related to the pressures of work, family, and other daily responsibilities;
  2. Stress brought about by a sudden negative change, such as losing a job, divorce, or illness;
  3. Traumatic stress, which happens when you are in danger of being seriously hurt or killed. Examples include a major accident, war, assault, or a natural disaster. This type of stress can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Stress can cause you diseases like:- 

  1. high blood pressure, 
  2. Chest pain, 
  3. Acidity,
  4. headache, 
  5. weight gain, 
  6. hair fall, 
  7. dark circle around eyes and other so many.

Now, you know what is stress, stress categories, and the problems occurred due to stress.
You can get rid of stress by your lifestyle changes.

Following Are The Stress Busters Techniques You Can Use:-

1. Regular Exercise - 

Regular exercising helps to destress the body. Exercise daily for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Cardio exercises increase blood flow in your veins and improve heart rate. This will help you to eliminate the effect of stress on your body.

2. Be Active in your daily activity - 

You should more involve in your daily activities. This is will distract you from your stressful matters.

3. Self-Control - 

By self-control, you can control your emotion in a difficult situation. You can motivate yourself to take control of the situation.

4. Increase Social Activity - 

Use your social network activity as an effective tool for stress management. Your friends and family can play a major role to destress you.

5. Involve in Sports Activity - 

Sports activity boosts your metabolism like exercise. It will help you become more active and provide other health benefits.

6. Help Other People - 

A study suggests that helping other people in their problems can help you to boost your positive energy and confidence. This ultimately helps you.

7. Manage Your Work Effectively At Work Place - 

Manage your work effectively at your workplace is the key to stress management. You spent 8 to 9 hours in your office. So manage your work activity efficiently. Try to do work first which has the highest priority.

8. Be Positive - 

Positive approach in every case make you confident and helps to de-stress yourself.
Positive people can handle the situation better than other people.

9. Laughter Therapy - 

Laugh is the ultimate weapon against stress. Watch comedy shows or read jokes/funny articles. Also, talk with your old friends and participate in laughter clubs.

10. Healthy Diet - 

Make your diet healthy. Take vegetables, fruits in your diet. Cut sugar and fat from your diet.

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What Are The Reasons Of Unintentional Weight Loss?

Hello, friends! Under this post, the causes of unintentional or unexplained weight loss explained. Unintentional weight loss occurs when you are not trying to lose weight intentionally. 

Actually, weight loss or gain is a normal process which happens to everyone. Weight changes up or down slightly is normal. But if you lose weight approximately 10 pounds (4.5 kg) or 5% of your body weight in 6 to 12 months period unknowingly (without knowing the reason), this is called Unintentional weight loss. This type of weight loss can be an indication of some disease.

Reasons Of Unintentional Weight Loss

(1) A Loss of Appetite, 

  • Due to Feeling depressed
  • Due to Cancer, even when other symptoms are not present
  • Due to Chronic infection such as HIV/AIDS
  • Due to Chronic illness, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or Parkinson disease
  • Due to Drugs, including chemotherapy drugs, and thyroid medicines
  • Due to Drug abuse such as amphetamines and cocaine
  • Due to Stress or anxiety

(2) Chronic digestive system problems that decrease the number of calories and nutrients your body absorbs, 

  • Due to Diarrhea and other infections that last a long time, such as parasites
  • Due to Chronic swelling or infection in the pancreas
  • Due to Removal of part of the small intestine
  • Due Overuse of laxatives

(3) Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa that has not been diagnosed yet,

Anorexia nervosa is an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. 

(4) Diabetes that have not been diagnosed,

Unintentional weight loss can be an indication of diabetes. In people with diabetes, insufficient insulin prevents the body from getting glucose from the blood into the body's cells to use as energy. When this occurs, the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy, causing a reduction in overall body weight.

(5) Overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism),

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder in which your thyroid gland makes and releases more thyroid hormone than your body needs. Your doctor may say you have an "overactive thyroid," or refer to the condition as "overactive thyroid disease." They play a crucial role in controlling how your body uses energy, a process called metabolism. This includes how your heart beats and even how you burn calories.

Unintentional weight loss may lead to a disease in you. Therefore, check your weight on a regular basis and if you find something wrong then consult your doctor immediately. Your doctor can identify the reason for your weight loss and prescribe a better solution.

