Monday, September 14

Bad Effect Of Fast Food On Your Health

Fast food can also be defined as any food that contributes little or no nutrient value to the diet, but instead provides excess calories and fat. Fast food can be a good way to save time, but it is not the proper way for nutrition.

When you feel like eating something and think of food, the things come to mind first are the taste, odour or colour. Those who have to look after their weight will think of the portion size, many others think of energy, fats, sugars, vitamins or minerals. But do you know that the food we eat may cause side effects and a list of disadvantages. 

We are not talking about spoiled or poor quality food. Freshly harvested or just cooked food may also cause side effects, some are serious, some are just disturbing, and some may put you into embarrassing situation. Over time, this can lead to an increased risk for illness and disease. Fast food is harmful to health. It is a cause of various diseases.

Here we discus some most common disease and other side effects caused by fast food.

Bad Effects of Fast Food:-


overweight, which means weighing too much. Fast food is high in calories and sugar that contribute to increased-weight gain. Even small amount of fast food can increase your calorie intake considerably. Fast foods also replace healthy eating habits, People who consume fast foods are less likely to eat fruits, vegetables, milk etc. This change in eating habits can easily lead to obesity.

Heart Disease

People who eat fast-food four or more times a week, up their risk of dying from heart disease by 80 percent. Fast foods create a much higher risk of heart disease because of the high level of saturated fats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and, over time, contribute to high cholesterol levels.

Type 2 Diabetes

Fast food has become a way of life for many busy persons seeking a fast and inexpensive alternative to cooking at home. Although they may develop type 2 diabetes, this type of diabetes is often caused by poor lifestyle choices, such as being overweight and not being physically active. There is a side effect to consuming frequent amounts of fast food ‘obesity’ which can lead to the development of diabetes.

Peptic Ulcer

A peptic ulcer, also known as PUD or peptic ulcer disease, is the most common ulcer of an area of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic and thus extremely painful. For almost 100 years, doctors believed that stress, spicy foods, and alcohol caused most ulcers. Fast Foods which may causes Ulcer are Pizzas, Chips, Salted snakes etc...

So avoid fast food or junk food to stay healthy. Fast foods don't provide any nutrition to the body. 

Best Tips for Eye Make up Properly

Eyes are very important and sensitive part of our body. Eye make up can help make your eyes stand out, they can easily harm your vision.

Follow these make up tips to keep your eyes healthy.

Mascara, eye shadow, and eye-liner can certainly do the trick. But if putting on eye cosmetics is part of your daily ritual, you should know about some potential dangers to your eyes. In fact, being just as diligent about removing eye make-up at night is more important than applying them each morning.

Eye cosmetics are generally safe materials — as long as you use them properly. Over time, all kinds of gunk can grow in those pretty little cosmetic packages. Bacteria and fungi can multiply, and if you continue to decorate your eyes with this make-up, you're transferring those germs directly to your eyes.

Using Eye Cosmetics

Here’s how you can make sure your eyes are pretty and healthy — these cosmetic safety tips will minimize your eyes' exposure to bacteria:

Don't hold onto old make-up — throw it away after a few months.

Don't use mascara that's dried out — and never attempt to moisten it with your saliva or water. It’s best to replace mascara every two to four months, or sooner if it’s dried. A tip: Keep a permanent marker in your make-up kit, and mark the date you open a new tube of mascara, so you won’t use it past its shelf-life. 

Keep eye cosmetics cool — always at 85° F or below (that means don't keep them in your car or in a steamy bathroom). 

Don't mix and match cosmetics-  Use what's intended for your eyes on your eyes only — don't use the same pencil for both lips and eyes, as that can introduce bacteria. 

6 Tips for Applying Eye Cosmetics Safely

Image result for beautiful make up  eyes

It's also important to apply your eye make-up safely to help prevent injury. Getting anything that close to your eye can potentially cause damage — so when you're painstakingly drawing that perfect line, take care not to get the cosmetics in your eye.

