Monday, February 8

Simple and Easy Way To Reduce Back Pain


Back pain is the most common problem of every person. Back pain reduces our performance in work. There are so many reasons behind back pain. Bad body posture while doing work on computer, bad sleeping position posture, not good quality mattress etc. are the main reasons behind back pain. Nutrition deficiency to our body also makes bones weak and leads to back pain. We need to solve our back pain problem. 

Here some easy step to reduce back pain:-

Take a good sleep at night

Sleep disturbances are common among back pain sufferers, but peaceful slumber helps to repair strained muscles and soothe inflamed joints. For a better night's sleep experiment with different sleeping positions. Try sleeping on your side — and on a firm surface — to prevent any curvature of the spine that could lead to or worsen back pain. some people find that sleeping with a pillow between their knees helps them sleep more comfortably. So you need proper sleep and take good position

Proper and gentle exercise

When back pain begins, it's not always the best idea to simply rest and wait for the pain to subside. Resting can cause certain types of back pain to worsen and decrease muscle strength. Instead of lying down, start with gentle stretch and try experimenting to see in what ways you can move without pain. 
Try going out for a slow, easy walk, and pick up the pace if it feels good. Regular exercise is also a smart idea — strengthening and stretching the muscles can reduce or eliminate many types of back pain. However, it's best to discuss your current routine and any changes to it with your doctor to avoid aggravating your condition.

Heat and cold therapy

Heat and cold therapy helps to reduce swelling, while heat (via a hot water bottle or heating pad) is ideal for reducing cramping and muscle spasms. "Often moist heat is better; but be careful of dry heat, because it can actually dehydrate the tissue and prevent healing. It is a one of the best way to reduce back pain.

These are some home remedies to remove back pain:

Goji Berries

Eat Goji berries can enhance your energy, immunity and mood.


Turmeric spice is a natural painkiller for aches and pains, but can also be used for a full body detox. You can use turmeric with milk.

Massage Creams

Keep your creams naturals. Opt for oils or lotions with analgesic ingredients for quick pain relief. Regular massage can also very benefit for back pain.

Bath Crystals 

Use mineral bath crystals or powdered kelp seaweed for a relaxing bath.

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