Wednesday, March 25

Coronavirus- What Is Self Isolation And What To Do During This Period?

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How To Self Isolate During Coronavirus spread?

To stop or prevent the spreading of Covid-19, many countries putting their people in self isolation by advising or imposing social distancing. 

The main goal of self isolation is to put as much distance between you and other people as possible. Following steps you can take while self isolate,

1. You and Your family should be in your household. It is also important that you do not have any visitors during this time. Avoid getting in hotel. 

2. At home, you do not need to wear surgical nose mask if you are well.

3. If you have an medical emergency or other then you must wear a mask for you and others protection.

4. Where possible, ask friends, family or neighbors who are not in isolation to pick up food and necessities for you, and leave them at your front door.

5. To minimize the spread of germs you should regularly clean frequently touched surfaces (like door knobs) and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

What You Can Do During Self Isolation?

1. During self isolation, you can get bored easily so it is important that you look after your mental health during this time, including maintaining a normal routine as much as possible.

2. It is good to exercise during self isolation or self quarantine. Exercise each day is advisable, and can be done in the privacy of your room using YouTube exercise tutorials or by walking around your home or garden.

3. You can stay connected with your family and friends using telephone or social media. This is the best way to stay connected and avoid loneliness.

4. You can do some online courses as per your field of interest. 

5. If you are a reader then you can read books during self isolation. 

6. Avoid Rumors.  

Tuesday, March 24

11 Regular Health Checks For Women You Never Know

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Good health is important for everybody and you should take care of your health more seriously. If you are a woman than you should take care of your health as an important part of yourself. 

In general, women suffers problems like anemia, osteoporosis, breast cancer etc hence their early detection becomes critical for good health. Regular health checkups helps to determine your health status. So it is important that you should contact your doctors at regular time intervals so that any kind of disease can be detected at their early stages.

Here are some health checks for women which should be done regularly.

Blood Pressure Check

High blood pressure raises the risk of heart attack, heart stroke. All women specially adult must know their blood pressure range through routine checkups. Overweight, obesity are now very common among people so go to doctor and check your blood pressure at regular intervals.

Blood Glucose Tests

Your blood glucose level is also important. Overweight and obese women are at higher risk of diabetes. It makes you really sick so it is highly advisable to go your medical practitioner periodically and check your blood glucose level.

Body Mass Index

BMI means body mass index and it is a measure of obesity in you. Obesity and overweight can increases your risk of hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases. So check your BMI number regularly.

Bone Density Screening

Osteoporosis can be harmful to you and women at age 65 should start getting checkup for osteoporosis.

Breast Cancer Check

Breast cancer is very harmful for women and causes deaths in women. Its best prevention is the early detection of breast cancer. Common symptoms include lumps, asymmetry, and skin or nipple retraction, changes or bloody discharge. If you feel any symptoms on your body please go to your doctor. Remember early detection is the key for the treatment of breast cancer.

Colon Cancer Check And Detection

It is most common cancer among women after breast cancer. Every women must aware of the symptoms like change on bowl habit, blood in the stool or sudden weight loss. Screening generally begins at the age of 50 years and can be done through stool-based tests (to test for blood in the stool) or endoscopy (to examine the intestines using a lighted tube and camera). If you have a family history of the disease, or other concerns, talk to your doctor about starting screening earlier.

Dental Check Up

Bad dental health or infections on gum negatively impacts your overall health. So look after your teeth. Brush regularly and twice a day at least. Avid smoking, sugary foods and alcohol for your dental health. Go to your dentist regularly so that tooth decays or other problems can be identified at early stage.

lipid Profile Check

This is a tool and method used to assess your risk of developing heart disease or stroke.
At higher age you need to blood test more often to know your heart risk.Obesity and overweight are also reason for heart diseases.

Check Up For Cervical Cancer

WHO says that during a Pap smear, your doctor uses a speculum to widen the vaginal canal, takes cells from the cervix with a small brush, and examines those cells under a microscope for changes that may lead to cervical cancer. Screening should start at 30 years of age, if the test is negative you can have the test every three to five years. Alternatively, an HPV test can be used to detect Humanpapillomavirus, one of the most common sexually transmitted infections that can lead to pre-cancer and cancer when persistent. The sample will be also taken from the cervix or from the vagina if you use self-sampling. Screening should also start at 30 years of age (earlier for women with HIV) and you can re-do the test after a minimum of five years if the test is negative.