Try these eye cosmetic safety suggestions: 

Never put your eye cosmetics on while you're driving or riding in a car. Your mascara wand can all too easily scratch your cornea — not to mention the risks of inattentive driving. You may also want to avoid applying eye make-up on buses or subways – sudden stops can also increase the risk that you'll scratch your eye. 

Skip eye cosmetics when you've got an irritated or infected eye — and if you think that a particular cosmetic is irritating your eyes, stop using it right away. 

Keep eye cosmetics outside of your eye — don't use eye liner on the inner eyelids, where make-up can get inside your eye. 

Always wash your hands before you dig into your make-up bag and start applying eye cosmetics.
Avoid eye cosmetics that are iridescent, glittery, or shiny, as they may contain ingredients that could scratch or irritate the eye. 

Make sure that all eye cosmetic applicators are clean before you use them — it's a good idea to wash or replace all brushes and sponges frequently.

 How to Remove Eye make up time of sleeping. 

Make-up can cause a lot of problems for your eyes — especially if you wear contact lenses. Eyes can become dry and irritated, and cosmetics can leave deposits on your lenses, affecting your vision and the comfort of your lenses. So it's important to carefully and gently wash off your eye make-up each night before bed to make sure that your cosmetics don't work their way into your eyes, build up, and cause damage.

Follow the instructions on the packaging of each eye cosmetic to find out the best way to remove it — some may recommend just soap and water, some a cold cream, and others make-up remover. Most importantly, be gentle when you remove your eye cosmetics, as the eyes and skin surrounding them are very sensitive. And take the same care using removal products as you do with eye make-up — always wash your hands thoroughly before you remove eye make-up. 

Friday, August 28

Easy Way To Remove Hair Split Ends Without Cuting Hair

The term split ends refers to the splitting or fraying of the hair shaft. The condition is medically called trichoptilosis and is caused by thermal, mechanical or chemical stress that wears away the protective outer layer of the hair cuticle.

Lack of proper nourishment and moisture can make the problem worse, particularly for those with long hair.

Trimming your hair is not always the preferred solution, especially when you are trying to grow your hair long, you can use some natural home remedies to reduce and control the problem.

Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera works as a great moisturizer for dry and damaged hair prone to split ends. Plus, it promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Simply massage aloe vera gel (extracted from one or two aloe vera leaves) into your hair, leave it on for 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair. For better results, you can combine it with one tablespoon lemon juice and two teaspoons castor oil, olive oil or jojoba oil. Do this two or three times a week for a few months.

You can also use natural aloe vera shampoo two or three times a week.


Papaya contains protein that helps nourish your hair and reduce split ends. It also adds body to your hair, removes buildup, and restores your hair’s natural shine and softness.

* Blend half a papaya (peeled and deseeded) with one-half cup of plain yogurt until you get a smooth mixture.
* Apply it on your hair and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
* Rinse it out and then shampoo your hair.
* Do this once a week, or at least two to three times a month, for a few months.


Due to its humectant property (attracts moisture) and nutrient content, honey is highly beneficial for dry and damaged hair prone to splitting and breakage. It works as a natural hair conditioner and moisturizer, making your hair softer and shinier.

* Mix two tablespoons of honey in four cups of warm water.
* Shampoo your hair and then use the mixture as a rinse.
* Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it off.
Repeat once a week.


Being rich in natural oils, potassium, zinc, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E, bananas help restore your hair’s natural elasticity and minimize breakage. Plus, they soften and moisturize your hair, encourage hair repair, and improve manageability.

* Process one ripe banana, two tablespoons of plain yogurt and a little rose water and lemon juice in a blender.
* Apply this banana hair mask on your hair.
* Leave it on for one hour and then wash it off.
* Repeat once or twice a week.

