Tuesday, March 15

10 Simple Yoga Poses To Make your Whole Body Fit And Slim

Meditation Yoga pose 

How To Do It 

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight. Inhale. On the exhalation begin chanting om. Remember the four distinct parts.

2. Pause. Inhale and exhale.

Chant twice more.

Child's Yoga pose 

How To Do It 

1. Kneel on the floor and sit on your heels with your knees about as wide apart as your hips.

2. Lay your torso down between your thighs.

3. Extend your arms out in front of you, with your palms facing down on the floor.

4. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 2 minutes while you deeply inhale and exhale.

plank pose 

How To Do It 

1. Begin in downward dog. Then push your torso forward until it is parallel to the floor. Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor and your shoulders directly over your wrists.

2. Push your shoulder blades back and away from the spine. Relax your chest; spread your collarbone away from the sternum.

3. Keep your back in a straight line and your abs tight. Do not crane your neck. Instead lift your head away from the back of the neck and look straight down at the floor.

4. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Pigeon pose 

How To Do It 

1. Start in push-up position. Place your left knee on the floor near shoulder with your left heel by your right hip.

2. Lower onto your forearms. Bring your right leg down and keep the top of your foot on the floor.

3. Keep your chest lifted to the wall in front of you and your gaze down.

Tree Pose 

How To Do It 

1. Stand with your left side facing the wall, feet together.

2. Bend your left leg so your knee touches the wall and your foot is on your inner right thigh.

3. Place an old tie around your shin if you need help keeping your leg up.

4. Press your foot into your thigh and your thigh into your foot.

5. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then release and switch sides.

Bridge Pose 

How To Do It 

1. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet near buttocks and hip-width apart. Clasp your hands under your raised buttocks.

2. Contract your buttocks; curl your pelvis toward the ceiling,pressing your back into the floor.

3. Slowly lift your lower, middle, and upper back; raise hips to ceiling. Weight is on your shoulders and feet. Hold.

4. Release by lowering the spine one vertebra at a time. Relax

Triangle Pose 

How To Do It 

1. Bend at the waist and bring the fingertips of your right hand to the floor, outside your right foot. Extend your left arm above your head, creating a straight line between left hand and foot. Hold for several breaths.

2. Release your hands, straighten your upper body, then your right leg. Repeat on the left side.

Downward Dog Pose 

How To Do It 

1. Begin in table position, with your arms directly under shoulders, palms flat on the floor, your knees on the floor, and the tops of your feet flat on the mat.

2. Tuck your toes under, exhale, and lift your rear into the air, shifting your weight off your hands and into your legs. Your heels should be stretching toward the mat though they do not need to touch it.

3. Press your palms firmly into the mat with your fingers spread. Arch your back just slightly inward so your rear rises as high as possible toward the sky. Your head should hang down between your arms.

4. To stretch your legs and prepare to hold the post, place your feet flat on the floor (or as close as you can to the floor) bypicking up one heel and lowering the other; alternate for several breaths.

Chair pose 

How To Do It 

1. Stand straight with your feet a few inches apart.
2. Lift your arms above your head and clasp them.
3. Bend your knees, and bear down your pelvis, as though you are sitting in a chair.
4. Stay in the position for 30 seconds or more.
5. Release yourself from the pose slowly, straightening your knees first, and then bringing down your arms.

Salabhasana Pose

How To Do It 

1. Lie on your abdomen on the ground and place your hands by your side.
2. As you inhale, lift your legs and your upper torso.
3. Using your inner thighs, lift your leg upwards without bending your knees. Your weight should rest on your lower ribs and abdomen.
4. Hold the pose for a minute and then release.

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