Source: - US National Library of Medicine

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Saturday, February 27

What Are The Benefits Of Ginger To Your Health ?

Hello, Friends! This post is about Ginger benefits to our health. Ginger is widely used as a spice and herb worldwide. It's origin considered to be in the Indian subcontinent. Ginger has so many varieties found in the different region around the world. Its underground root, called rhizome is used as a spice and also as a medicine. It can be used fresh, dried and powdered, or as a juice or oil.

Nutritional Value Per 100 gm of Ginger Root

  • Energy - 80 kCal
  • Carbohydrate - 17.77 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 2 g
  • Protein - 1.82 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 2 g
  • Fat - 0.75 mg
  • Sugars - 1.7 g
  • Sodium - 13 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.16 mg
  • Vitamin C - 5 mg
  • Vitamin E - 0.26 mg
  • Pantothenic acid - 0.203 mg
  • Calcium - 16 mg
  • Iron - 0.6 mg
  • Potassium - 415 mg
  • Magnesium - 43 mg
  • Phosphorus - 34 mg
  • Sodium - 13 mg
  • Zinc - 0.34 mg

Benefits Of Ginger To Our Health

Benefit in Stomach Problems

Ginger is a herb and can be used to treat stomach related problems like gas and diarrhea. Ginger is widely used with tea in the Indian subcontinent. Sipping ginger tea or chewing on fresh ginger helps to food digestion and you may chew on ginger to ease a stomachache.

Benefit in Arthritis

Ginger extracts are very helpful in the Arthritis treatment. Some research shows that taking ginger can modestly reduce pain in some people with a form of arthritis called “osteoarthritis.” One study shows that taking a specific ginger extract-Zintona EC, 250 mg four times daily reduced arthritis pain in the knee after 3 months of treatment.

Benefit in Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness is a common problem in pregnant women. Ginger seems to reduce nausea and vomiting in some pregnant women. During pregnancy, hormones can also contribute to nausea and sickness including stress hormones, such as cortisol. Being deficient in certain nutrients including vitamin B6 and magnesium, can also lead to more sickness in pregnancy. You should take care while using ginger for morning sickness treatment.

Benefit in Menstrual Pain

Some research shows that ginger can reduce symptoms of menstrual pain in women when taken during menstruation. One study shows that taking a specific ginger extract (Zintoma, Goldaru) 250 mg four times daily for 3 days at the beginning of the menstrual period is able to reduce pain symptoms in as many as 62% of people.

                                       READ MORE BENEFITS OF GINGER HERE

Benefit in Muscle Pain

Daily consumption of ginger, raw or heat treated, is helpful to reduce muscle pain after exercise. A study also suggests that The results showed that raw and heat-treated ginger reduced muscle pain by 25% and 23%, respectively.

Benefit in Diabetes

Ginger is helpful for diabetes patients. A 2012 study suggested that ginger can be a long-term blood sugar control for type 2 diabetes patients. The researchers also suggest that ginger has potential inhibitory effects on the tested enzymes, specifically, α-glucosidase and α-amylase, which are relevant for diabetes management, and cyclooxygenase for inflammation.

Benefit in Cholesterol 

High cholesterol level is becoming a common problem around the world. The study suggests that ginger helps to fight higher cholesterol level. Ginger may be used in your daily food as a spice. 200 mg a day can be suitable for the cholesterol control.

Benefit in Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is described as nausea caused by motion, especially by travelling in a vehicle. If you take a small piece of ginger in your mouth in every 45 minutes, you will get rid of motion sickness in your travel.

There are other numerous health benefits of eating ginger. Ginger can be taken as raw ginger root, ginger tablet/capsule, ginger powder, ginger candy, ginger pickle, ginger cookie and biscuits. It is advisable to consult your doctor before eating ginger during pregnancy to avoid morning sickness. Ginger should not be used as a blood thinner. If you are taking a course of medication and if you are at all unsure if ginger is right for you, then consult your doctor.

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What Is Better For Your Pain? Ice Or Heat

Hello, friends! This post is about the treatment of muscle pain by Ice or Heat. Ice and heat are the most affordable and easily available remedies for muscle or joint pain. Ice and heat packs are also easily available. Ice or cold treatment helps to reduce sharp pain and inflammation. Heat helps to soothe stiff joints and provide relaxation to the muscles.

