Friday, July 17

10 Best Tips To Take Care Of Your Eyes

eye care
Eyes are the main part of your vision system. Eyes detects and collects light, and transfer it to brain through neurons. Human eyes help provide a three dimensional, moving image, normally colored in daylight. 

Eye care becomes mandatory for everyone because of the work culture in the human society. Smartphones, laptops, computers etc equipments put a lot of strains on the eyes. Smartphones becomes primary means to connect online. People spends a lot of time using and watching it. Younger adult users spends their time to do online works, desk job on computer, to connect via social networking which can causes eye problems.

Blurry vision, spots, glare at night, these are common eye complaints that can be harmless annoyances or an early sign of disease. It's not always easy to tell the difference. So be sure to visit an eye doctor promptly about any changes or concerns about your vision.

Some of the eye problems are:-

  • Myopia. Myopia means unclear vision for near or far objects. It is a common problem and don't depend on the age factor. It actually happens due to genes, malnutrition for eyes, strain on eyes regularly while reading in low lights.

  • Eye Irritation. It is a common problem experienced by people of all ages. Air pollution is a very common reason for the eye irritation. Related eye symptoms and signs of irritation are discomfort, dryness, excess tearing, itching, grating, foreign body sensation, ocular fatigue, pain, scratchiness, soreness, redness, swollen eyelids, and tiredness, etc.

  • Eye Disease. Eye diseases can occur through genetics reasons or other factors. There are many diseases, disorders, and age-related changes that may affect the eyes and surrounding structures.

  • Macular Degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin act as antioxidants that protect the retina and macula from oxidative damage from high-energy light waves. As the light waves enter the eye they excite electrons that can cause harm to the cells in the eye, but before they can cause oxidative damage that may lead to macular degeneration or cataracts.

  • Dark Circles. Dark circles can arise due to mental stress, physically weakness and malnutrition. 

eye care

Here Are Simple Tips To Avoid or To Relief From Eye Stress and Problems.

  • Good Eating for good eye sightProtecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Eating Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish Eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices can helps to make eyes healthy.

  • Quit smokingSmoking makes you more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration. If you've tried to quit smoking before and started smoking again, keep trying. The more times you try to quit smoking, the more likely you are to succeed. Also, smoking considered to be responsible for dark circles, So stop it now.

  • Get a healthy weight. Being overweight or having obesity increases your risk of developing diabetes. This puts you at higher risk of getting diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.

  • Do regular exercise. Exercise may help to prevent or control diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These diseases can lead to some eye or vision problems. So if you exercise regularly, you can lower your risk of getting these eye and vision problems.

  • Wear Sunglasses. Sun exposure can damage your eyes and raise your risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Protect your eyes by using sunglasses that block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.

  • Wear Protective Eye Wear. To prevent eye injuries, you need eye protection when playing certain sports, working in jobs such as factory work and construction, and doing repairs or projects in your home.

  • Health history of your family. Some eye diseases are inherited, so it is important to find out whether anyone in your family has had them. This can help you determine if you are at higher risk of developing an eye disease.

  • Know your other risk factors. As you get older, you are at higher risk of developing age-related eye diseases and conditions. It is important to know you risk factors because you may be able to lower your risk by changing some behaviors.

  • If you wear contact lenses, take steps to prevent eye infections. Wash your hands well before you put in or take out your contact lenses. Also follow the instructions on how to properly clean them, and replace them when needed.

  • Give your eyes a rest. If you spend a lot of time using a computer, you can forget to blink your eyes and your eyes can get tired. 

  • Regular Checkup. An eye specialists can help you to detect the eye problems in early stage. So, don't forget to see your doctor regularly.

These tips makes your eyes healthy and reduces the chances of bad eyesight. Your genes are responsible for your eyesight but what you do to take care of your eyes, is most important. Without eyesight we could not do any work, so if you haven't think about it, think now. Take care of your eyes with these 10 best tips.



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