Wednesday, July 29

Good Food And Exercise To Keeps Your Body Fit And Healthy

Eat good healthy foods! Carbohydrates are especially healthy for you and keep your body fit. No, don't overload your plate with strawberries, bananas, mangoes and grapes. Just eat a kiwi or papaya after breakfast or lunch and grapes or mango after dinner. Write it down in your schedule: eat some carbohydrates and be proud of yourself.

Don't skip your meals! No matter it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, always have your meals and don't skip them. Your body gets used to the meals and you should follow along. One skip of breakfast, lunch or dinner you might as well say goodbye to keeping your body healthy. The digestion system will get ruined.

There is some food for your good health.

Green beans: 

Filling up on green beans, and other high-fiber foods, can help you prevent weight gain or even promote weight loss—without dieting—suggests new research in The Journal of Nutrition. Researchers found that women who increased their fiber intake generally lost weight while women who decreased the fiber in their diets gained. The scientists boiled the findings into a single weight-loss formula: boosting fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories consumed resulted in losing about 4 1/2 pounds over the course of the study. Try it for yourself. If you’re consuming 2,000 calories per day, aim to increase your fiber by 16 grams. Raspberries, chickpeas and strawberries can also help you get your fill.


The omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish—such as salmon and tuna—can boost your skin’s defenses against UV damage. In a study published earlier this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that those who ate a little more than 5 ounces of omega-3-rich fish each week decreased the development of precancerous skin lesions by almost 30 percent. Scientists think the omega-3s act as a shield, protecting cell walls from free-radical damage.


Eating just under a cup of mixed berries (such as red raspberries, strawberries, blueberries) daily for 8 weeks was associated with increased levels of “good” HDL cholesterol and lowered blood pressure—two positives when it comes to heart health—according to a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The diverse range of polyphenols—health-promoting plant compounds that include anthocyanins and ellagic acid—provided by the mix of berries is likely responsible for the observed benefits.


Research shows that eating foods that are full of water, such as watermelon, helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories. (Interestingly enough, drinking water alongside foods doesn’t have the safe effect.) At 92 percent water, watermelon is a good source of vitamin C. When it’s the red variety (some are orange or yellow), it also has lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer. Other foods that are made mostly of water include cucumbers (95 percent), salad greens (90 percent) and strawberries (91 percent).

Eating more vitamin-C rich foods, such as oranges, tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli, may be a secret to smoother skin. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition links consuming plenty of vitamin C-rich foods with youthful skin. The findings suggest that a higher intake of vitamin C from foods is associated with a lower risk of having wrinkled skin and age-related skin dryness in middle-age women. Vitamin C’s youthful effects on skin may be due to its antioxidant properties, which help protect against ultraviolet rays, and its role in keeping skin firm via collagen synthesis, say the researchers.

Do not eat junk food: 

Avoid eating your regular junk food which naturally consists of: packets and packets of crisps, sugary food, coca-cola (fizzy drink), etc. Try eating a bowl of salad instead, or eating prawns instead of crisps. And for heavens sake, drink water instead of coke! Water and milk help you be fit and instead, you drink something so unhealthy that it takes away the calories of your bones and sooner of later, you won't be able to move, because your bones will be too weak.

Drink plenty of water:

Water is the main part of our life just like food and exercise is good for our body same water is also important. There are some importance of water.

Water maintain the fluid balance: 

Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water. Drinking enough H2O maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and more.

Water control calorie: 

Forget other diet tricks—drinking water could also help with weight loss. Numerous studies have found a connection between water consumption and losing a few pounds   . The secret reason? Water simply helps people feel full, and as a result consume fewer calories.

Water maintain muscles fuel:

Sweating at the gym causes muscles to lose water. And when the muscles don’t have enough water, they get tired  . So for extra energy, try drinking water to push through that final set of squats.

Water help to clear your skin: 

Certain toxins in the body can cause the skin to inflame, which results in clogged pores and acne  . While science saying water makes the skin wrinkle free is contradictory, water does flush out these toxins and can reduce the risk of pimples.

Water balance kidney function:

Our kidneys process 200 quarts of blood daily, sifting out waste and transporting urine to the bladder. Yet, kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what we don’t need in the body. Let's drink to that!

