Sunday, July 26

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes

Under the eyes dark circle is looking very bad. You are looking like u are a ill or any other health problem. The your first imprestion also geting wrong to other.

Dark circles are morYe a cosmetic issue than a real health concern. A person with dark circles under his or her eyes may not be old or unwell, but just have unusually thin skin, unusually highly colored blood vessels, puffy skin, sagging skin, or hyperpigmented skin under the eyes, either for genetic reasons, or because of some temporary condition.

Dark circles under the eyes can be a big worry for the beauty-conscious as well as for normal people. These circles or bags take away the freshness of the face and leave the person looking pale, ill, even old.

What are the reasons of dark circles from eyes?

There are so many reason for dark circle like the skin is under eyes a very thin, to much stress or not complet sleeping at night.

Here some home remedy to remove the dark circle from your eyes.

Sleep well

To reduce puffiness, a temporary cause of dark circles, change your sleeping habits. Sleep on your back, elevating your head with one or more pillows. Gravity lets fluid buildup drain away.
Sleep well (doctors advise at least eight hours sleep daily) to have a fresh and circle-free face. Lots of sleep means less stress and thus less puffiness.

Remove eye makeup before sleeping

Remove all eye make-up, like eyeliner and mascara, before going to sleep. Anything that irritates eyes can leave them watery and puffy.
Use a Neti-Pot to rinse the nasal passages, to relieve sinus infections and hay fever that cause puffiness under the eyes.

Daily exercise 

Daily exercise circulates blood throughout the body and the face, reducing puffiness. Concentrate on yoga too, which stimulates your breathing, leaving fresh skin.
To eradicate morning puffiness and bluish color, apply something that cools the skin and the capillaries beneath it, reducing swelling and making the blood vessels less visible.

Eat green veg, beans and fruits 

Include plenty of green vegetables, fruits, and vitamins in your diet. Eat seasonal fruit like bananas, mangoes, and oranges, along with vegetables like spinach, greens, carrots, and brinjals (eggplant).
Include plenty of iron in your diet, from whole grains, legumes, eggs, or iron supplements.
Reduce salt in your diet to reduce puffiness.

Remove stress

Arrange your life to reduce stress. Stress releases cortisol, which causes increased blood volume and puffiness, and has other undesired effects.

Avoide cigratee and Alcohol 

Alcohol is not good for our skin it reduce the face glow and increase the problem like face dulness or dark circle unde eyes etc...
Stay hydrated; dehydration causes thin and sagging skin.

Protect your eyes from  sun 

To keep looking young years longer, protect your face and eyes from the sun. Ultraviolet light from the sun destroys protein in the skin. Use sunscreen and a hat when you go out.

Use these tips also it is very benificial for remove dark circle under eyes: 

1 Almond oil

A completely natural ingredient that benefits skin around your eyes, almond oil helps lighten dark circles. Combine almond oil with vitamin E oil and your dark circles will be history. Plus, these ingredients really something that’s a staple in every household.

Use it

# Before hitting the sack, apply some almond oil over your dark circles and massage it gently into the skin.
# Leave the oil on overnight.
# Wash it off with cold water next morning.
# Repeat this every day until your dark circles are gone.

2 Cucumber 

The most of the women are relaxing at a spa with cucumber slices on their eyes? Well, there’s a reason beyond gloss. With skin-lightening and mild astringent properties, cucumbers are completely equipped to fix those raccoon eyes. Better yet, they are soothing and refreshing too.

use it

# Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices and chill it for about 30 minutes.
# Place the slices on the dark circles for about 10 minutes.
# Wash the area thoroughly with water.
# Repeat this process twice a day for one week to see results.

3 Raw potato

Potatoes contain vital natural bleaching agents and used raw, they help lighten dark circles and reduce excess puffiness around your eyes.

Use it

# Grate a couple of chilled potatoes to extract the juice.
# Soak a cotton ball in the juice and place it on your closed eyes.
# Make sure the juice covers the dark circles entirely.
# Allow the juice to sit for about 15 minutes and rinse your eyelids well with cool water.
# Repeat once or twice daily for 2 - 3 weeks to see results.          

4 Rose water

There’s a reason mothers always advise their children to rinse their eyes with Rose Water when they’re sore. It not only rejuvenates skin and reduces dark circles but also has a soothing effect on tired eyes. Due to its mild astringent properties, it also works well as a skin toner.

Use it

# Soak cotton eye pads in rose water for a few minutes.
# Place the soaked pads on your closed eyelids.
# Leave them on for about 15 minutes.
# Follow this remedy twice daily for 2 - 3 weeks to see results.    

5 Tomato 

Tomato, the fruit that’s used like a vegetable, is known to naturally possess powerful bleaching properties that can lighten skin very effectively.

Use it

# Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one and a half teaspoon of lemon juice.
# Gently apply this mixture on your dark circles and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.
# Rinse it off well with cool water.
# Follow this remedy twice a day for 2 - 3 weeks to see results.

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