Eggs Mask 

Eggs are rich in protein and essential fatty acids that help treat split ends. Because your hair is primarily made up of protein, eggs help strengthen the hair follicles. Plus, they will make your hair smooth, reduce tangles, and enhance resistance to breakage.

You can use an egg hair mask once a week on a regular basis. Brush out your hair first to prevent tangles.

Whisk an egg yolk and mix in two or three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey. Work it into damp hair, leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it off. Finally, shampoo your hair.

Alternatively, whisk an egg with one teaspoon of almond oil. Apply on damp hair. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing it out and then shampoo your hair.

Hot Oil Deep Conditioning 

Deep conditioning with hot oils helps restore moisture, which in turn helps control split ends. For healthier hair, regularly deep condition it with moisturizing oils and natural hair masks.

Slightly some heat olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, or castor oil in a microwave for about 20 seconds.

* Massage it into your hair and scalp.
* Leave it on for at least 45 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
* Repeat at least once a week or more often.

You can also add a few drops of rosemary, sandalwood, or any other essential oil to your base oil after heating it.


Avocado works as an excellent deep conditioner to create lustrous locks. It is loaded with protein, essential fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins A, D and E, and other nutrients that nourish your hair and stimulate growth. Avocado also has hair-softening properties.

* Mash one ripe avocado and mix in two tablespoons each of olive oil and coconut oil until you get a creamy consistency.
* Apply this hair mask liberally on your hair (avoid the roots).
* Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
* Rinse it off and then shampoo your hair.

Do this on a weekly basis, or two to three times a month.

Tuesday, August 25

Easy Exercises for a Flat Tummy and Strong Back

Wall push up 

Stand about 3 feet away from a wall and lean forward, placing your hands shoulder-width apart against the wall. Bend your elbows and bring your chest toward the wall (your heels may come off the floor), then push away until your arms are straight again. Repeat 10 times.

Lift and twist crunch 

This is a Pilates exercise and is excellent for trimming the waist and toning the tummy.
* Lie on your back on a yoga mat. Bring the hands behind the back of the neck, lift and twist the upper body to one side and bring your elbow towards the opposite knee.
* Inhale, lower back down.
* Exhale, lift and twist towards the other side, inhale return to starting position.
* Keep this movement going and you can start to speed it up a little bit once you get comfortable with the exercise.

* Then, start to extend one leg out as you go.
* Keep pulling the lower tummy muscles up and breathe deeply.
* To advance it further, you can start to tap the heel of the extended leg on to the floor.

This will work the lower tummy muscles even more therefore giving support and strength to the lower back. Aim for doing it for 30 seconds in one go.

The plank 

Lie down on your tummy and then come on your palms and toes then lift the knees off the floor.
Draw your tummy muscles up and breathe deeply into the side and back of the rib cage. Aim to hold the pose for 30 seconds. Its a very good for burn belly fat.

Scapula squeeze 

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and keep arms up, with palms facing out (to form a W with your upper body). Then pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 3 seconds and release. Repeat 10 times.

Modified plank 

Start on your hands and knees. Place your forearms on the ground with your shoulders over your elbows, and extend your legs. Lower your knees to the ground. Hold for 10 seconds, rest and repeat 3 times.

Siting spinal twist 

* Sit on the floor and cross your legs.
* Place one hand next to your hip and the other on the knee.
* Rotate the spine and look over one shoulder into a Sitting Spinal Twist.
Inhale. Exhale back to centre.

Swap sides, rotating and looking over the shoulder.
Inhale exhale back to centre.

Thursday, August 6

Top 10 Benifits Of Mint or Pudina To Keep You Healthy

Mint or pudina is a herb that is synonymous to freshness. Use it for seasoning your salad, adding it to your cup of tea or grind it finely to cook ‘pudina ki chutney’, mint can bring that extra zing and unique flavour to almost any thing you cook, making you salivate every single time. But apart from its dressing and seasoning value for various recipes you cook, you should also know the numerous health benefits it offers.

