Tuesday, February 16

Top 13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Walking


Walking is one of the easiest and most economical ways to do so. It is no wonder then, that it is one of the most preferred forms of exercises among people of all age groups. It is imperative for any form of exercise that is chosen in order to lose weight to be performed on a regular basis. It is for this reason that doctors and nutritionists highly recommend walking as a form of exercise as it can not only be a year round activity, but can also fit effortlessly into everyday life. A few other of the walking health benefits are given below.

Top 13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Walking:-

1- Healthy Body

Walking daily can lift your mood and will make you physically strong. Just walk for half an hour a day and you can feel the difference yourself. Walking is the easiest way to have a healthy mind and body. It is a kind of aerobic fitness which is easy to do and provides many benefits.

2- Weight Control

Walking helps in keeping weight under control when followed by good and healthy diet. Scientists also say that even without changing diet habits, losing weight is possible if you’re walking for at least 45 minutes daily. Walking elevates heart rate and burns some calories which help in maintaining healthy weight. So, if you want to maintain your weight then do walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily and you’ll see the results soon.

3- Fight Diabetes

If you’re a diabetic patient and want to keep it under control, then walking can help you. Walking keeps your weight under control – which is the major cause of diabetes. Walking also involves utilization of more insulin, which improves blood sugar levels and thus it eventually helps in keeping diabetes under control and also reduces the risk of getting it. So, if you are a diabetic patient and want to control diabetics then walking can be a great and easy remedy for you. Moreover, if you’re not a diabetic patient then walking will reduce the risk of suffering from diabetes.

4- Healthy Heart

Walking is the easiest physical exercise and studies show that walking daily for 30-45 minutes can help in preventing heart diseases. Walking increases heart rate and strengthens heart which increases blood circulation through body and helps in making your heart healthy. Walking also lowers cholesterol levels which ultimately help in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. So, to maintain a healthy heart you need to start doing physical activity like walking regularly.

5- Live Long

Scientist says that walking can prevent and delay osteoarthritis which is an age related condition and thus, it can add years to your life. It is also believed that walking 30 minutes can extend our life by 1.4 years. Amazing, right? Walking also prevents diseases which eventually gives us healthy and long life.

6- Beat Breast Cancer

Walking for health atleast 45 minutes daily is also beneficial for breast cancer patients. Scientists say that people, who do exercise like walking every day, survive more than inactive people. Walking regularly also reduces woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. Walking alters the ratio of estrogen metabolites and makes it harder for breast cancer to take hold and that is why, it is really beneficial for ladies suffering from breast cancer.

7- Tones Body

Who doesn’t want a toned body? Walking regularly can help you in achieving toned legs, bum and tummy. Walking can give definitions to calves, quads and buttock muscles. You can also tone your abs with just walking, but for this, you need to take care of your walking posture too. Start walking religiously daily for at least 30 minutes from today only get toned body.

8- Provides Energy

Walking regularly provides energy to the body. This increases the blood circulation and oxygen supply. Walking is also considered an effective antidepressant which helps in dealing with depression. You can walk with your friends in group and chit-chat while walking. Isn’t it a great way to start a day? So, reduce your stress and anxiety by enjoying your walk with your friends.

9- Burns calories

Walking is good for those who are just starting to work out. An hour of walk everyday together with a healthy diet is a good tool to cut down the extra flab. The number of calories burnt is directly proportional to the speed employed and the distance covered while walking. This is one of the most important benefits of morning walks.

10- Reduces the risk of diseases

Walking increases the blood circulation within the body, which in turn keeps all heart related diseases at bay. Walking regularly also increases the bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and other bone related disorders. It is also said to significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes, colon cancer and breast cancer.

11- Energizes the body

Walking stimulates the circulation of blood in the body and simultaneously boosts all metabolic activities. A brisk walk elevates the mood, perks up the energy levels and regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels too. It almost works as an anti-depressant! Surprised about the good number of health benefits of brisk walking. What can be a better benefit to the walking exercise regime?

12- Best and easy workout

Walking is one of the easiest and most economical ways to stay physically active. This can be done almost anywhere and at any time. Although walking outdoors can be quite refreshing, it can also be done inside the house on a treadmill.

Walking also keeps the bones, muscles and joints healthy. Regular walking strengthens the muscles of the legs particularly the hamstrings and quadriceps

13- Stress buster

Walking is directly linked to a reduction in the stress levels. Its benefits can be equated to those of aerobic exercises that help to calm down the nerves. While walking, the body releases endorphin which in turn stimulates relaxation.

It is always better to work out early in the morning so that the body is sufficiently energized and the circulation of blood increases. Moreover a walk in the mornings is also favorable for the body to absorb vitamin D from the first rays of the sun. A brisk walk is what is necessary to burn more calories if the target is to lose a few extra pounds. The faster you walk, the more calories you burn.

Do not walk after a meal. Although some say that walking immediately after a meal might improve digestion, it is a false notion as walking or working out after a meal affects the flow of digestive juices thereby hindering the breakdown of food.

Fuelling the body with lots of water while walking briskly is not advisable as doing so might harm the respiratory system. Hydrate your body with fluids before you embark on a walk or 5min after completion of the workout. Drinking natural energy juices like beetroot juice before walking can revitalize the metabolic processes thereby helping the body to burn more calories.

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