Saturday, May 28

How To Avoid Sunburn Naturally

How to avoid sunburn when you are on the beach or stuck in the traffic? Sunburn can happen in any season even in cloudy days. Sunburn is the skin's reaction to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. You can see sunlight and feel heat (infrared radiation), but you can't see or feel UV radiation. It can damage your skin even on cool, cloudy days.

Sunburn is a radiation burn to the skin. The signs of sunburn can start to appear in less than 15 minutes and skin can turn red within two to six hours of being burnt. It will continue to develop for the next 24 to 72 hours and, depending on the severity and can take days or weeks to heal. Sunburn will become worse with more exposure to UV rays. Mild sunburn can be treated at home, but severe and blistered sunburn requires prompt medical attention.

The long-term effects of repeated bouts of sunburn include premature wrinkling and an increased risk of skin cancer, including melanoma (the most dangerous type of skin cancer). Once DNA damage occurs, it is impossible to reverse. This is why prevention is much better than cure.

To prevent sunburn, use a combination of sun protection measures during the sun protection times each day (when the UV levels are forecast to reach higher levels). People who work outdoors for long periods of time may need sun protection all year, as they have an increased risk of skin cancer. 

What Are The Symptoms of Sunburn?

The symptoms of sunburn include:
  • changes in skin colour, ranging from pink to red and even purple
  • skin that feels hot to the touch
  • pain and/or itching
  • swelling
  • fluid-filled blisters that may itch and eventually pop or break
  • broken blisters that peel to reveal even more tender skin beneath.
Sunburnt skin will change colour within two to six hours of being burnt and the colour change will continue to develop for up to seventy-two hours.

What Is UV Radiation And Sunburn?

In addition to light and heat, the sun gives out invisible UV radiation. UV radiation can pass through light cloud. It can also be scattered in the air and reflected by surfaces such as buildings, concrete, sand and snow.

The three types of UV radiation (based on wavelength) are UVA, UVB and UVC. The earth's atmosphere absorbs nearly all of UVC radiation (the most dangerous type) before it reaches the ground. UVA and UVB radiation are both involved in sunburn, but skin reacts differently to each type of radiation:-

  • UVA- ultraviolet A (UVA) ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 320 and 400 nm, comprising over 99 per cent of suchradiation that reaches the surface of the earth. It penetrates into the deeper skin layers and damages the sites where new skin cells are generated. Too much UVA radiation leads to roughening, dryness, blotchiness, wrinkling and sagging of the skin. High doses of UVA radiation can also cause sunburn, damage to genes in skin cells and skin cancer.
  • UVB- ultraviolet B (UVB) ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 290 and 320 nm, comprising less than 1 per cent ofthe ultraviolet radiation that reaches the earth's surface. It is even more dangerous than UVA radiation, causing tanning, burning, ageing, skin damage and significantly promoting the development of skin cancer. It affects the surface skin layer. The skin responds by releasing chemicals that dilate blood vessels. This causes fluid leakage and inflammation – better known as sunburn.
  • UVC - Ultraviolet C (UVC) is a type of ultraviolet energy in the 280 – 100 nanometer frequency.

How To Treat Sunburn?

There is no cure for the symptoms of sunburn except time and patience. Treatment aims to help manage the symptoms while the body heals.

Following tips or suggestions for sunburn treatment are:

  • Drink plenty of water, because spending time in the sun can lead to dehydration as well as sunburn.
  • Gently apply cool or cold compresses, or bathe the area in cool water.
  • Avoid using soap as this may irritate your skin.
  • Speak to a pharmacist about products that help soothe sunburn. Choose spray-on solutions rather than creams which require rubbing in by hand.
  • Don't pop blisters. Consider covering itchy blisters with a wound dressing to reduce the risk of infection.
  • If your skin is not too painful, apply moisturizer. This won't stop the burnt skin from peeling off, but it will help boost the moisture content of the skin beneath. Do not apply butter to sunburnt skin.
  • Take over-the-counter pain-relieving medication, if necessary.
  • Keep out of the sun until your skin has completely healed.

How To Reduce The Risk of Sunburn?

During the daily sun protection times, use a combination of five sun protection measures to reduce your risk of sunburn.