Relieves Indigestion 

Pudina is packed with antioxidants and phytonurients that can work wonders for your stomach. The menthol present in pudina helps the enzymes necessary for digestion. They relax the smooth muscles of the stomach, reducing the chances of indigestion and spasms. They can also act on these muscles to activate them and help work more efficiently to carry out digestion.

Pudina is also known to calm stomach cramps and help beat acidity and flatulence. According to Ayurveda practitioners, it is also very beneficial for patients suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). In fact, mint extracts have been used to coat tablets meant to relieve symptoms of IBS. It helps muscles in the stomach relax and promotes overall digestion. Drink a cup of pudina tea after every meal by either boiling the leaves along with a few green tea leaves or on their own for maximum benefits.

Fight Aches And Pains 

A number of pain balms uses mint extracts as the main ingredient in their products. That is because when mint extract is used on an area that is hurting, it immediately provides a cooling effect, causing the area to partially become numb. This helps in lessening the pain. Another method is to inhale the fumes of mint extract. This soothes the nerves and gives a calming feeling to the entire body. It indirectly soothes aches and pains as well as nausea associated with a headache.

Gives you Glowing skin 

Mint has a unique property that soothes and calms itchy and infected skin. It has potent anti- inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which work wonders on acne prone skin, and is often used in a number of cleansers, toners and in some lip balms as well. The strong antioxidants present in mint leaves leaves the skin with a natural glow and rehydrate dull and dry skin.  Mint has a high content of salicylic acid which helps prevent pimples, blemishes and even helps get rid of blackheads. The compounds present in mint helps in faster shedding of dull and dry skin which in turn helps avoid clogging of pores resulting in pimple free skin.

Help To Fight Oral Infection 

Mint leaves are packed with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. That is why they are so great to for your oral health. It kills bacteria in the mouth preventing tooth decay, beats bad breath and keeps your tongue and teeth clean naturally. Just chew on a few leaves on mint regularly to keep dental diseases at bay. Here are  top 7 ways to fight bad breath.

Help To Relieve Cough And Cold 

Mint has a very strong smell that open up nasal passages and airways to allow relaxed breathing. It is also an expectorant and helps the expulsion of phlegm, when you’re suffering from productive cough. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help relieve inflammation along the respiratory tract. If you are suffering from cough, add a drop of mint extract to warm water and inhale its fumes through the mouth and push out the steam through your nose. This way mint extract passes through your throat and nose relieving both the areas.

Prevents Allergies And Asthma  

Mint contains rosmarinic acid that acts as a powerful antioxidant. This compound blocks allergy-producing leukotrienes and thus may be helpful for those suffering from allergic rhinitis (hay fever). In the case of asthmatic patients the same principle can be followed. Read more about asthma.

Help To Relives Menstrual Cramps And Pain 

Since mint leaves purify the blood and have an anti-spasmodic effect on the soothe muscles of our body, it is a great remedy to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. It also relieves nausea associated with the condition. Just brew a hot cup of mint tea and sip it several times through the day. It will make you feel calmer and soother your uterus too. Read about the home remedies to relieve menstrual pain.

Reduce Morning Sickness During The Pregnancy 

Due to the effects it has on one’s stomach, it is a great remedy for expected mothers. It helps relieve the nausea related to morning sickness by activating the enzymes necessary for digestion. Eating a few leaves or smelling the crushed leaves of mint every morning is a great way for mothers-to-be to overcome this difficult period. A warning though, mothers should be careful not to have this after the baby is born as it is known to affect lactation.

Boosts Impunity Power 

Mint leaves are packed with nutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, vitamin C, D, E and small amounts of vitamin B complex. All these compounds put together improves the body’s immune system, keeping it safe from infections and inflammation. Read about 5 amazing tips to boost your immunity.

