Sunday, February 21

How To Avoid Hair Damage?

We all loves our hair and we need to do extra care to avoid the damage of our hair. Hair damage has multiple potential causes, including diet, mineral deficiency, medications, severe stress or illness, pollution, and your genetics.

Up to one-third of the population suffer from hair loss, damage and of that third, thousands are women. There are no guarantees that you can prevent hair loss that is genetically programmed or hair loss caused by factors, not within your control. However, you can do the best by your hair to give it the greatest chance of staying in top condition and not leaving your head sooner than it needs to.

Avoid too Much Use Of Hair Dryers.

Heat weakens hair proteins. Constant heating and drying can lead to brittleness and fragility that can cause hair loss that would not have occurred otherwise. Natural drying is best for you hair, so aim to dry it naturally more often than drying it with heat.

If you do use heated tools, be careful, because continually burnt scalps can permanently damage hair follicles.

Avoid The Use Of Perms.

Perming refers to either chemical straightening or chemical curling, both of which can damage your hair. It works specifically by breaking the inner bonds of your hair and then reforming them in a different way to straighten or curl your hair. This weakens your hair, making it dull, dry and brittle.

Less Use Of Dyes And Chemicals.

Frequent use of hair colouring chemicals increases the chances of serious damage being done to your hair. Never colour your hair more often than every four to six weeks. When it comes to going grey, it's a lot kinder to your hair to let it turn grey than to dye it.

Do Not Bleach Your Hair.

Bleach is very hard chemical. Bleaching your hair removes your natural pigment when the cuticles are penetrated by chemicals. By doing this, you are changing the structure of your hair and making it more susceptible to damage. You are making it weaker, so bleaching coupled with blow drying and styling can really damage your hair.

Don’t Pull And Tie Your Hair Too Tight.

Some hairstyles that require tight pulling and elastics or clips can be a cause of hair loss if done on a daily basis.

For example, tight ponytails, tight braids, cornrows, and plaits can lead to significant hair loss when done daily. Winding hair tightly onto rollers, especially heated rollers, is also liable to cause more hair loss.

Do Hair Spa.

Hair spa is a hair treatment method to avoid hair damage. Hair Spa nourishes hairs and strengthens hair strands. You can do Hair spa at home.

Choose A Suitable Shampoo For Your Hair Type.

Getting a good shampoo will really help you to have a healthy head of hair, so take some time to find that matches your hair type. Consider if you have fine, dry, greasy or normal hair and try a few different ones to find what works. If you have dandruff or colour your hair, get a shampoo that is specifically meant for this.

Protein-enhanced shampoos and conditioners that boost volume make hair smoother and thicker temporarily.

Use A Good Quality Hairbrush.

Hair can have a big impact on the condition of your hair. Go for a soft brush made from natural fibres, and don’t brush from the top down, but from the underside out. Be as gentle as you can and don’t pull too hard.

It’s best to avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet, use a comb instead.

Do Scalp Massage.

A scalp massage with a nourishing oil (such as coconut, rosemary, lavender, or almond oil) will increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin on your head and your hair follicles.

Rubbing and kneading your scalp warms the skin and boosts circulation so the cells in the follicles get plenty of nutrients which in turn maximise hair growth potential.

A scalp massage can also relax you which will help your overall body function.

Take A Healthy Balanced Diet.

Nutritional responses to preventing hair loss are simple common sense approaches to keeping you, your hair, and your scalp healthy. A healthy body is more likely to have healthy hair than an unhealthy one. It is possible that hair loss can be slowed by a healthy diet filled with vegetables and fruits.

There are some vitamins and minerals (listed in the following steps) that can be especially helpful in promoting healthy hair and thus preventing hair loss.

1. Consume plenty of iron.
2. Eat enough protein.
3. Consume Vitamin C.
4. Ensure you get enough Omega-3 fatty acids.

Know when to visit the doctor.

It's important to know when your hair loss could be a symptom of a more serious medical complaint, in which case you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Contact a doctor if you are losing hair in an unusual pattern, or rapidly at an early age, such as in your teen or twenties.

Other symptoms to look out for are:

1. Pain and itching with hair loss, or a red, scaly scalp.
2. You have bald spots on your beard or eyebrows.
3. If you are a woman and you are experiencing male pattern baldness or an abnormal menstrual cycle.
4. You have been gaining weight, suffering fatigue, muscle weakness, or intolerance to cold temperatures.

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