  • Slip – on sun-protective clothing (make sure it covers as much skin as possible).
  • Slop – on SPF (sun protection factor) 30 or higher broad-spectrum, water-resistant                sunscreen. Apply 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours.
  • Slap – on a broad-brimmed hat that protects your face, head, neck and ears.
  • Seek – shade.
  • Slide – good quality sunglasses

How To Avoid Getting Sunburnt?

  • Don't assume that sun exposure is safe when you can't feel it sting your skin – that sting or bite is heat, not UV radiation. If you're not sure, don't chance it – check the sun protection times for your location.

  • UV radiation levels aren't linked to temperature. Don't rely on the temperature to gauge when you need sun protection. Check the sun protection times each day and Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! and Slide!

  • You can get sunburnt when you're relaxing and taking it easy, such as watching outdoor sports, picnicking at the park or while playing sports.

  • Winter activities, such as snow skiing and snowboarding pose a high risk of sunburn because UV radiation is already higher in alpine regions than at sea level. Snow is also very efficient at reflecting UV radiation.
  • What many people assume is 'windburn' is actually sunburn. While wind can dry the skin, it doesn't burn.
  • A tan doesn't protect against skin and eye damage, or the risk of skin cancer.
  • Babies under 12 months should not be exposed to direct UV and should be well protected from the sun. Always try to keep babies and children in the shade and use clothing to cover most of their body. Use small amounts of child-friendly sunscreen on uncovered areas such as the face and hands whenever children are exposed to the sun.
The sun's UV radiation is the major cause of skin cancer and the best natural source of vitamin D, which is needed for strong bones and overall health. But it is important to keep your skin healthy while taking vitamin D from Sun. 

Source: Internet.

Sunday, May 8

How To Walk And Gets Maximum Benefits

women walking

Health benefits of walking are awesome! Regular walking daily with correct posture reduces health risks and have various overall health benefits like reducing the chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, anxiety disorder and depression. 
Morning walk is an everyday habit for most of us, but how to walk properly and gets maximum of its health benefits? Walking is an excellent form of exercise for people of all ages and abilities. 

Walking actually improves your blood circulation, reduces stress, helps in blood pressure, strengthen muscles, helps in weight loss, helps to get better sleep, boosts immune system, gets a better sun exposure. All of these leads to a longer life.

If you have not walked distances for some time, you should start slowly. Increase the length and pace of your walk gradually.

Start your walking program gradually, increasing length and pace as you get used to it. The following suggestions may help you to incorporate regular walking into your lifestyle.

Here are some tips on how to get started and how to prepare for walking.

Warm-up activity

Walking is different than running. Start slowly, do a few warm-up exercises like jumping jacks and stretches first. Warm up exercises energies your body for a better walk. 

Remember, don’t walk immediately after a big meal.

Build activity slowly 

Start with a 20-minute walk then increases gradually. Try to walk at least three times per week. 

Use the correct technique

Walk at a steady pace, swing your arms freely and stand as straight as you can. Your feet should step in a rolling action from the heel to the toe. Don't run fast suddenly if you are walking in a steady pace, it will only make you tired.

Shoes and socks

Wear thick comfortable cotton socks. Sensible, comfortable and lightweight shoes with support are best. Plenty of sports shoes are available in market. Choose wisely.


Wear suitable warm, light clothing in the winter and cool, comfortable clothes in the summer. Don’t forget your sunscreen and hat.


Drink water before and after your walk. Take water with you on your walk, especially in warm weather. 


Latest technology also helps you to get maximum benefits of walking. Digital wrist bands are available in the market which shows you how much calories you have burned or what is your pulse rate. You can use these techs to track your health while walking.


Listening music while walking can be helpful. Soothing music helps you get motivated for a longer walk. Fix you music player at your wrist or your upper arm.

Cool down

Make sure you cool down after a long fast walk. Do a few stretching exercises post walking. 

As you know that regular and brisk exercise of any kind can help to improve confidence, stamina, energy, weight control and life expectancy and reduce stress. 

It can also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel cancer and osteoporosis. 

Scientific studies have also shown that walking, besides its physical benefits, is also beneficial for the mind. Walking  improving memory, learning ability, concentration and abstract reasoning. 
Life expectancy is also increased even for individuals suffering from obesity or high blood pressure. Walking also improves bone health, especially strengthening the hip bone.  