Check Your Skin 

You can do it by yourself. Women can monitor their skin, carefully inspecting the skin all over your body, looking for any new moles or changes to existing moles which can be early signs of skin cancer. Sunburn on your skin can cause melanoma and other skin cancers so protecting against sun burn is important for all ages. Go to your doctor if you see any abnormality.

Visual And Hearing Impairment

When you get older your visual and hearing abilities decreases. If you have any problems in your eyes or ear, go to your ENT specialist as soon as possible.

Thursday, March 19

Corona Virus- How To Deal With Stress In The Disease Outbreak

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Corona virus disease outbreak in the world is a reality. Almost every country is fighting to contain and prevent it. WHO (world Health organization) is continuously working to spread the knowledge about corona virus and monitoring the disease control. 

During this time many countries putting their people in self isolation zone so that it can be prevented from spreading. People may get stressed while in self isolation. 
Therefore WHO recommends some steps to cope with stress during this deadly corona virus outbreak. Below are the info graphics from WHO, please read these and apply them in your daily routine.

stress management during corona outbreak |

Children may also get stressed during this time because of fear and self isolation. Please do read and understand below info graphics recommended by WHO.

stress management in children during corona outbreak |

Saturday, March 14

Best Tips To Get Relax And Avoid Stress On Your Work

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It is difficult to get relax on your hectic job. Different job related tasks have different stress causing reasons. You may face the stress daily which affects your professional and personal life as well. Due to stress, your efficiency can decreases and it can challenge your job position.

So, is it possible to avoid stress and anxiety while on work? Yes it is, though stress may or may not be completely eliminated. Here are some tips by which you can get relief from stress.

1. Finish Your Work.

Do not pile up your works and complete your every task within time. By completing your task, your mind can relax and you can focus on the next task. This makes you efficient and put less stress on your mind.

2. Exercise Daily To Remove Anxiety.

Regular exercising keeps you motivated and relaxes you from stress and anxiety. Your daily workout regime not only keep you fit but also makes you confident in your day to day life. When you exercise, oxygen flows in your body and you feel more energetic.

3. Eat Well For Your Stomach.

Stress is a part of work but your eating habits are also equally important. If you feel stress or anxiety in your office while working, it can stimulate acid influx in your body. Your bad eating habits can create problems in your stomach. Your breakfast should include non-acidic or low acidic food like soy, fresh vegetables, potatoes, beans, lentils etc.

4. Take 5 Min Break.

Take 5 min break whenever you feel physically or mentally stressed while in office. Constant eyes on computer or physical work can stress you mentally. This makes you angry sometimes unnecessarily and impacted your work. 5 Min break after 1 or 2 hours of working can relax your body and mind. You can feel more focused after taking short breaks.

5. Stretch Your Body.

Stretching is a good exercise and can be done whenever you need. Stretching relaxes your tired muscles and joints. Stretching increases the flow of oxygen in your muscles. When you sit longer on a chair while working, you can feel stress on your back, neck and leg muscles. Frequent stretching can help you to get relax.

6. Think Before You Speak.

Improper or unnecessary talks can make you feel stressed. Sometimes people near you are not agree with your thoughts or your bad communication can make you feel ashamed in front of your seniors. So it is advisable to think before you speak. By doing this practice you can control your involvement in the different tasks which makes you less prone of getting unnecessary stress.

7. Distribute Your Work With Subordinates.

When you have a lot of work to be completed in the same time limit, it is best to distribute your work or part of your work to your subordinates. By doing this your works can be completed within time and you will be happy.

8. Prioritize Your Work. 

This is the best way to get less stress while working. Your all tasks may not be equally important at the same time. So arrange them in a list with the most to low priority task arrangement. Do the most important task first and less important task at the end. By doing this you can stay away from the unnecessary stress causing work.

Bottom Line

There are different types of industries and nature of work is different from each other. But the pressure and stress on people are almost the same. Your hectic work schedule can take a toll on your body. But you can do something about it. Regular exercise, eating good food, prioritize your tasks can help you to get less stress and anxiety while doing work.