However, people sometimes get confused what treatment should be used for the pain. Read this article to know more about heat and ice treatment. There are so many benefits of using ice and heat packs on the body. Just remember, do not apply heat or ice directly on the body, use some protective cover.

Ice / Cold

Gout Flare Up-

Gout a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis, especially in the smaller bones of the feet, deposition of chalk-stones, and episodes of acute pain. It is very difficult to stop gout attack once it started. To reduce inflammation, Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Use an ice pack or wrap a towel around the ice. Apply ice for about 20 minutes at a time.


Strain can occur when we move our body suddenly or lift up heavy weight. These actions break the nerves in the affected area. Use ice packs on the muscle area (20 minutes every hour while awake). Ice is a very effective anti-inflammatory and pain-reliever.


Ice is used to get relief in tendinitis. Tendons are the band of tissues that connect muscles to bones. An ice pack compress can help reduce initial swelling and pain. Ice or cold therapy is usually most effective during the first 48 hours after overuse, injury or swelling begins.



Heat treatments, such as heating pads or warm baths, tend to work best for soothing stiff joints and tired muscles. Heat enhances circulation, delivering nutrients to joints and muscles. Use a heating pad which has protected skin with a cloth buffer for up to 20 minutes at a time. You can buy an air-activated heat pack if you need one that’s portable.


Heat treatment used in the pain which caused by nerves or blood vessels or from the neck muscles. Sufferers with tension-type or muscle contraction headaches may prefer warm packs. You should take care that the heat pad is not too hot.


Sprains are most likely to affect your ankles, elbows, knees, and wrists. Although sprains are generally considered a minor injury, they still cause painful bruising and swelling. A heat pack provides the flexibility and decrease pain.


Tendons are bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones and help muscles initiate and control movement in your joints. Tendinitis usually occurs when repetitive motions, stress or repeat injuries irritate a tendon over time. Heat can increase blood flow to an injury, which may help promote healing. Heat also serves as a muscle relaxer, which can help with pain relief in tendons.

Heat and ice treatments are very effective in the pain relief. These are not suitable for acute injuries and in this case just go to a doctor for better treatment. However, these are the most affordably available and works everytime.

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10 Foods You Should Actually Avoid During Pregnancy

Hello, friends! today I am posting about foods to avoid during pregnancy. As we know a woman and her unborn baby are more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. These bacteria and virus can make a woman and her baby sick. These bacteria and virus can come from the food you are having in your meal. I believe, you all are alert and aware about this. But some women and their families are not aware of that.

There is good and bad food available around you. Especially a pregnant woman must understand what to eat and what not to eat. Do you really know, what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy? If you don't know what not to eat during pregnancy, please read below carefully.

Certain Kind Of Fish

Some fish contains a high level of mercury. Although, fish contains vitamins and minerals but a high quantity of mercury is harmful to the unborn child. Mercury is harmful to the unborn child's developing nervous system. Fishes like shark, swordfish and tilefish contain mercury, therefore, do not eat these fishes during pregnancy. 
Fishes like salmon and catfish contain the low quantity of mercury so you can eat these fishes.

Raw or Undercooked Fish

Cook the fish at approximately 65 degrees Centigrade. Uncooked fish may have bacteria or parasites which can make sick a pregnant woman. High temperature kills bacteria and parasites and makes food safe. 

Unpasteurized Milk

Raw milk is called unpasteurized milk and it contains harmful bacteria that can bring sickness to you.  As per FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the bacteria in raw milk can be especially dangerous to people with weakened immune systems, older adults, pregnant women, and children.
Pasteurization is a process that kills harmful bacteria by heating milk to a specific temperature for a set period of time. Also, there is no difference in the nutritional values of Unpasteurized and pasteurized milk. So drink boiled milk always.

Unpasteurized Juice

Similarly to unpasteurized milk, unpasteurized juice also may have harmful bacteria. Therefore, boiled at least 1 minute, before drinking juice.

Salads Made In A Store

Salads made in store, like chicken salad or seafood salad, may contain harmful bacterias. Always make a salad at home with fresh vegetables.