So walk regularly and daily, at least 5 days in a week and gets maximum health benefits including weight control.


Sunday, April 17

Benefits of Exercises during pregnancy

All women who are pregnant without complications should be encouraged to participate in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercises as part of a healthy lifestyle during their pregnancy. A reasonable goal should be to maintain a good fitness level throughout pregnancy without trying to reach peak fitness.

It is important to stay well hydrated, wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing (such as a correctly fitted bra and appropriate footwear) and where possible, avoid excessive over-heating.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

One benefit of exercise during pregnancy is improving your physical and mental wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy helps in returning to your pre-baby weight more quickly and also reduces the risk of developing gestational diabetes, which is more common in mothers who are overweight.

Frequency and intensity of exercise during pregnancy

Pregnant women should perform 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise, or a combination of both.

The ‘talk test’ can be used to guide the intensity in which pregnant women are recommended to exercise. As the name suggests, the women are exercising at a comfortable intensity if she is able to maintain a conversation during exercise. She should reduce the exercise intensity if this is not possible.

Exercise during pregnancy

Specific activities to avoid during pregnancy include contact sports, high-altitude exertion, including downhill skiing and scuba diving. Also, the exercise in the supine position (lying on back) should be avoided after the first trimester or 16 weeks gestation. Modifying the position of the exercise to instead be performed on your side, sitting or standing is a safe alternative.

Types of exercise to do during pregnancy include aerobic conditioning and strength training of all the major muscle groups and your pelvic floor.

Types of aerobic exercise include:

  • walking
  • jogging
  • swimming
  • cycling (on a stationary bike)
  • low-impact aerobic exercise classes.
  • exercise in water (aquaerobics)
  • yoga or pilates 
Women who are active during pregnancy can continue with their regular exercise or sport, as long as associated risks and any recommended changes are considered (such as avoiding the specific activities above and not making rapid changes in direction).

Pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy include:

  • Sit and lean slightly forward with a straight back.
  • Squeeze and lift the muscles as if you are trying to stop a wee.
  • Hold the squeeze for up to five seconds and then relax for up to 10 seconds.
  • Repeat up to 10 times, three to four times per day.
  • Keep breathing through the exercise.
All exercise should consist of a warm-up and cool-down phase. Stretching exercises are also useful, but should be done gently due to the increased joint laxity during pregnancy.

NOTE: Cautions for pregnancy exercise

While most forms of exercise are safe, there are some exercises that involve positions and movements that may be uncomfortable or harmful for pregnant women. Be guided by your doctor or physiotherapist, but general cautions include: 

  • Avoid raising your body temperature too high – for example, don’t soak in hot spas or exercise to the point of heavy sweating. Reduce your level of exercise on hot or humid days. 
  • Don't exercise to the point of exhaustion. 
  • If weight training, choose low weights and medium to high repetitions – avoid lifting heavy weights altogether. 
  • Avoid exercise if you are ill or feverish. 
  • If you don’t feel like exercising on a particular day, don’t! It is important to listen to your body to avoid unnecessarily depleting your energy reserves. 
  • Don’t increase the intensity of your sporting program while you are pregnant, and always work at less than 75% of your maximum heart rate. 
  • In addition, if you develop an illness or a complication of pregnancy, talk with your doctor or midwife before continuing or restarting your exercise program. 

NOTE: Exercises to avoid while pregnant

During pregnancy, avoid sports and activities with increased risk of falling. 
These includes:
  • Contact sports or activities that carry a risk of falling (such as trampolining, rollerblading, downhill skiing, horse riding and basketball) 
  • Competition sports – depending on the stage of your pregnancy, the level of competition and your level of fitness (consult your doctor, physiotherapist or healthcare professional) 
  • After about the fourth month of pregnancy, exercises that involve lying on your back – the weight of the baby can slow the return of blood to the heart. Try to modify these exercises by lying on your side. 
  • In the later stages of pregnancy, activities that involve jumping, frequent changes of direction and excessive stretching (such as gymnastics). 
  • If you're not sure whether a particular activity is safe during pregnancy, check with your healthcare professional. 