Thursday, March 12

Workout In A Hotel Room You Can Do While You Travel

workout in a hotel room |

Are you a frequent traveller? If yes then it becomes hard for you to maintain a good fit body. While travelling you need to take care of your food, your luggage and other things. When you are away from home, you are actually away from so many routine things like eating on time, morning walk, workout and a good sleep. You may or may not eating well or drink more than you should. All these disturbances in your daily routine can take a toll on you and your fitness.

When you are away from home, your hotel room is the only place where you can relax and sleep properly. Also, your hotel room is the right place to maintain your fitness and helps you stay active. Here we have put together a workout plan which you can use in your hotel room.


Mountain climber exercise is great for building cardio health, core strength, and agility. To do mountain climbing exercise, find a suitable place inside your room.

  • Get into the Plank exercise position, your hands must be straight.
  • Maintain your hands distance equal to your shoulder distance. Your back should be straight.
  • Pull your right knee towards your right shoulder and chest as far as you can. Then pull it back in original position.
  • Repeat it with other leg and do as fast as you can. Adjust your repetition as per your fitness level.


You hotel room wall can help you to do a good exercise. Wall squats strengthen your upper legs. To do wall squats, stand against the wall and lower yourself into a sitting position. While in sitting position hold this while maintain a 90 degree angle with your legs. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.


To do triceps dip, end of the bed or a chair can help. You can do this without bed or chair.

Start seated with knees bent and feet on the floor. Place hands behind you, directly under the shoulders, with finger facing your hips. Lift hips to a hover.

Bend elbow straight back and use your triceps to press back up. Repeat 10-12 times and do three sets.


Use a sturdy chair or end of the bed in your room. Put your hands on the chair or bed end and do push ups. Do 10-12 reps and three sets. It is great exercise for your chest muscles.


Yes you read it right. Your luggage can be used as a weight to lift up to perform an exercise. Stand straight and pick your bag. Lift it up with your hands up to your chest. Then lower it down. Repeat it 10-12 times.


Plank is a great exercise you can do anywhere. Your hotel room is a good place to do planks. Lay down on the floor like a push up position but bends your hand from elbow. Face downward and hips straight. Maintain a firm posture and activates your core. Hold this as much as you can. Rest and repeat it two to three times.

You can do plank’s other variation also like side plank.


Burpees are great for fat burn. Start in a standing position and jump down to a plank position on the floor. Then lower yourself in a push up position. Then stand up and jump into the air at your position. Do this 7 to 8 reps and take rest between 2 to 3 rounds.


Staying active is important while you stay away from home frequently. This small workout routine can helps you to stay fit and energetic throughout your trip or vacation. Ensure to eat well with fruits and salads and drink water regularly while you are travelling.

Tuesday, March 10

How To Control Your Cholesterol And Live A Happy Life

You may have heard that your parents or any of your relative have high cholesterol problem. When you try to figure out what is cholesterol, then there are two words related with cholesterol you should know. First one is Hyperlipidemia and second one is hypercholesterolemia.

Hyperlipidemia means that there are lipids or fats in your blood which are increasing in numbers. These lipids or fats also called triglycerides. On the other hand, Hypercholesterolemia means that your blood have too much bad cholesterol. This increases the risk of your arteries blockage due to fatty deposits in your artery.

Cholesterol generally is of two types Good and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is HDL and bad cholesterol is LDL. If the level of good cholesterol is less than bad cholesterol then you have the risks of artery blockage or atherosclerotic plaque.

Your overall health and risks like smoking and high blood pressure is helpful if you are being diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia. Your doctor can combine these factors with your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels which ultimately affects your cardiovascular health.

So, can you control your cholesterol levels to enjoy your life happily? The good news is yes you can. Your high cholesterol levels can be lowered which can reduce your risk of any heart disease like stroke. But you need to check your cholesterol level first through your doctor. Earlier you know is way better then late.

There are some methods or we can say behavioural changes in your life to improve your cholesterol levels. Your lifestyle greatly affects your health. 

Have Good Eating Habits

How to lower your cholesterol levels? It is greatly depends on what you eat and how much you know about your food. Your food must contains low saturated and trans fat. The American Heart Association prescribes constraining saturated fat to 5 to 6 percent of day by day calories and limiting the measure of trans fat you eat.

