Tuesday, February 9

Healthy Tips To Improve Your Digestive system

Your lifestyle and your choice of foods can affect the way your body digests the foods you eat. Drinking water, adding fiber, and exercising all contribute to better digestive health.

Keep Chewing: 

Chewing is often underestimated, but it is crucial for proper digestion. The more you Greek down food in your mouth, the less work hart to be done later. Your brain also need some times to revive the signal that you are full, so take your time and chew eat time 20- 30 times before swallowing.

Eat More Fiber: 

Its important that you eat enough fiber, soluble and insoluble, to keep your food moving through your intestines easy. Soluble fiber, like vegetable and whole grain, draws in water and helps to prevent stool from being too watery. Insoluble fiber help to add bulk to stool. Also because fatty food are hard to digest, pair such food with fiber.

Drink plenty of water: 

Water is most important part of our life. Adding plenty of water too your diet will help digestion by dissolving fats and soluble fiber. This allows food to pass through your intestine more easy. Drink 7- to glass of water every day.

Daily Exercise: 

Daily exercise makes your body fit and healthy. Moving your body like taking walk or moving, lift weights or doing yoga and other exercise keep food moving through your digestive system. Exercises increase blood flow to your organs and engages muscles in the GI track.

Eat Warm Food: 

The spleen work best with the warmth and dislikes the cold, and our digestive enzyme require warmth to break down food properly. Try incorporating soups, cooked vegetables or tear into your diet.

Reduce Stress: 

Stress is not good for our health. Feeling of stress or anxiety can mess with your digestive system because your brain and digestive system are connected. Stress can lead to digestive problem like IBS and ulcers. Try to life stress free and also do the stress relieving exercise and  take a completed and proper sleep.

Say No To Drinking Alcohol And Smoking: 

Smoking is very harmful to our body system. Smoking can have serious negative impact on your digestive system because IIT weakens the value at the end of the esophagus, and this leads to acid reflux and heartburn. Its also increase the risk of gastrointestinal Cancer.

Alcohol infereres with acid secretion, stomach muscle are nutrient absorption, so carefully do not drinking and smoking.

Lose your Weight: 

Heavy weight is also one of the big problems in our digestive system. For instance, the value between the stomach and esophagus will not close completely which allows stomach acid back into esophagus.

Try Probiotics: 

Probiotics complete for space with bad bacteria promote the release of natural antibodies in the digestive track and can even unhealthy attack unhealthy bacteria direction some cases.

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