Wednesday, February 14

How To Get Relief From Stomach Bloating In Easy Way
image source: pixabay

Bloating is a condition in which your stomach increases due to abnormal gas swelling. It is generally a common condition which faced by most of the people. Today's lifestyle and improper diet are the possible reasons behind this.

Bloating stomach sometimes causes pain and creates embarrassing situation. You should pay attention to this problem because it may be a sign of some serious disease.

Stomach bloating indicates the weakness of the digestive system. It can occurs due to overeating, fast food or alcohol.

So, what can you do to get relief from stomach bloating? Your eating habit plays an important role to your stomach health. Here are the best things you can do to get relief from stomach bloating.

1. Take Probiotics

Probiotics increases the quantity of good bacteria, hence reduces the bad bacteria inside the digestive system.

Probiotics aids the digestive system and improves the immunity. It reduces the gas and prevent stomach bloating.

Yogurt, probiotics food supplement are the good source to get good bacteria.

There are Prebiotics food like banana and honey which feed the good bacteria, hence helps probiotics. Probiotics have live bacteria while Prebiotics feeds to those bacteria.

2. Avoid Acidity Causing Food

Gas produces in the stomach when foods breaks down in the stomach and releases energy. Some foods causes more gas.

Eat foods such as beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower in moderation, as these are known to be gas producing foods.

3. Lactose Intolerance Can Be The Reason

Lactose is the main sugar in dairy products. With lactose intolerance you would not digest dairy products properly. 

If you often feel stomach bloating, then you should consult your doctor. Lactose intolerance is not curable, as per webmd, but you can control or prevent this condition by taking care of your food. You can eat lactose free dairy products without affect your health.

4. Get Rid Of Stress

Due to stress, cortisol buildup which affects the digestive system. This condition can causes acidity and bloating stomach.

Do yoga and meditation regularly. Take small rest during work. Eat good food and drink plenty of water.

Green tea or ginger tea may help you to relax.

5. Reduce Salt Intake

Gas is not the only reason behind stomach bloating. Water retention due to salt in your small intestine can also be the reason behind bloating.

Avoid high salt food and choose low sodium foods. Removal of salt sprinkler from your dining table can be a good idea.

High sodium foods are smoked, cured,  canned meat and salted nuts. Foods with low sodium content are the best choices.

6. Don't Eat Gum

Chewing gum can lead to swallowing air which causes stomach bloating.

If you are eating gum to reduce bad breadth, try a mint instead of that. Try to avoid chewing gum if you are prone to gas or bloating.

7. Adapt Good Eating Habit On The Table

You should eat your meal slowly so that you can enjoy your food with it's taste. When you eat with friends or in a group, sometimes you forget to eat properly while chatting. This may leads to air swallow in your stomach and cause bloat. 

Therefore you should concentrate only on your food while eating. First your health else second.

8. Coeliac Disease

Coeliac disease is a common digestive condition where the small intestine becomes inflamed and unable to absorb nutrients. It causes bloating and diarrhea. 

Coeliac disease caused by gluten (a protein found in cereal).

To avoid coeliac disease, you should modified your diet with gluten free diet.

9. Include More Vegetables In Your Diet

Vegetables has more nutritions, most importantly dietary fibers which helps to digestive system. When vegetable food breaks down inside stomach, enzymes produces and reduces the bloating.

10. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol may cause the dehydration in your body and increases the risk of bloating. Say no to alcohol or reduce the intake.

11. Regular Exercise

Do regular exercise to remove excess fat from your body. This will help your overall fitness and relive pressure in your stomach. Exercises improves your digestive system and intestine to move food quickly.


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