NOTE: When to stop exercising while pregnant

You should stop exercising while pregnant if you experience: 
  • abdominal pain 
  • any ‘gush’ of fluid from the vagina 
  • calf pain or swelling 
  • chest pain 
  • decreased foetal movement 
  • dizziness or presyncope (light-headedness, muscular weakness, and blurred vision) 
  • shortness of breath with exertion 
  • excessive fatigue 
  • headache 
  • pelvic pain 
  • excessive shortness of breath 
  • painful uterine contractions 
  • vaginal bleeding

Ultimately, listen to your body. Be aware of these signs and symptoms, stop physical activity immediately and consult your doctor.

Women who are pregnant and participating in activities that require a high degree of balance or rapid changes in direction should consult with their doctor first. Your doctor may recommend that you see a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist for a program that can be developed for you.

Facts to remember while exercising 

All women who are pregnant without complications should be encouraged to participate in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercises as part of a healthy lifestyle during their pregnancy. A goal of aerobic conditioning in pregnancy should be to maintain a good fitness level throughout pregnancy without trying to reach peak fitness.
Source: internet, betterhealthchannel

Saturday, April 16

How To Take Care of Yourself In Monsoon

Here the monsoon has come and also the problems related to our skin, health and hair rises. Its OK if you forget to take care of your health and skin for a small period of time during monsoon. But you dare to forget whole season? The answer is perfect No, as you know you need to take extra care of your skin, health and hair. As you find the noticeable change in weather you need extra care.

Simple & Effective Tips for Skin, Hair and Health in Monsoon

The resistances of body is naturally reduces because of the infections, one commonly faces in monsoon. These infections include common cool, flu, indigestion problem, jaundice, typhoid, cholera etc. So it is important that you take care of the food you eat and water you drink. You are also affected the skin problem like pimple, eczema, prickly heat etc.

It is also important to take care of your hair especially in the rainy season. Your hair remain moist for longer time and even after the shower you still find to difficult to dry because of humid climate. So here is some tips to take care of your hair, skin and health to maintain healthy and to look good all through the monsoon.

Skin Care Tips

There is a lot more techniques to take care of your skin. In the monsoon the dust particle can easily set on your skin which mostly damage regular soft and toned look of your skin posse. Here are some very good tips to take care of your skin.

*  Most of the time use soap free cleanser and a good scrub so to keep your skin softer at all the time.

*  An alcohol free toner is suggested as the high humidity could open up your skin pores. Toning is usually followed at cleansing.

* Most of the people stop using sunscreen once the climate turned cool, but you must continue it even if it is cloudy.

* Heavy makeup is a huge turn of in the rain better than if you use in water proof make up.

*  Avoid bleaching and facial in this rainy season. Bleaching will do the more harm to your skin and facial can do your skin rough.

*  Wash your lips at night and use some milk cream. Avoid lipstick especially the dark shade once. Apply coconut oil if they are slightly cracked.

*  Waxing, pedicure and manicure are always recommended to give your skin and body a toned look at the all time.

*  Always wash your face, hand and feet as soon as you reach the home to lukewarm water. This can help you to feel fresh and keep healthy.

However there are many other methods based on weather the skin is oily or dry. These are the general tips that you should follow as the monsoon season has begin.

Hair Care Tips.

It is most important to take care of your hair as you take care of your body. We all love silky and straight hair. The rainy season is very bad for our hair. Rain water can damage your hair and make it rough. Here are some tips and the best method to keep good and healthy care of our hairs.

*  Most of the time, try to protect your hair from rain, sometimes its impossible as we get caught in rain.

* As you reach home better wash your hair with shampoo and let it dry.

* Always apply shampoo in a gentle manner and do not forget to use conditioner to after every wash of hair in this rainy season.

* Apply warm coconut oil in the night and comb your hair so that the oil will distributed equally. Warm oil is good to hair for remove roughness.

* Apply neem oil if you are facing the itching problem in your head due to the dandruff. Neem oil also keep away your hair from the hair broken problem.

* It is better to avoid the hair colour in this rainy season. Colour is the main problem of damaging hair in this season.

* Don't use hair dryer in order to dry your hair as it make your hair rough.

Health Care Tips

We need to take extra care of our health on this monsoon as our body is prone to fungal infection. The rainy season is bad for our health because so many bacterias are all arounds us. So many diseases are also generated in this season.

 *  Drink plenty of water in order to keep your body hydrated every time. Drink even 10 glass of water every day.