Saturated fats and trans fats are high in red meat and whole milk dairy products. Replace these foods with skim milk, low fat or fat free dairy products. Eat less fried food items.

Dietary fiber rich food are also help to reduce your cholesterol level in a great extent. Intake of foods like fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish and nuts which are high in dietary fiber helps to maintain in your overall good health. A healthy diet makes you stay away from sugary foods and sugary beverages.

DASH diet plan is a good example of a good eating habits. DASH means Dietary approaches to stop hypertension. It is widely accepted and promoted by American heart Association, US department of agriculture and other institutions. Dash diets promotes your good heart health while providing you full nutrition. It combines all the essential nutrition from different foods based on your culture and preferences.

To understand your food, you should learn to read food labels. When you shop, read food labels which contain information about the food you are buying. Pay attention to the cholesterol levels mention on the labels. By doing this you can significantly control your cholesterol level.

Physical Activity Is Good For Your Health

An inactive lifestyle is harmful for your cholesterol levels. By staying physical inactive, you are decreasing your good cholesterol levels which is not good for your arteries. Studies shows that the person with sitting job or inactive lifestyle are more prone to get high cholesterol disease then others.

Experts suggests that exercising 150 minutes a week is very important for your health. Your exercises may include aerobics or yoga. You can do walking, bicycling, swimming and even dancing to get physical active. 

Smoking Is Dangerous

It is evident that smoking lowers your good cholesterol, HDL. Smoking is not good for your overall health and it makes worse if you already have high cholesterol problem. This increases the risk of coronary heart diseases as well as other cardiovascular problems. Smoking can multiply the risk of getting other diseases like high blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes.

Quitting smoking helps lower your cholesterol levels. Also non-smokers should stay away from exposure to second hand smoke.

Alcohol Is Not Good

If you are taking too much alcohol then you are inviting high cholesterol problem. Drinking alcohol can increase triglycerides in your blood and blocks your artery. So avoiding alcohol is good but in case you are not able to avoid it completely, limit it to less than two drinks per day. 

Losing Some Weight Helps

Obesity is also responsible to increase your cholesterol levels. Obesity and overweight means you have more fat in your body and tends to gain high cholesterol levels. Losing some weight can work for you and improves your cholesterol levels.

Bottom Line

Type of food you eat have great effect on your health. Your food is a part of your lifestyle. High cholesterol may be genetics but good eating habits can control it. Change in your lifestyle is important to tackle high cholesterol disease. Actually your bad lifestyle habits gets you the disease. So by improving your lifestyle with eating habits can get you a happy life with lower cholesterol.

Friday, March 6

Do You Have An Eating Disorder? Check Before It's Too Late

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Eating disorders in humans is a serious condition which is associated with people's eating habits, thoughts and emotions. People can get eating disorder problem if they are highly obsessed with their food, shapes and body weight.

There are some common types of eating disorders which are "anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder".

Anorexia Nervosa

In this condition, people may see themselves overweight even when they are underweight, sometimes dangerously underweight. This condition makes them emotionally and mentally weak and they become highly obsessed with their weight.

People with Anorexia Nervosa tends to reduce their weight by restricted eating, excessive exercising and they weigh themselves repeatedly without understanding. Their preoccupied mind develop a tendency for starvation for weight loss and sometime towards suicide. This is the reason behind the highest mortality rates in Anorexia Nervosa of any mental disorder.

If your relative or known person has shown the below symptoms, you should help them and get them to the doctor.

  • People tends to restrict their eating so that they can lose weight,
  • Due to losing weight they may become very thin, 
  • They develop a highly obsessed behaviour towards weight loss and don't want to maintain a normal weight. 
  • They preoccupied their thoughts with weight lose hence they develop fear of weight gain.
  • People may have a very low self esteem due to their perceptions of weight and shape.

Bulimia Nervosa

With this condition, people tends to eat more and repeatedly which results in weight gain. They are not able to control their hunger or tendency and eating frequently. Due to frequent eating they eat large amount of food. Now this eating behaviour makes them forced vomit or excessive exercise. People with Bulimia Nervosa may have over weight to slightly under weight.