Beats Stress And Depression 

In aromatherapy mint extract is used to beat stress and rejuvenate the mind. Breathing in the fumes of mint helps relax the body and calm the mind, freeing it of stress. It releases a small amount of serotonin in the brain that also helps beat depression. If you are feeling low, add a little mint leaves or mint extract to your bath water, or use mint extract on a vaporizer to get some relief. Read more about stress. You may like to read 10 anti-stress quotes to help you calm down.

Help In Fight With Cancer 

Mint has a potent phytochemical that can prevent various types of cancers. Called perillyl alcohol, the phytonutrient has shown the capability of preventing skin cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer in animal studies. Its benefits in this particular area are still under the scanner when it comes to humans. Read more about cancer.

Make Your Hand Soft And Smooth Naturally

Getting soft skin is always an aim of every individual regardless of the age. This fascination is normally viewed among the ladies. Even if you have crossed 50 years of age, you will always have a wish to stay as young as you were at 16. You may get information about variety of creams and products in the market but getting the right product without any side effects is hardly possible. Thus, the best way will be to avail the natural remedy. Every day you are recklessly getting exposed to the harsh chemicals. Especially during the winter months your skin can be quite likely to get dried up and rough. But, if you can follow a simple routine, getting soft and smooth hand naturally will be possible.

Here are a few tips to help you take correct care of hands. Follow these tips and make it a habit to treat your hands with much care at least once a week.

Hands Massage

Hands massage charges nothing at all. To stimulate blood circulation in your hands, wipe your palm of one hand to back of other hand and then repeat this method on the other hand. This movement of your hands is best to hold your hands moderately hot.

Apply a coat of  Vaseline or any moisturizing cream on your hands every night before yo hit the bed. Yo can also choose to wear a cotton gloves for better results. You will get up with unbelievably supple hands in the morning.

Other easy tips

* Apply olive oil or coconut oil on your hands.
* Apply a mixture of cucumber juice extract and glycerin on your hands.
* Mix equal amounts of lime juice  extract and olive oil and apply it on your hands.
* Take tomato juice, glycerin and lime juice  extract in same proportions and apply this paste on your hands every evening.
* Massage your hands with a mixture of orange juice  extract and honey.
* Blend 1 tsp glycerin, 1 tsp lemon juice and with required quantity of water and apply the mixture on your hands daily.
*Soak your hands in warm olive oil and massage your hand with it, once removed.
* Wear gloves while working in laundry, kitchen etc.

Get smooth soft hands

1- First of all, you need to soak your hands in warm water. This can be done wither by taking bath or filling up a small container with warm water and then dip your hands over there. You should remember and do not use too hot water which will be likely to burn your skin, rather go for warm water. It will be more effective if you can add two drops of lavender or rose essential oil to it. You need to soak your hand in the solution and keep it for 10 minutes.

2- Now take out your hand from the solution and then dry out naturally. You can also use a towel to remove water from your skin.

3- Take a lemon and slice it to two halves. Now, take a container with a teaspoon of sugar and drop lemon drops over it. Mix it well and make scrub out of it. Apply this scrub over the rough areas of our hands. After applying the scrub over your hand, you need to simply rub your fingers in a circular motion very slowly on your entire hands. This will remove dead skin from your hand naturally.

4- Now, after keeping this scrub over your hand for 10 minutes, simply wash it away with warm water and use a towel to dry it up.

5- Now, you need to take few drops of natural oil such as olive, coconut and almond and apply it over your hand where you wish to get a very soft and smooth skin type. Alternatively, you can use a cotton and dip it in oil and apply it over the skin which has become too dried and rough.

6- After applying oil, you need to use cotton hand gloves and cover your fingers as well as hand completely so that no dust or foreign matter can affect it. You must do this when you are going to sleep and will not need your hand to do anything which might make it get exposed to air and dust.

These above steps are very effective to keep your hand soft and beautiful for a long time.