*  Wash all the fruits and vegetables thoroughly, especially leaves. Wash the vegetables before cooking them as they contain dirt.

*  Virus will attack, if your body temperature is low. So keep the body warm as much as you can every time.

*  Avoid eating raw vegetable and salad in this rainy season.

*  Include garlic, Ginger, peppermint, coriander and turmeric etc. in your diet, it's help in reducing indigestion problem and improve your immune system.

*  Increase milk product, nuts and soya product which gives your hair naturally healthy look.

*  Fresh food are best served in this season and avoid food that comes straight form the fridge.

*  Avoid sleeping in day time and doing extreme exercise, but do not forget to do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy.

Saturday, April 2

What Is The Good Signs Of Pregnancy

The enormous hormonal changes taking place during pregnancy trigger a variety of symptoms. Some women experience many of the symptoms of pregnancy, while others may have only a few. 

A wide range of changes can occur in your body in the later stages of pregnancy, including backache, headache, leg cramps or varicose veins, itch or tingling, constipation, haemorrhoids or indigestion, vaginitis or vaginal discharge, or mood changes or depression. If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor, and see your doctor right away if you experience symptoms like vaginal bleeding or breaking waters, chronic pain, high temperature, severe headaches or vision loss.
Signs of pregnancy

The good signs of pregnancy, such as a :- 

Missed period

Missing a period is often the first sign of possible pregnancy. However, some women experience light bleeding around the time of their expected period. This is usually an ‘implantation bleed’, which occurs when the embryo first attaches itself to the lining of the uterus (womb). 

Nausea and vomiting

‘Morning’ sickness is a condition that affects more than half of all pregnant women. The symptoms include nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite. Most women don’t just get symptoms in the morning, but experience them throughout the whole day.

Morning sickness usually begins around the fourth to sixth week of pregnancy and may settle by week 12, although it can continue for longer or return at around 32 weeks. 

Breast changes

During pregnancy, the breasts become fuller, swollen and tender. These changes are similar to those you may have noticed in the few days before your period. During pregnancy, the skin around the nipple becomes darker and the veins in the breast become more obvious. 


Overwhelming tiredness is common in early pregnancy. This is most likely caused by the massive increase in the sex hormone progesterone. Progesterone is needed to maintain the pregnancy and help the baby to grow, but it also slows your metabolism. Energy levels usually rise again by around the fourth month of pregnancy when the placenta is well established.

Tiredness during pregnancy can also be caused by anaemia, which is most commonly caused by iron deficiency. Eating iron-rich foods is important in the prevention of iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy. Medical treatment of anaemia in pregnancy involves taking iron supplements. 

Frequent urination

Pregnancy causes an increase in levels of body fluids and greater kidney efficiency. The swelling uterus also presses against the bladder. As a result, most women start experiencing more frequent urination within the first few weeks of becoming pregnant. 

Food cravings

Cravings for certain foods are very common in pregnancy, especially for foods that provide energy and calcium, such as milk and other dairy products. You may also notice a sudden distaste for foods you previously liked.

Some women even develop a bizarre taste for non-food items such as soil or paper. This is called ‘pica’ and may indicate a nutrient deficiency. 
Please speak to your doctor or midwife if this develops.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Peppermint Tea You Never Heard

Peppermint tea is a herbal tea made from an infusion of peppermint, Mentha piperita. It is sometimes called mint tea. It is naturally caffeine-free and have many health benefits. 

A tea made from blending peppermint and spearmint leaves is referred to as double mint tea. Peppermint has a high menthol content. 

Peppermint is the oldest and most popular flavour of mint-flavoured confectionery and is often used in tea. To make peppermint tea, hang the peppermint leafs upside down in the shade until completely dry, then strip the leaves and store them in airtight jars until ready to brew.

Peppermint is used for the common cold, cough, inflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus infections, and respiratory infections. It is also used for digestive problems including heartburn, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), cramps of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract and bile ducts, upset stomach, diarrhea, bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, and gas.

Amount Per 100 grams

Total Fat 0.9 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 31 mg
Potassium 569 mg
Total Carbohydrate 15 g
Dietary fiber 8 g
Protein 3.8 g

Other nutrients in peppermint are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12 and Magnesium.