You can identify Bulimia Nervosa condition in you or in your relative or friend from the symptoms mentioned below-

  • If person feels his or her throat is sore or inflamed,
  • Inside your mouth, if salivary gland is swollen, 
  • If your teeth and gums are becoming more sensitive,
  • Frequent acidity which can leads to Acid reflux disorder, 
  • If your stomach is upset frequently, 
  • If you have severe dehydration from purging of fluids,
  • If you have too low or too high levels of sodium, calcium, potassium, and other minerals which can lead to stroke or heart attack,

Binge Eating Disorder

People with Binge eating disorder, eat regularly and they have no control over their eating, you can say. Due to binge eating, people becomes obese and overweight. They also don't do exercises or fasting unlike Bulimia Nervosa disorder. As per a study, binge eating disorder is the most common disorder in USA.
Following are the symptoms of binge eating disorder:-

  • If you are eating a large amount of food in a short time, say 2 hrs, 
  • If you are eating without hunger,
  • Slow eating is good but if you are eating fast during binge eating,
  • Continue eating without hunger,
  • Eating alone to avoid embarrassment,
  • Feeling distressed, ashamed, or guilty about your eating,
  • Tend to dieting but no weight lose result,

How To Treat Eating Disorders

It is always beneficial to identify the symptoms of any disease early. It helps doctors and patients to find the correct treatment in early stage. Eating disorders makes you obese, mentally ill and even suicidal. People with eating disorders are more prone to other diseases like anxiety and depression.

Treatment for eating disorders may vary person to person. Its treatment may include:-
  • Psychotherapies and
  • Medications, 

In psychotherapies, the responsibility of feeding adolescents is given to their parents so that they can control the food and hunger of their child. It can helps the patients to recover fast and improves their mental ability for self control. They can also helps to provide proper nutrition. 

Experts also applies cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is another type of psychotherapy. In CBT, the person makes learn to identify unhelpful thinking patterns to correct the inaccurate beliefs.

It is found that medications like antidepressants, anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers are also helpful to treat eating disorders. 

Bottom Line:

Eating disorders can affects every person and it does not belong to any specific race or ethnicity. It also affects both male and females. Eating disorders may be genetic and transfers from one generations to the next. The best way to treat it, is to identify the symptoms in early stage. Young adults are more prone to affects by eating disorders so people specially parents need to be alert and monitor their child's eating habits.

READ MORE: What is Obesity? How to deal with it?

Thursday, March 5

Risks Of Getting Tattoos On Your Body You Never Know Before

Risks of getting Tatoo |

Tattoos on the body can be dangerous as per the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration). Although tattoos are quite popular among people. According to a survey, 3 out of 10 people have at least 1 tattoo on their body. 

But their are many reports of infections developing on human body due to contaminated tattoo inks. Actually, ink itself has adverse effect or reactions. 

Besides increasing popularity, there are health risks associated while getting tattoos and you should remain cautious if you are thinking of getting a tattoo.


What are tattoos? A tattoo is a design in the form of a permanent body modification that is created when an electrically driven needle inserts ink into the dermis (the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis which forms the true skin). Tattoos are popular in the world and tattooing is commonly practiced by people of nearly every race and country in the world. 


There are various risks associated with inking your body due to contaminated ink and tools. 

1. If the equipment used for designing tattoo is not sterilized properly it can result an infections on your body. This unhygienic practice results a serious infection.

2. Ink, itself, can cause you infections. Either ink or mold can be contaminated while preparing. Research reports suggest that some ink contains pigment which are used in printer toner or in car paint but FDA has clarified that no pigments has approved for putting injected into the skin for cosmetic purpose.

3. non-sterile water used for making ink or dilute the ink is also an reason to get infected while getting tattoo.


As per studies, around 21% of Americans have at least 1 tattoo on their body. So it becomes important for every people in the world know and understand the health risks of tattooing and how they can protect themselves by applying common practices.
  • Don’t use inks or other products that are not intended for tattooing.
  • Don’t dilute ink before tattooing; if dilution is needed, use only sterile water.
  • Don’t use non-sterile water to rinse equipment (for example, needles) during tattooing.
  • Use aseptic technique during tattooing (e.g., maintain hand hygiene, use clean disposable gloves properly).
  • Use tattoo parlors approved/registered by their local jurisdictions.
  • Request inks that are manufactured specifically for tattoos.
  • Ensure that tattoo artists follow appropriate hygienic practices.
  • Be aware of the potential for infection after tattooing and promptly seek medical care if skin problems occur.