Raw Sprouts (Ankurit in Hindi)

You should cook sprouts thoroughly before eat. Uncooked or raw sprouts may contain salmonella bacteria which is harmful. This bacteria can cause food poisoning and it is certainly not good for a pregnant woman. 

Ice Cream

Ice creams which are made from unpasteurized eggs may have salmonella bacteria. At home, you can pasteurize the eggs by mixing in a liquid for cooking and then heat it up properly.

Undercooked Meat

Meat like, beef, lamb or pork come from poultry farms. If you do not cook meat properly then you may get bloody diarrhea disease. So, cook the meat properly at approximately 71 degrees centigrade.


Cheese made from unpasteurized milk may have bad bacterias like Escherichia coli and listeria. It can cause diarrhea and anemia. Therefore, eat hard cheese or cheese made from pasteurized milk.


You should eat the egg after properly boiled or cooked. undercooked egg contains salmonella which causes food poisoning.

So dear, I hope you are now aware of these kinds of foods. Try to avoid these foods or follow the cooking instructions properly. The unborn baby must need good care and its development depends on the food a pregnant woman eat. Eat healthily and stay fit.

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Thursday, February 25

How To Protect Your teeth From Cavity

You know that a dental cavity is a hole in a tooth, This dental cavity is occurred by tooth decay. Tooth decay is the main reason behind a dental cavity. Our mouths are full of bacteria. Different types of bacterias are live on our teeth, gums, tongue and other places in the mouth. Most of the bacteria are helpful to our teeth. But some bacteria are harmful. These harmful bacterias are responsible for the tooth decay which results in a dental cavity. Actually, these harmful bacterias develop acids in the mouth from food. Whenever we eat or drink something that contains sugar or starch, the bacteria use them to produce acids. These acids begin to eat away at the tooth's hard outer surface or enamel. This acid creates a hole in the tooth over time.

Some people think that only children can get tooth cavity but adults can get this problem. Generally, as age increases, gums starts to loosen up and pull away from teeth. Your gum roots will expose to the plaque. This problem can occur from tooth-related diseases. If you feel a toothache then it can be a reason of tooth cavity. Sometimes, you can see a hole in your tooth.

Method of Protection From Tooth Cavity

Use Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that helps to prevent tooth decay and cavity. Use of Fluoride prevents mineral loss in tooth enamel. It also weakens bad bacteria to produce acid. You can get fluoride by drinking water, fluoride toothpaste, fluoride gel for tooth, fluoride tablets and fluoride mouthwash.

Improve Eating Habit

Good food is what we need. Our teeth need to protect from acid making food. You should reduce sugar intake for the better teeth. Bad bacteria use sugar to produce harmful acids. Therefore, you should improve your eating habits.

Brush Regularly

You should brush your teeth 2 times a day to prevent tooth decay. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste will help you to wash out bad bacteria and acid.

Regular Check Up

Check your teeth by a dentist regularly. A dentist can see your teeth in a better aspect and gives you advise on further improvements. People who regularly visit the dentist for a checkup can prevent tooth decay better than other people.

You should eat healthily and makes a habit of it. Vist your dentist regularly.

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How To Do Pedicure At Home

Best Natural Tips To Do Pedicure At Home. 

Pedicure is the best way to make your foots beautiful. Beautiful foots can increase your confidence. You can confidently go and walk anywhere. Everyone loves to have beautiful foots. It is possible to get lovely foots with proper care and beauty treatment at the comforts of your home. You do not have to spend a lot of money on costly beauty products or on beauty parlors when you can do the pedicure at home. Regular pedicure helps to improve blood circulation, removes the dead skin and relaxes your body and mind.

Follow these easy steps to give yourself a pedicure. So what are you waiting for? Get started and pamper your foots and feel beautiful and soft feets.

Things required to Pedicure. 

For foot Wash

A plastic tub or basin, Baby Shampoo, Sea salt/rock salt – 1 tbsp, Lemon – 1, Dettol /anti-bacterial liquid soap – 2-3 drops 

For remove nail polish and make shape of nails  

Nail polish remover, Cotton wool, Nail cutter/clippers, Nail file, Nail brush, Orange stick, Cuticle cream, Cuticle nippers

Base coat
Nail polish
Top coat (optional)

Method of Pedicure 

* Clean your feets with soap and water. Remove any old nail polish using cotton and nail polish remover.