Wednesday, August 5

10 Tips To Stop Hair Loss

Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. Most common interest in hair is focused on hair growth, hair types and hair care, but hair is also an important biomaterial primarily composed of protein. Attitudes towards hair, such as hairstyles and hair removal, vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, but it is often used to indicate a person's personal beliefs or social position, such as their age, gender, or religion.

Although hair loss may seem like a more prominent problem in men, women are nearly as likely to lose, or have thinning, hair. Most women notice it in their 50s or 60s, but it can happen at any age and for a variety of reasons.

Most people lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair each day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. On the days when hair is washed, people can lose up to 250 strands, Roberts said. But don’t avoid washing in an attempt to keep the hair, as it will fall out eventually, anyway.

10 Tips To Stop Hair Loss:-

These home remedies are very good for stop the loss of hairs. First you try and then see the good result.


Flaxseeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that can prevent further hair loss and encourage hair growth.

To manage hair loss, consume one tablespoon of freshly ground flaxseeds with a glass of water daily in the morning. You can also add flaxseeds to your salads, soups, smoothies, and other dishes.
You can also simply take flaxseed oil, or apply it onto your hair. When used as hair oil, flaxseed oil can help prevent hair loss as well as strengthen your hair.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk is rich in protein and essential fats that promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. When applied to the hair, coconut milk provides quick results.

You can make fresh coconut milk at home by adding a freshly grated coconut to a pan of water.
* Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Then strain it.
* Once cool, apply the milk thoroughly onto the scalp and into your hair. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
* To make the treatment more effective, you can mix black pepper and powdered fenugreek seeds to the coconut milk before using it.

To solve your problem of hair loss, try some of these natural remedies. Also, following a proper diet will keep your hair healthy. So, eat green vegetables and fresh fruits as much as possible.

Chinese Hibicus

The Chinese hibiscus flower has many natural properties that can help in treating hair loss. In addition to promoting hair growth, this flower can also be used to cure dandruff, prevent split ends, thicken hair and prevent premature graying.

* Add 10 Chinese Hibiscus flowers to two cups of coconut oil.
* Heat the solution until charred. Strain it to collect the oil.
* Apply the oil on your hair before going to bed. Wash your hair in the morning.
* Repeat this a few times a week.
* You can also make tea with this flower and use it as a rinse for your hair to encourage proper growth.


Beetroot juice contains carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins B and C. All these nutrients are essential for healthy hair growth.

Include fresh beetroot juice in your diet. In addition to that, spinach juice, alfalfa juice, lettuce juice, or carrot juice will help keep your hair healthy.

* Alternatively, grind a few beetroot leaves (boiled in water) along with henna.
* Apply the paste on your scalp.
* Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it out.
*Repeat several times a week.

Hair oil massage

The first step that you can take to reduce hair loss is to massage your scalp with appropriate hair oil. Proper hair and scalp massage will increase blood flow to the hair follicles, condition the scalp, and enhance the strength of your hair’s roots. It will also promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress.

You can use hair oils like coconut or almond oil, olive oil, castor oil, amla oil, or others. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the base oil for better and faster results. Other types of oil that you can use are emu oil, argan oil, and wheat germ oil.

Massage any of the hair oils mentioned above onto your hair and scalp by applying light pressure with your fingertips.
Do this at least once a week.

Indian Gooseberry (amla)

For natural and fast hair growth, you can use Indian gooseberry, also known as amla. Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin C, of which a deficiency in the body can cause hair loss.

The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and the exfoliating properties present in Indian gooseberry can help maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth.

* Mix one tablespoon each of Indian gooseberry or amla pulp and lemon juice.
* Massage your scalp with the mixture thoroughly. Cover your hair with a shower cap.
* Leave it on overnight and shampoo your hair in the morning.

Fenugreek (methi)

Fenugreek, also known as methi, is highly effective in treating hair loss. Fenugreek seeds contain hormone antecedents that enhance hair growth and help rebuild hair follicles. They also contain proteins and nicotinic acid that stimulate hair growth.

* Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
* In the morning, grind them to make a paste.
* Apply the paste to your hair and cover with a shower cap. After about 40 minutes, rinse your hair.
* Follow this remedy every morning for a month.

Onion juice

Onion juice helps treat hair loss due to its high sulfur content, which helps improve blood circulation to the hair follicles, regenerate hair follicles and reduce inflammation.

The antibacterial properties in onion juice also help kill germs and parasites, and treat scalp infections that can cause hair loss.

In a 2002 study published in the Journal of Dermatology, almost 74 percent of the study participants who applied onion juice on the scalp experienced significant hair regrowth.

* Extract the juice of one onion by grating it and then strain it.
* Apply the juice directly onto the scalp.
* Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and then wash it off. Finally, shampoo your hair.

Mix together three tablespoons of onion juice and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. You can also add one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture onto your scalp and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off and shampooing your hair.
Repeat either of these remedies two or three times a week for several weeks.

Aloe vera 

Aloe vera contains enzymes that directly promote healthy hair growth. Also, its alkalizing properties can help bring the scalp and hair’s pH to a more desirable level, which can greatly promote hair growth.

Regular use can also relieve scalp itching, reduce scalp redness and inflammation, add strength and luster to hair, and alleviate dandruff. Both aloe vera gel and juice will work.

* Apply aloe vera gel or juice onto the scalp.
* Leave it on for a few hours and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
* Repeat the process three to four times a week.
* You can also consume one tablespoon of aloe vera juice daily on an empty stomach to enjoy better hair growth.


Spinach is a great source of vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin A and C and protein. Iron deficiency is the main cause of hair fall and spinach is not only iron-rich, it also contains sebum which acts as a natural conditioner for hair. It also provides us with omega-3 acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. These help in maintaining a healthy scalp and lustrous hair.

Sunday, August 2

Good Food To Make Your Lungs healthy

Lungs are the major part of the respiratory system. We need to take care for that. Doctors always advice to quit smoking as a active and passive smoker. Active smoker are those who smoke and passive smoker are those who inhale smoke in presence of active smoker. So please avoid being active or passive smoker. 

Today, we discuss about Healthy Foods to keep your lungs healthy. It is important to breath in a fresh environment so that more oxygen you can inhale and do some breathing exercises like yoga or pranayam.

Good Foods For Your Lungs
Image result for food for good lungs


Here's one more reason to put apples on your list of foods to eat everyday. A British study found that even after controlling for other factors, people who reported eating two to five apples a week had a 32% lower risk of asthma than people who ate less. Any amount less than that didn't seem to make a difference one way or the other.


Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that may ward off lung damage by fighting free radicals. One study of preschool children in Japan found that those with the highest intake of vitamin C were less likely to suffer from asthma than those with lower intake.

Although vitamin C can be found in most fruits and vegetables, they are super-abundant in citrus fruits such as orange and grapefruit, kiwi fruit, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and tomatoes.


Carrots are famous for containing beta-carotene, another antioxidant. Preliminary studies suggest that beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, may reduce the incidence of exercise-induced asthma.

The pigment is also essential to keep your eyes and immune system in top shape and may even help with heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

Look for beta-carotene not only in carrots but other vibrantly colored fruits and vegetable such as apricots, green peppers and sweet potatoes.


It seems that every week there's a new headline on how caffeine might—or might not—affect your health. With regards to asthma, at least, caffeine is emerging as a good guy.

One review of seven previously published trials found that caffeinated coffee might modestly improve airway function for up to four hours after it is consumed, when compared with drinking decaf Joe.

"Caffeine is a bronchodilator that may improve airflow," says Dr. Graham. For the same reason, black tea might be beneficial as well.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids as well as magnesium. Some research suggests that omega-3s, abundant in salmon and other oily fish, have a beneficial effect on asthma, but that research is still preliminary.