Pain prevention

A little water can really go a long way. Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated

Some Healthy Exercise to keep your body fit.

Just like a food is very important for our body same the exercise is also good for our body to burn fat and bad cholesterol.

Everyone needs to stay fit! Whether you are overweight or underweight it doesn’t matter. Exercise is a must for anyone and everyone. Even the leanest person on earth can have a lot of cholesterol in the body. Just 10 to 20 minutes every day can save you from a lot of deadly life threatening diseases. That’s all the amount of time you need to allocate to move your muscles and get you heart to beat.

A 30 to 45 minute workout every day is recommended for at least 5 days a week. But the 10 minute workout with calorie burning techniques can burn calories while making you stronger. For this workout regime you need a pair of dumbbells. Any weight from 1kg to 3 kgs, which ever

What is exercise?

Exercise is also known as physical activity. In simple terms exercise is any movement that works your body at a greater intensity than your usual level of daily activity. Exercise raises your heart rate and works your muscles and is most commonly undertaken to achieve the aim of physical fitness.

Exercise is important to ensure that your body is strong and healthy enough meet the challenges that you set for it.

* Exercise Improved heart and lung efficiency, reducing your chances of developing heart disease.
* Increased metabolic function, enabling you to maintain a healthy weight.
* Strong joints and muscles, so you can meet the demands of daily life.
* Maintenance of posture and flexibility, to keep you walking tall.
* Production of endorphins in your brain, promoting a sense of well being.

There is some simple and more efective exercise to our daily life.


A cycling workout is a foolproof way to get a great sweat and work your legs. Cycling is a wonderful exercise since you can push yourself at a higher intensity. It strengthens your legs, arms and back, encourages your heart to work more efficiently and aids in weight loss. Cycling is also one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your everyday routine since it’s a great means of transportation. It gets you fit, saves you money, and is good for your health. Bring along your significant other or friend, or cycle solo, and ensure you get the most out of your workout.

Jump squat:

Begin with Jump squats, for which you would not require your dumbbells. Squat down and push yourself up by jumping. You need to land back on your feet and lower into a squat again. Repeat the same process for 30 seconds. To have a good balance you can hold your fists tight in front of you.


When was the last time you jumped rope? Perhaps in your childhood. Jumping rope is a cheap and easily portable exercise that you can do almost anywhere. This workout burns more calories per minute than any other workout. Get jumping for a perfect exercise and plenty of fun. One of the best things about jumping rope is that you can do it with your kids. Moreover, jumping rope is a fantastic way to fit in a highly effective cardio session when you are on the go. Simply toss your jumping rope in your carry-on and you don’t need to look for the nearest gym. So, who said jumping rope is only for kids?


Unfortunately, many people avoid doing pushups since this exercise is a bit harder to perform, but it can do wonders for your body. There are plenty of different pushups that work the different muscles in the shoulders and arms. Try to vary your pushup style to lower your risk of becoming bored with exercise. Not only do pushups work the upper body, but also work the core. Do pushups a few days a week to help sculpt the arms and overall transform the body. Plus, pushups are good for your heart and cardiovascular health and this exercise helps to improve your posture. Just make sure you do them correctly – learn to do pushups with your back straight to reduce back pain and avoid straining your back.


There are many benefits of running. It helps to relieve stress, improve your heart health, reduce the risk of depression, burn mega calories and improve your overall health. Running can actually transform the body like nothing else. It builds strong, toned legs and makes them look thinner. I enjoy running, especially early in the morning, and I think it’s one of the best exercises to do every day. I always feel a great sense of accomplishment after my run. If you don’t feel like running, try jogging. Not only does jogging help to burn calories, it also helps to improve your overall health.


The great news for all lovers of swimming and for those who are trying to transform their bodies – swimming is a super effective workout that will bring you astonishing results. Swimming helps strengthen your core and work different muscle groups. Swimming boasts numerous health benefits. It helps to reduce your blood pressure, strengthen your heart and improve your aerobic capacity. Plus, swimming is a wonderful way for your family to get moving and have plenty of fun together. Though, this exercise is not as portable as jumping rope.

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