* Take lukewarm water in a basin, add a few drops of baby shampoo, a tbsp of rock salt and juice of 1 lemon. Soak your feets in it for 10-15 minutes. Then lightly scrub and clean your nails with a soft bristled nail brush.

* Cut the nails with a nail cutter and remove dirt from underneath the nail corners. (since the nails will be soft after soaking, it will be easier to cut and clean.)
File your nail’s sharp ends and shape then as desired.

* Apply cuticle cream to the base of each nail and rub over your nails and massage gently. Gently push back the cuticles using the orange stick in a circular movement. You can use olive oil also instead of cuticle cream.

* Trim cuticles (any loose dead skin) while they’re still soft using cuticle scissors or nippers. I suggest that you avoid this step as it is best done by a professional.

* Wash your feets  and it dry with a Turkish towel dry well between the fingers.

* Massage your feets gently with a moisturizing lotion or cream.

Wipe nails with cotton wool to remove any excess lotion or cream left on the nail bed.

* Now it is time to apply nail polish. 

Apply a base coat first and let it dry. Then apply 2 coats of your desired nail polish. Then finish it off with a thin top coat. This will help your nail polish last longer.

* Lastly wrap orange stick in cotton wool, dip it in polish remover and remove traces of polish left on the skin to give a neat appearance.

If you do not want to paint your nails, just leave it as it is or you can buff your nail with a nail buffer.

Give yourself home manicures once in a month following these simple steps/ tips and pamper your feet! 
A pedicure can increase the softness of your feets and remove the dead cells or sunburn.

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How To Deep Clean Your Face At Home

Steps to Do Face Clean Up At Home like Parlor
Face clean up means that you completely deep clean your face. A total face clean up is usually done at parlor which gives you a glowing radiant skin. But if you are thinking how to do face clean up at home like salon, that you can yourself get the benefits of face clean up at the comfort of your home using the natural ingredients hence no chemicals on the face. This is safe to be done for dry, oily and all skin types.

Face Clean Up at home with Step by step procedure 

Here is the procedure to follow while doing this home face clean up. 
This process has face cleansing, steaming, scrubbing, facial mask and moisturization basically. 
All of this will make your skin look super soft and gorgeous in just 30 minutes. 

1. Cleansing
To start with the deep face cleansing, take some raw milk in a small bowl and add a pinch of salt in it. Take a cotton ball and dip in the milk. Swipe this cotton all over the face to clean the face deeply. 

2. Steaming
Now, fill a tub with hot water and bent over it to get the steam on your face. This step is great for oily skin. Take the steam for 5-6 minutes. Steaming unblocks the clogged pores and helps to loosen the dirt and dead skin layer over the skin. 

3. Scrubbing
Mix 2 teaspoonful of sugar with 2 teaspoonful of honey. Mix them and use this face scrub to exfoliate the face gently. Scrub the face for 5 minutes then leave this for 5 minutes as a pack. Wash it with water after 15 minutes. 

4. Face Mask 
Normal to dry skin: Mix sandalwood powder with some rose water and make a paste. Apply this on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
Combination to Oily skin: If you have oily combination skin, then you should try Multani mitti pack by mixing some rose water in it. Apply on the entire face then wash it when it gets thoroughly dried. 

5. Toning
Apply a toner, you can use a homemade toner but mixing some cucumber juice and rose water. This ill maintain the pH balance. 

6. Moisturization
Finally, after all these steps you can apply a light moisturizer and eye cream.
It is good to do the face clean up during the evening so that the skin gets revitalized further through the night when you sleep. 

Benefits of Face Clean Up at home 


Milk with salt deep cleanses the skin while the steaming in this face cleanup process will declog the blocked pores.
When the blocked pores are opened, the skin problems like blackheads, whiteheads will also be reduced drastically.
Face scrub will make your skin smoother and baby soft.
Face mask with sandalwood or multani mitti as mentioned in the procedure will tone and tighten the face. Multani mitti will soak up excess oil and good for oily acne prone skin that has pimples.
Sandalwood is good to lighten the complexion and to make skin fair.
This entire face clean up will help to stimulate the blood circulation and adds a glow on the face.
This treatment should be done once in a week to get best results in making the skin texture better and glowing face.