Saturday, July 18

Best Yoga Poses You Must Do For Headache Relief

yoga poses for headache relief

Headache is a very common problem of our life. How can we get relief for this problem? Everyone wants a life full of relief. Minor headache is little more than a nuisance that’s relieved by an over-the-counter pain reliever, some food or coffee, or a short rest. 

But if your headache is severe or unusual, you might worry about stroke, a tumor, or a blood clot. Fortunately, such problems are rare. Still, you should know when a headache needs urgent care and how to control the vast majority of headaches that are not threatening to your health.

Yoga is an ancient technique that promotes holistic living through a combination of postures and breathing techniques. Yoga is a side-effect free method to fight headache. Practicing these simple yoga postures for a few minutes everyday will help prepare yourself better.

There are some yoga poses which give relief to the problem of headache.

Big Toe Pose:
This pose gently lengthens and strengthens even stubbornly tight hamstrings. Its gives more relief from problem of headaches.

Bridge Pose:

Bridge Pose can be whatever you need—energizing, rejuvenating, or luxuriously restorative. Its gives a complete relax for your mind.

Corpse Pose:

Savasana is a pose of total relaxation—making it one of the most challenging. It give complete relax for mind and all body part.

Dolphin Pose:
Dolphin pose strengthens the core, arms, and legs, while also nicely opening the shoulders. Keep your head in down for great relif.

Downward Facing Dog:

Deservedly one of yoga’s most widely recognized yoga poses, Adho Mukha Svanasana, offer the ultimate all-over, rejuvenating stretch.

Extended Puppy Pose:

A cross between Child’s Pose and Downward Facing Dog, Extended Puppy Pose lengthens the spine and calms the mind.

Fire Leg Pose:

The Fire Log Pose stretches the outer hips intensely, particularly the piriformis, which is often the main culprit of sciatic pain.

Head To Knee Forward Bend:

Janu Sirsasana or Head-to-Knee Forward Bend is appropriate for all levels of student and a spinal twist to boot.

Leg Up The Wall Pose:

There’s a general consensus among modern yogis that Viparita Karani or Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose may have the power to cure whatever ails you.

Plow Pose:

Plow Pose reduces backache and can help you get to sleep.

Reclining Hero Pose:

Lay Virasana back and to take the stretch in the thighs and ankles up a notch.

Revolved Head To Knee Pose:

This twisting variation of Janu Sirsasana takes the classic forward bend to the next level of release.

Seated Forward Bend:

Fold into Paschimottanasana to help a distracted mind—and your hamstrings—unwind.

Wide Legged Forward Bend:

Open wide into Prasarita Padottanasana I to increase flexibility by leaps and bounds.

Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. All of these poses are suitable for yogis of all levels. They are relatively simple to get into, and stay in, as you feel your headache melt away. No matter the reason for your head pain: tension, stress or even sickness, yoga is an effective healer.

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