There are various health benefits of drinking peppermint tea regularly.

Helps in Weight Loss

Peppermint tea, like other herbal teas, helps amazingly to weight lose. Regular exercising and a healthy diet make a big way in your weight lose efforts. Have a cup of peppermint tea with your breakfast and maintain a healthy diet.

Helps In Stomach Problems

Peppermint creates a soothing effect on stomach problems. It heals and assist on irritable bowel problem, pain and in constipation. It is very easy to intake, just use some dried peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water and add some sweetener if required. It has dietary fiber so regular intake of peppermint tea provides comfort to your upset stomach. Drink a cup of peppermint tea during constipation or in pain. Try to drink a cup of peppermint tea regularly in the morning.

Helps In Digestion

Now we know that peppermint tea helps in various stomach problems. It also improves digestion and reduces acidity problem. Peppermint contains dietary fiber and good fat, it helps to improve digestion. Its regular intake benefits to improve or repair the digestive problems. Drink peppermint tea after having dinner.

Helps In Nausea, Fever, and Cough

Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach that often comes before vomiting. Peppermint tea helps to decrease the effect of nausea and fever. Its Mentha piperita is effective in a cough. Peppermint tea is also effective in Motion sickness or seasickness.

Boost Immune System

Peppermint tea is generally considered to be an immune system booster. It has different vitamins which provide nutritions to your body. Drink regularly peppermint tea for a healthy life.

Reduce Bad Breath

Fresh peppermint leafs if chewed, it reduces the bad breadth. Similarly, dried peppermint leafs as a peppermint tea also helps to fight bacteria behind bad breadth. Drink regularly peppermint tea to avoid bad breath and brush your teeth twice :)

Relieve Stress

Regular intake of peppermint tea helps to reduce mental stress. Peppermint is naturally caffeine free hence it helps to regularize blood circulation. Regular exercise is also very important for it. As we know physical and mental stress need to be treated as soon as possible. Herbal tea, like peppermint tea, helps you to adapt a healthy lifestyle.

Get Better Sleep

Peppermint contains menthol. Drinking peppermint tea before bed has been proven to give you a more restful sleep. This peppermint tea benefit actually stems from the menthol content of the herb as well. It not only provides relaxation to the muscles which lead to more restful sleep, the tea has properties that can even help you dream more vividly. Have one cup of peppermint tea before bed or while you are reading for better results.

Wednesday, March 30

Amazing Benefits Of Kettlebell Training you Can Get At Home

A kettlebell is a traditional Russian training tool that has been used since the turn of the century to develop full body conditioning and fitness. The kettlebell is a cast-iron or cast steel weight used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.

A kettlebell looks like a cannonball with a handle. The shape of the kettlebell allows for unique positioning of the weight directly above your center of mass and allows you to keep your hand and wrists in neutral alignment, which enable for greater endurance and longevity in the core lifts so that you can produce a much higher volume of exercise and thus.

Unlike traditional dumbbells, the kettlebell's center of mass is extended beyond the hand. This facilitates ballistic and swinging movements. Variants of the kettlebell include bags filled with sand, water, or steel shot. The kettlebell allows for swing movements and release moves with added safety and added grip, wrist, arm and core strengthening. The unique shape of the kettlebell provides the "unstable force" for handling - key for the effectiveness of the kettlebell exercises.

Some of the benefits of kettlebell training are:-

Kettlebell training improved physical strength.

It increases Incredible work capacity (strength endurance).

It increases Enhanced athleticism – flexibility, coordination, balance etc.

Helps to weight loss. Like any other workouts, kettlebell training increases fat loss and helps you to weight loss.

Kettlebell training imprpoves muscle strength all around including knee joints area and hence prevents injury greatly.

Mental toughness. It is obviously happen when you workout with kettlebell. 

Lean & functional muscle mass. Kettlebell training makes ur body lean and and increases muscle mass effectively. 

Strengthening of the entire posterior chain.

Core strength. Kettlebell training amazingly gives strength to your core muscles.

Sport and combat applications.

Monday, March 28

How To Avoid Mosquito Borne Diseases

Mosquitoes can carry diseases that may be passed on to people through mosquito bites. In Australia, some of these include Murray Valley encephalitis virus, Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus, Zika virus and dengue fever. Periods of heavy rainfall or floods can led to ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, even in non-tropical areas. Diseases that are spread by insects are known as ‘vector-borne’ diseases.

