Monday, July 20

15 Easy Natural Ways To Maintain Beauty Of Your Face

healthy beauty

Your good eating habits shows how you treat yourself. Your skin health is dependent on it. Your face is so sensitive that your bad eating methods may destroys its glow and health.

Body heals by itself with the help of essential nutrients and proper sleep. Dead tissues are replaced by new tissues hence skin glows. Fast foods, toxic air, pollution, stress & anxiety, no exercising makes you looks old. 

Protecting yourself from harmful chemicals while getting enough sleep, relaxation and exercise will all help you maintain a healthy glow.

Here are the 15 easy and natural ways you can do to to maintain your beauty effectively.

1. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking water regularly throughout the day is the key of a healthy and glowing skin.  If you caught by dehydration, your body functions in a less optimal way. The instant you're dehydrated, it will take a toll on your skin, causing it to look dull, flaky, saggy and loose.

2. Eat Food Antioxidants

Antioxidants are the best resources your body has to fight disease and aging by reducing damage and inflammation. 

Inflammation is a leading cause of wrinkle formation. Some of the best sources of antioxidants are Blueberries, Pomegranates, Spinach, Nuts etc. Organic green tea is also a good source of antioxidants.

3. Eat Seasonal Fruits

Seasonal fruits are best when you follow your good eating habits. Fresh fruits contains vitamins and antioxidants which boosts immune system and provide energy to your body. 

Immune system protects from free radicals which form in our bodies and cause major damage to our cell structures. The different nutrient rich foods we eat strengthen the immune system to neutralize them. 

You need to consume the widest variety of antioxidants you can to fight off the different kinds of free radicals. Seasonal fruits are the best way to get every nutrients.

4. Eat Fresh Organic Food

Fresh food provides more nutritions than the foods comes from cold storage. Antioxidant is the key to promote healthy and glowing skin. 

5. Limits Your Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is vital for your body to get vitamin D. But it can produce irritation on your body and face. Good suns cream can help you. 

Don't expose your body too much in sun. Use sunglasses and sun cream.

6. Choose Natural Skin Product

Stay away from those skincare products which contain harsh chemicals. When choosing moisturizers or makeup, research the ingredients in them the best you can to confirm that they're safe.

7. Use Non Toxic Cleaning Products

Some cosmetic products may contain toxic chemicals. It is important to limit exposure to toxic chemicals because the skin absorbs them.

8: Natural Air Filtration

Grow small indoor plants to clean the air. These are popular among people. Fresh air makes you energetic and your skin glow.

9. Vitamin C Is Must

A diet rich in vitamin C leads to fewer wrinkles. Researchers have found that skin exposed to vitamin C for long periods of time can produce up to eight times more collagen. 

10. Avoid Sugar

It leads to damaged collagen and elastin, which cause wrinkles.

"Elastin is a highly elastic protein in connective tissue and allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting. Elastin helps skin to return to its original position when it is poked or pinched"- Wikipedia.

11. Eat Healthy Fats

Incorporating foods such as avocados, olive oil, flax seeds, nuts and fish into your diet is important. 

The Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for your skin to look youthful. Omega 3 is easily available as a food supplement near you. 

12. Detoxify Your Body

A build up of toxins in the body due to the air, water and food causes damage to the body as well as aging. 

You can detoxify your body by several means like drinking water with lemon, green tea etc. 

13. Get Relief From Stress

Stress is worst fro your skin, specially face skin. High levels of stress will compromise your skin. Consider yoga or meditating. 

Eliminate problematic people and activities from your life. Try to solve your stress cause as soon as possible.

14. Get Proper Sleep 

Your mind and body needs proper sleep. Studies suggests that your body heals itself while sleeping. 

You skin rejuvenates and repairs itself mostly while you are asleep. Make sure that you not only sleep for eight hours a night. 

15. Do Regular Exercise Or Yoga

Exercises or yoga improves blood circulation and makes your stress free. You feel energetic. 

It increases the circulation of oxygen and releases toxins through sweat, which leads to clearer, firmer skin. Smile always, it is best therapy fro your skin.

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