Getting a tattoo is becoming popular in the world. You have seen the beautiful designs by famous designers on the body of people or celebrities over the internet. But it can harm your skin in the form of infections. Studies are ongoing in FDA and other groups on the side effects of tattooing but it is wise to be safe. So understand the pros and cons of getting a tattoo then take a decision.

READ MOREBest and Beautiful Tattoo Designs For Girls

1., 2.

Tuesday, March 3

Why Periods Are Irregular Or Late In Women And How To Deal With It?

irregular period problems |

Many women faces irregular periods problem in their life. It greatly affects their daily life and routine. The Period or menstrual cycle in a woman's body is a hormonal process to prepare for a possible pregnancy. If menstrual periods are regular between puberty and menopause then it is a sign that your body is working normally. 

But if periods are irregular or heavy and painful then it is a sign that woman's body is not working normally. Due to irregular periods problem, many women also get premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms (like bloating, headaches and moodiness). If you are having this problem, you must talk to your doctor or nurse for the treatments as per your condition.

Regular periods or menstruation cycles are a sign that your body is working normally. You should have regular periods unless you are pregnant, breastfeeding, postmenopausal, or have a medical condition that causes your periods to stop. Your irregular, painful, or heavy periods may be signs of a serious health problems. Irregular periods also can make it harder to get pregnant. 

Most women’s menstrual cycles range between 21 to 35 days, or up to 45 days for teens. Bleeding usually lasts between three to seven days. It is important for women to get to know their own pattern because every woman's body is different.


Menstrual irregularities can have a variety of causes, including pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, infections, diseases, trauma, and certain medications.

1. Perimenopause (generally in the late 40s and early 50s)

2. Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) -

It is a reproductive health problems that occurs when a woman's ovaries stop working normally before she is 40. POI is not the same as early menopause. Some women with POI still get a period now and then. But ovulation problems can make getting pregnant hard for women with POI.

3. Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa or bulimia),

4. Excessive exercise,

5. Thyroid dysfunction (too much or too little thyroid hormone),

6. Elevated levels of the hormone prolactin, which is made by the pituitary gland to help the body produce milk,

7. Uncontrolled diabetes,

8. Cushing's syndrome (elevated levels of the hormone cortisol, used in the body's response to stress),

9. Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (problem with the adrenal gland),

10. Hormonal birth control (birth control pills, injections, or implants),

11. Hormone-containing intrauterine devices (IUDs),

12. Scarring within the uterine cavity (Asherman's syndrome),

13. Medications, such as those to treat epilepsy or mental health problems,

14. Obesity,


There are some common treatments available to treat irregular period problem. These treatments can be different and based on type of irregularity and lifestyle factors.

Treatment for menstrual irregularities that are due to an ovulatory bleeding (absent periods, infrequent periods, and irregular periods) include:

1. Oral contraceptives
2. Cyclic progestin
3. Treatments for an underlying disorder that is causing the menstrual problem, such as counseling and nutritional therapy for an eating disorder

Treatment for menstrual irregularities that are due to ovulatory bleeding (heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding) include:

1. Insertion of a hormone-releasing intrauterine device
2. Use of various medications (such as those containing progestin or tranexamic acid) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications

If the cause is structural or if medical management is ineffective, then the following may be considered:

1. Surgical removal of polyps or uterine fibroids
2. Uterine artery embolization, a procedure to block blood flow to the uterus
3. Endometrial ablation, a procedure to cauterize (remove or close off by burning) blood vessels in the endometrial lining of the uterus
4. Hysterectomy

Treatment for dysmenorrhea (painful periods) include:

1. Applying a heating pad to the abdomen
2. Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
3. Taking contraceptives, including injectable hormone therapy or birth control pills, using varied or less common treatment regimens


Various studies have been conducted to understand and treatment for irregular periods. Result form a study showed that smoking status, pack-year, obesity, and perceived level of stress were significantly associated with irregular menstruation among premenopausal women. Hormonal changes greatly affect woman's body during period time. You must visit to your doctor or nurse if you have irregular period problem. At your end, you should eat good food rich in iron, calcium and vitamins. Avoid food which causes bloating. Sleep and take rest. 