Mosquito-borne diseases can make people ill and, in severe cases, can cause death.

How to avoid mosquito bites?

There are many simple things you can do to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, including:

1- Avoid outdoor activity when mosquitoes are prevalent. Dusk and dawn is when most mosquitoes are more active, but some will be around during the day.

2- Wear long, loose-fitting clothes if mosquitoes are around, preferably in light colours.

3- Use effective mosquito repellents on exposed skin and clothing.

4- Use ‘knockdown’ sprays and plug-in vaporising devices indoors.

5- Sleep under mosquito nets treated with repellents or insecticides if you don’t have flywire screens on windows.

6- Outdoors, mosquito coils or citronella candles can be effective in small protected areas.

Choosing A Mosquito Repellent!

Repellents come in liquids, lotions, gels, aerosols and pump sprays. It is important to make sure you choose a mosquito repellent that is safe and effective, and that you always use it according to the instructions on the label. Look for the list of ‘active constituents’ on the label.

Most products provide protection for between one and three hours in typical situations. If you swim or sweat profusely, protection will be less and you may need to reapply.

You Should Also....

1- Choose repellents in which the active constituent is DEET or picaridin (this will be shown on the label).

2- Always read and follow directions on the label when using any pesticide product, including insect repellents.

3- Apply the repellent sparingly to exposed skin, especially on children.

4- Avoid parts of children’s hands that may touch the eyes or mouth.

5- Avoid using the repellent on a daily basis for prolonged periods. If long-term protection is needed, consult your pharmacist.

6- Stop using the repellent immediately and consult your doctor if you suspect an allergic reaction.

Remember to store repellents where infants and young children can’t reach them.

Control of Mosquitoes Around The Home!

You can reduce the risk of mosquito bites if you get rid of potential mosquito breeding sites around your home by:

1- Installing flywire screens on all windows and self-closing wire screens on doors. Check them regularly and mend any holes preventing pools of water from forming – get rid of unused tins, tyres and similar rubbish, clean gutters and drains regularly and mend leaking taps.

2- Changing pets’ drinking water and the water in vases, pot plants and bird baths at least once a week.

3- Putting sand around the base of pot plants to absorb excess water in the dish.

4- Flushing unused toilets once a week.

5- Keeping swimming pools chlorinated or salted and empty them completely when not in use for long periods.

6- Emptying children’s wading pools regularly
keeping fishponds stocked with fish.

If you have a rainwater tank or alternative water storage devices, then.......

1- Make sure that any tops, lids, covers and inlet pipes are close fitting.

2- Fit a removable screen mesh to the outlet end of overflow pipes and to all water inlets.

3- Make sure any water collection containers have secure lids or screens.

source: internet.

Sunday, March 27

How To Get Vitamin D? Brilliant Tips To Get It.

Vitamin D is important for bones, muscles and overall health. It is made in our bodies through a series of processes that start when our skin is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Getting a sufficient amount of the vitamin is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance to certain diseases.

Some people are at risk of low vitamin D, particularly those with naturally very dark skin and those with little sun exposure. A balanced approach is required to ensure some sun exposure for vitamin D while minimising the risk of skin cancer. If your body doesn’t get enough vitamin D, you’re at risk of developing bone abnormalities such as osteomalacia (soft bones) or osteoporosis (fragile bones).

Here are some tips to help you get enough vitamin D

Take a balanced approach to sun exposure

UV radiation from the sun is the best natural source of vitamin D, but too much sun exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer.

According to the European Food Safety Authority, the tolerable upper intake levels are:
  • 0–12 months: 25 µg/day (1,000 IU)
  • 1–10 years: 50 µg/day (2,000 IU)
  • 11–17 years: 100 µg/day (4,000 IU)
  • 17+: 100 µg/day (4,000 IU)
  • Pregnant/lactating women: 100 µg/day (4,000 IU)

Check UV levels in your region

UV levels change month to month in different regions. In summer or winter season, the requirement of UV exposure changes. So, check the requirement of Sun exposure as per your age. So not expose more than required. You can check the global UV index here.
People with naturally very dark skin may require three to six times this amount of sun.

