Thursday, March 24

How To Plan Your Exercise? 10 Amazing Tips.

Hi! friends! As you know, we need to remain fit and physical active to remain our body functional. The best way to get physically active is to do exercise regularly. Working men and women find it difficult to get time for the exercise regularly. 

You should make a plan to do that like you plan your monthly budget. Just remember that physical activity won't just happen and as you know most activities require planning, similarly, starting and maintaining a physical activity program does too.

Here are some tips for you to getting ready to exercise

Make It Priority

You must do exercises regularly and make it on top priority. You know the health benefits of physical activity. If you want to feel good, drop some of that excess weight, increase your energy levels, improve your mood and feel more relaxed, make the commitment to a healthier life. Get help from your friend or fitness advisor. Check the internet and read the reviews from the fitness experts.

Set SMART Goal

Set yourself short and long-term SMART goals.
- Specific. You need a specific goal you wanted to achieve.
- Measurable. Every activity can be measured to get the good result.
- Achievable. Your specific and measurable targets should be achievable.
- Realistic. Think realistic and set the realistic goals only.
- Time-based. Consider that time is most valuable so don't waste it.

Don't Check Wight Daily

Your weight can not be change or reduce within a couple of hours. Don’t weigh yourself every day as your weight fluctuates daily. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of the day. Remember many of the benefits of exercise are more than weight loss. Try to focus on the goals you set for you.

Make An Action Plan

Draw up an activity action plan and use it. Keep a diary of your activities. This could be a weekly plan that sets out the specific activities you are going to do each day and for how long. Include your goal for that week or month and build in rewards (such as tickets to the movies, rather than something like fast food takeaway). You should avoid fast food, it just not help you.

Make Some Allowances

There is always some chance of mistakes so make some allowances for missed sessions and setbacks. Mistakes are inevitable but give you a great learning experience. If you plan for and accept them, modifications can be made to your plan without major disruptions. This will ultimately help you to get your goal.

Make The Time To Exercise 

You don’t have to find hours each day to exercise. With just 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity that increases your heart rate and breathing on most, if not all days, you’ll notice the benefits. It can even be broken into 10-minute chunks. 

High-intensity interval training or circuit training is also becoming a popular method of training that takes less time and is showing some positive results in research trials. This usually involves repetition of exercises at high intensities just below maximum effort with short rest periods. It is advisable to seek expert support and supervision before starting this type of activity.

Choose An Activity

Think about what you like doing. Consider the environment you’d enjoy when being physically active. It might be indoor, outdoor, in a pool or with equipment. This will make it more enjoyable, which helps to keep you motivated.

Make Your Task Active

Turn everyday things into active time. Make your everyday tasks more active. Take the stairs. Work up a housework sweat. Park your car further away. Take public transport, which generally requires some walking. Break up long periods of sitting by standing and moving around. Spend active time with the kids or play in the park or backyard.

No Excuses

Most people can come up with plenty of reasons not to be active like too busy or too tired, not having the ability, the money or the support. Most of these barriers can be overcome. Don’t let them get in the way of a happier, healthier you. Excuses will unnecessarily make your goal far from your reach. SO avoid excuses and do it as per your plan and schedule.

Benefits Vs Cost

To remain physically active has so many health benefits. Think about the benefits versus the costs. There are lots of good reasons to be active. You can burn up kilojoules, improve your health, reduce stress and make new friends. Draw up a table of the benefits of being active versus the costs of remaining sedentary.

Track Your Progress

Review your plans and goals, and track your progress. You may find that you can gradually increase some activities while others are just too hard. You could consider more convenient times to exercise or find some new activities. 

There may be times when expert advice from a health or exercise professional may be needed for you to break through plateaus in your training progress. Tracking your progress can be a great motivator. Keep a diary or use one of the apps for phone or tablet that are available. Reaching each goal will give you the confidence to strive for the next one.

Source: Internet.

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