Monday, February 8

Best Home Remedies To Say Bye Bye Pimples

Pimples are one of the most common skin conditions that you will see in many people especially in teenagers. The bacteria infect the skin and this makes the skin to swell up by forming a puss inside. The main reason for the occurrence of pimples is teenagers are due to the excess secretion of sebum by the oil glands during their puberty stage when they undergo a lot of hormonal changes. It normally is seen on the face, neck, back and shoulders. Pimples are not a critical problem at all but it makes you look very miserable and poor in appearance.

Causes Of Pimples 

Too much consumption of oil and junk foods also causes pimples to easily appear in teenagers.- Hereditary and dirt factors also cause pimples in men and women. - Over use of cosmetic products on the face and inadequate cleansing of these products also causes pimples to appear on the face and neck. - Accumulation of dead skin cells and overgrowth of bacterial tissues in the body causes pimples.

Some home remedies to remove pimples

Turmeric Powder Paste

Turmeric has antiseptic properties that will fight the bacteria that cause pimples and reduce the production of pimples on the skin.
• Take a tablespoon of turmeric powder and mix it with a few drops of water to make it a thick paste.
• Apply this paste on the affected areas of your face and neck and leave it there for a few minutes.
Wash it off with cold water. Repeat this process for five to six days to effectively reduce pimples.

Fresh Mint Leaves Juice

Mint leaves are cooling and antiseptic properties and can work wonders on pimples. 
• Take a fresh mint leaves and grind it to a rough paste form.
• Now squeeze the mint juice out of this paste.
• Apply this mint juice generously all over your face and neck and leave it to rest on the face overnight.
• Wash it off the next day with water and mild soap.
• Repeat this process for four to five days to reduce pimples on face and neck. 

Take Steam

Steam is a wonderful treatment for pimples as it will help to open up the pores of the skin and allow the skin to breathe freely. So, the bacteria, dirt and oil trapped in the skin will be easily removed from the skin.
• If you have a steam tub at home, then you need to fill the tub with hot water and mix some drop of rose water allow the steam to come in contact with your face and neck.
• Allow the steam to hit your face for a few minutes.
• Rinse your face now with lukewarm water.
• Repeat this process two times a day for four to five days to reduce pimples and to make skin glow. 

Garlic Juice

Garlic is a natural remedy to treat pimples as it has antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties. The sulfur in the garlic will help to heal pimples quickly.
• Cut a big clove of garlic into two pieces.
• Now apply the cut end of the garlic on the pimples and leave the juice on the pimples for five minutes.
• Wash this off in lukewarm water and repeat this treatment several times a day to quickly see effective results.
• You can also eat one or two cloves of raw garlic a day to purify your blood and this will help reduce pimples. 

Cucumber Juice

• Cut cucumber into slices and soak it in drinking water for an hour. All the nutrients and vitamins in the cucumber will get transferred into the water.
• Strain the cucumber water and drink it. Repeat this process two times a day for five days to see visible results. 
You can also eat cucumber it very good to our skin.
You can also make a cucumber face pack.
• Grind one cucumber into a smooth paste in a blender.

• Add a few drops of honey and lemon juice to cucumber paste and mix it well.
• Apply this mixture on the face as a mask and leave it there for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. Repeat everyday to see effective results.

Calamine Lotion:

Cleansing must be done every day without fail before going to sleep or else your skin will not be able to breathe.
  • Clean up your entire face or just the affected area with the help of an astringent.
  • You need to apply calamine lotion over the affected part.
  • After having a sound and peaceful sleep, wash your face in the morning.
  • You will surely be happy and excited to see that your pimple has reduced from what it was the day before.
Calamine lotion improves skin health and gives you quick relief from pimples.


  • To see its magical effect, you need to apply some honey over your pimples.
  • Allow it to dry on its own for nearly an hour.
  • Then rinse it off with normal water.
  • Say goodbye to zits with the magical effect of honey.
Honey being a natural anti-biotic, it kills the bacteria that cause pimples. It also has hydrating properties and keeps the skin healthy.

Ice cube

Instant relief from pimples can be received from ice.
  • First, take an ice cube and wrap it up in a soft and clean piece of cloth.
  • Now, apply it all over your pimple and leave for few minutes.
  • You can also take an aluminum foil and fold ice cubes in it. Make sure that the ice doesn’t fall out from the foil.
  • Now put the foil packed ice cubes in a Ziploc bag.
  • Check whether any air is trapped inside the zip lock pouch. Apply it directly on the pimples for faster relief and a soothing effect.
Ice packs provide a fast and soothing relief from pimples. 


Toothpaste is another effective pimple removal treatment. Apply a small amount of toothpaste over the pimple and leave it overnight. Next morning you’ll see the difference yourself. Get ready to step out of your home without a trace of worry. Use white toothpaste, not a gel based one.

The anti-bacterial properties of toothpaste play a vital role in eliminating the bacteria that cause pimples.

Basil Leaves:

Liquid extracted from basil leaves is another effective weapon for fighting pimples.
  • Take few basil leaves and dip them in warm water for around 20 minutes.
  • Before going to bed, cleanse your face and apply the extracted liquid with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Let it stay on the affected area for the entire night so that it can dry automatically.
  • Rinse it off in the morning and see the difference in your skin.
The pimples have diminished and the skin is clearer. this is considered to be the best way to remove pimples overnight.
Basil leaf extract is an excellent home remedy for pimples, and the results are visible in just a day. 

Papaya paste

Papaya helps to remove dead skin cells and extra layer of oil from the skin. It has an enzyme called Papain which reduces inflammation and prevents pus from forming.
  • Rinse your face with water and pat dry.
  • Then mash a papaya to a consistency so that it can be easily applied to the skin.
  • Apply and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off.
  • If your skin gets dry after washing just apply a moisturizer to hydrate it.
Papaya treats pimples by reducing inflammation and prevents the formation of puss.

Banana Peel:

Like bananas are good for skin, the peels are also effective in treating acne. The peel has lutein, which is a very powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and allows healthy cell growth.
  • Peel the banana; now rub the peel on your face in a circular motion to get relief from the redness and discomfort caused by acne.
  • When you have covered your face entirely with the peel, keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it off.

Lutein, a powerful antioxidant in bananas promotes the growth of healthy cells, reduces inflammation, and ultimately cures pimples.

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