Use Sun Protection

Use a combination of sun protection measures between high UV level months, when UV levels are three and above. Use a combination of clothing, sunscreen, hats, shade and sunglasses. Sunscreen use should not put you at risk for vitamin D deficiency.
Never use a solarium (solarium refers to a room built largely of glass to afford exposure to the sun) to increase vitamin D. A solarium gives off dangerous UV radiation, increasing the risk of skin cancer.

Exercise daily

Regular exercise assists with production of vitamin D. Researchers found that three or more hours a week of vigorous exercises such as running, jogging, or playing basketball or soccer can reduce the risk of heart attack by 22% and those who exercised vigorously have higher levels of vitamin D as well as higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

Eat enough Calcium

Vitamin D and calcium work together to make your bones strong. Make sure you get enough calcium by including a selection of dairy products, leafy vegetables, fish, tofu, Brazil nuts and almonds in your diet. Try to eat natural sources of calcium.

Eat foods rich in vitamin D

Good sources include eggs, liver, and fatty fish such as mackerel, herring and salmon. Some margarine and low-fat milk have added vitamin D. Food, however, only makes a small contribution (approximately 10 %) to the body's overall vitamin D levels and it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from diet alone.

Vitamin D food supplements

You can have food supplements for vitamin D. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements.

source: Internet.

Saturday, March 26

How To Avoid Food Poisoning? Easy and Simple Way

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating foods contaminated with the bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes. Food poisoning also refers to Listeria infection (also known as listeriosis). It is uncommon but it can cause death in at-risk people, such as the elderly and people whose immune systems are not working properly. It can be dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn babies. 

As per United states food and drug administration, there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness annually, the equivalent of sickening 1 in 6 Americans each year. And each year these illnesses result in an estimated 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths.

Food poisoning makes your stomach uncomfortable. Symptoms often include vomiting, fever, and aches, and may include diarrhea. Foodborne illness or food poisoning usually arises from improper handling, preparation, or food storage. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness. There are the easy and simple steps to avoid food poisoning. 

Keep food covered

Food in the kitchen should be covered properly. Open food may attract bacteria and insects. Fly, mosquitos and cockroaches can make food hazard at your home. 

Place cooked food in the fridge within one hour of cooking

Make this a practice. If you cooked food and somehow your dinner time is getting late then put your food in the fridge. The reason behind this is when you left your cooked food out of the fridge, bacteria can grow in the food at room temperature. Therefore, it is best to keep your cooked food inside the fridge if you are being late for the dinner or lunch.

Put raw meat, poultry and fish below cooked or ready-to-eat food in the fridge

Meat, poultry product and fish need to be stored at a cool temperature. At room temperature, bacteria can grow faster. Contaminated poultry food can create food poisoning. Therefore it wise to Put raw meat, poultry and fish below cooked or ready-to-eat food in the fridge to prevent drips that could contaminate pre-prepared food.

Do not use refrigerated foods beyond their use-by dates

Food purchased from the supermarket have best-before or expiry dates. This date tells that food can be used before the expiry date. You need to make sure that the food inside your fridge is not an expiry product. By doing this you can avoid food poisoning. 

Keep your fridge clean

Fridge protects your food from being contaminated. But fridge itself can be a reason of food contamination if not properly cleaned time to time. 

Wash your hands before preparing food

This is the first protection you can do to avoid food contamination. Keep your hands clean with good soap or disinfectant liquid soap. 

Wash raw fruit and vegetables well before eating

Fruits and vegetables must be cleaned properly before eat. Food may contain a small & thin layer of protective chemical, used for preservation. These chemicals, if not properly removed at the end user can create the food hazard and food poisoning. 

Cook all foods of animal origin, including eggs, thoroughly

Each poultry product, fish and eggs must be cooked properly at a proper temperature. Temperature greater than 60-degree centigrate is ideal for cooking food. 

Use clean knives and spoons

Don't use the same boards and knives for cooked foods that you used for raw foods unless they have been washed in warm, soapy water.

Defrost food before eat

Defrost food by placing it on the lower shelves of the fridge or use a microwave.

Apply these steps in your daily life. You can make your family healthy and safe. I believe most of the people are already doing these hygiene practices at home, office or other places. If you have not previously concern about food poisoning hazard then it is the time. 

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