Magnesium may be another helpful ingredient as it relaxes the muscles surrounding the bronchi, the airways, and so keeps them open, says Dr. Graham. Constriction of the bronchi is what triggers an asthma attack.


According to studies, garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. Certainly centuries of folklore has put garlic at the top of the list as a remedy for any number of ailments from hemorrhoids to viral infections.

But garlic does contain allicin, an exceptionally powerful antioxidant. A 2009 study revealed that as allicin decays in the body, it produces an acid that destroys free radicals.

Regular intake of these foods can help you to maintain your lungs healthy. Asthma patients can also find some help. Please share this post if you like.

5 Tips for Better Asthma Control

Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.

What is Asthma? What Causes Asthma?

Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air to and from your lungs. People who suffer from this chronic condition (long-lasting or recurrent) are said to be asthmatic.

Asthma is Incurable

Asthma is an incurable illness. However, with good treatment and management there is no reason why a person with asthma cannot live a normal and active life.

What is an Asthma Episode / Attack?

An asthma episode, or an asthma attack, is when symptoms are worse than usual. They can come on suddenly and can be mild, moderate or severe.

What happens during an asthma attack?

The muscles around your airways tighten up, narrowing the airway. Less air is able to flow through the airway. Inflammation of the airways increases, further narrowing the airway. More mucus is produced in the airways, undermining the flow of air even more.

5 Tips for Better Asthma Control

The latest research suggests that eating a balanced diet high in nutrients is a crucial step to manage asthma and keep your immune system working at its best.

While it's important to follow your asthma action plan and take your medications as directed, if you get the okay from your doctor first, you can also try adding some key foods and supplements into your diet in order to help keep your asthma in check. The five simple steps below can bring about some important benefits and may even lessen your reliance on conventional medicines:

1. Load up on fruits and vegetables:- 

It's long been recognized that the antioxidants contained in fresh fruits and vegetables are good for your health. Researchers studied a group of people following the Mediterranean diet (an eating plan that emphasizes fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and healthy fat) and found that these participants had better asthma control than their counterparts. One possible explanation is that the fresh fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the lungs. In addition, fruits and vegetables are low calorie foods that are filling, and they help you maintain a healthy weight, which can help gain better control of asthma.

2. Use fish oil supplements for lung health:- 

When you supplement asthma control efforts with fish oil, you're adding a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your health and lungs. A study published in the Chest Journal revealed that people with exercise-induced asthma who added fish oil into their menus were able to reduce airway constriction and as a result, used less of their asthma medications. This finding is important on two levels, since it means that fish oil can help manage asthma and can also be a strategy to reduce the risk of side effects from asthma medications.

3. Eat an apple to keep your asthma at bay:- 

You know that apples are good for your health, but did you also know that they can reduce your risk of experiencing an asthma attack? The benefit comes from the powerful antioxidants that are contained in the fruit's peel (especially in red apples) and provide a natural antihistamine and inflammatory effect that can help allergies and asthma. A study included in the American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine found that participants who ate apples twice a week had as much as a third lower risk of developing asthma.

4. Go heavy on milk, eggs, and fish to get more vitamin D:- 

People with more serious forms of asthma seem to be weak on vitamin D, so choosing foods high in this vitamin may provide real benefits. Another easy way to boost your vitamin D levels is by spending a few minutes soaking up the sun's rays without using sunscreen. (Just be sure to keep your unprotected sun time brief so you don't trade in one health problem for another one.)

5. Add more spice to your life:- 

The vitamin C contained in hot chili peppers can be good for your health and asthma, too, since it serves as an antioxidant and also fights inflammation. Eating spicy foods for respiratory health may also help clear mucus caused by allergies and asthma. Other sources of vitamin C include the following:-
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Guavas
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Kiwi
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
You might also take vitamin C supplements for lung health if you don't get enough from the foods you eat. Some researchers believe this can help keep the airways working well and may even help minimize wheezing, but more studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

I hope asthma patients will find some help from this article. If you like please share this article.