The health of your digestive system is fundamentally linked to your well-being. A sluggish gut can result in all sorts of symptoms, such as indigestion, heartburn, bloating and constipation. Give your body a helping hand with our ultimate recipe, and find out how you can keep things moving smoothly.
The digestive system is basically a tube running through the body that interfaces the body with the outside World. Its two major functions are first, to allow useful and necessary substances into the body to promote growth and health, and second, to keep harmful substances out of the body.
The digestive or gastrointestinal intestinal system, which is also known as the gut, is important for many reasons. Problems with it may result not only in one of the many digestive system disorders, but also to illnesses in any system of the body, such as the nervous system or the immune system. The reasons for this will become apparent as we explore the digestive system.

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Foods for Good Digestion:
- Red Beets (चुकंदर)
Beetroots are excellent for digestive problems like constipation or abdominal upsets. Beetroots are rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium, which help to remove the waste. All the nutrients present in beetroots help to maintain a healthy digestive system.
- Beet Greens
- Apples
- Carrots
Normally carrots are known for healthy vision. You will be surprised to know that carrots also aid in maintaining digestive health as they are loaded with fiber and antioxidants vitamins.
- Bananas
- Papaya
People with upset tummies should eat papaya, as its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe the stomach. Besides, it helps in good digestion of food, dissolves fats instantly and also relieves heartburn and food allergies.
- Cucumber
Consuming cucumber juice daily provides relief from heartburn, stomach acidity, gastritis and peptic ulcer. Erepsin, a protein present in cucumber aids in proper digestion.
- Ginger
- Yoghurt
- Peaches
This fruit is not only nourishing but also tasty. It is loaded with potassium, fiber, iron, calcium and vitamin C. These elements help in proper digestion and proper functioning of your heart and circulatory system.
- Tomatoes
- Oats
These 12 foods are very good for your health. These are full of nutritions. Regular consumption helps to boost immune system.
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