Tuesday, February 12

Best Natural Sweetener You Can Use Instead Of Sugar

best natural sugar you can use | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Diabetes problem is becoming common now a days. Our lifestyle making it worse day by day. Lack of physical activity and bad eating habits helps to increase the risk of diabetes. To prevent diabetes we need to maintained a good eating habit with regular physical activities. Choose food with lower sugar especially added sugar. There are some sugar alternative which have glycemic values, it means they do not increase your blood sugar level.

Here are some natural sweetener which you can use in place of sugar.


It is a natural sweetener and derived from the sap of coconut palm. Experts suggests that coconut sugar contains several nutrients, making it an alternative to traditional cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup. In addition to retaining nutrients from the palm, coconut sugar also may have a lower glycemic index than traditional sugar which is good for diabetes patients. 

Coconut sugar has several other health benefits due to it's nutrition rich property. It has Zinc, calcium, potassium, polyphenols, and antioxidants.


You might be very well aware of vanilla beans. Vanilla beans often remind us of cupcakes and lattes, birthdays and candles and ice cream. Vanilla beans are used for pain relief and increasing brain power. It has strong anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Vanillin found in vanilla beans is known to activate receptors that relieve pain, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function. Thus, making vanilla powerful anti-inflammatory, brain-powering beans. 

Vanilla beans also used as a sweetener which is very good and enjoyed by most of the people. It has so many health benefits like it may alleviate anxiety, combats free radicals and oxidative stress, aids in weight loss, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-cancer benefits, mood enhancer, cognitive benefits, aphrodisiac properties


Maple syrup is a very good sweetener in comparison to honey. It has fewer calories and higher mineral content than honey. Maple syrup rich in manganese and zinc because of these, this sweetener packs a little more than just its sweetness. Manganese is an essential enzyme co-factor in cell energy production and detoxification. While zinc is essential for healthy cells and a healthy prostate. 
Maple syrup has other health benefits like anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immune boosting properties. 

Maple syrup has been known to cause less gas and discomfort than most other sweeteners.


Almonds one of the best food around us and everyone aware of that. Almonds are filled with good fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, making them one of the most nutritionally complete foods around. Experts suggests that they may also help prevent blood sugar spikes and regulate insulin levels. 

Several different studies have shown that eating almonds or almond products with refined carbohydrates dramatically reduces the "glycemic impact" of that carbohydrate. Additionally, this balancing effect is proportional to quantity.

Almond extract contains omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids; manganese, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, tryptophan, copper, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, biotin, protein, and fiber


Agave nectar is a fructose-rich liquid sweetener derived from a plant, and is often promoted as a low glycemic alternative to refined sugar.

This 100% plant-based sweetener originated from the blue agave plant, the same cactus from which tequila is derived. The good factor for this sweetener option is its comparatively lower glycemic index. With lower GI value, your blood sugar will not spikes up. Additionally, agave nectar is sweeter than most other sugars (about 1.5 times sweeter than regular table sugar), so less is needed to achieve the same taste, which saves calories for those looking to manage their weight.

Different studies results suggest that in comparison to sucrose, agave nectar may have a positive influence on weight gain and glucose control.


Dates fruit can easily become your natural sweetener. Date fruits have also been used in several forms such as syrups, spread, sugar and flour as a sweetener in food. To reduce the consumption of added sugar, and enjoy the sweet taste, dates in various forms have potential to blend in ethnic food preparation. 

Date fruits have several health benefits like promotes muscle development, supports intestinal and colon health, increases stamina, lowers blood pressure, supports heart health, combats free radicals and other toxins, low GI index. Actually dates have more potassium than bananas in equal quantity. 

Friday, February 8

7 Best Tips To Reduce Sugar From Your Food You Never Know

best tips to avoid sugar from your food | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

You must control sugar content in your food to get a healthy life. If you have diabetes then it becomes extremely important to control your blood sugar level and eat food with lower glycemic indexes. Sugar have calories like in soft drinks or candy, it can increases blood sugar and leads to weight gain. Your healthy lifestyle should avoid food products with added sugar or concentrated beverages because these are not good for your health. 

You can easily cut down the sugar from your daily food. Here are some tips to avoid or cut down the sugar content from your food easily.

1. It is good to remove the table sugar (white and brown), syrup, honey and molasses. Cut the sugar content from the food yo make regularly at home cereal, pancakes, coffee or tea. Try cutting the usual amount of sugar you add by half and wean down from there.

2. Avoid soft drinks as much as you can. They have large amount of added sugar which is not good for your health. Replace soft drinks with water. Water is best, but if you want something sweet to drink or are trying to lose weight, diet drinks can be a better choice than sugary drinks.

3. You should avoid heavy fruit syrup (concentrated) because it may have extra sugars. Eat real, frozen, dried or canned fruits only. Fruit in natural juice form is also preferable. If possible, you can remove the excess syrup of juice with the help of colander.

4. Read food labels carefully and choose the food product products with the lowest amount of sugar. Some products like dairy and natural , may have natural sugar. But some food products contains added sugar so choose carefully. You can also add fresh fruits or dry fruits in your cereal or oatmeal instead of sugar.

READ MORE:- 10 Most Powerful Foods Which Helps To Burn Fat You Never Know

5. At home, while baking cookies, brownies or cakes, you can cut the sugar quantity by one half or one third. You may not feel the difference while eating them with less sugar.

6. You can use extracts like vanilla, orange, almond or lemon instead of adding sugar. Vanilla beans and almond extracts have sweet flavor therefore it's extracts can work in place of sugar. Also these extracts have lower glycemic index therefore will not increase the blood sugar level.

7. Try to avoid sugar completely. Prepare your mind to avoid that additional sugar to put in your food. Your body will get natural sugar from foods. So eat healthy foods and prepare foods with different spices to get delicious taste.

READ MORE: The Best And Worst Low Carb Food You Never Know.

Wednesday, February 6

10 Best Tips To Eat Healthy Daily You Never Know

10 best tips to eat health daily | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

In order to get a healthy life, you should eat good and exercise daily. Similarly your family deserve better and healthy food. Small members of your family may or may not know the benefits and drawbacks of different food items. You should take a lead and make them learn to eat good. A healthy family is a good family.

Here are some tips you can use to eat healthy daily.

Try eating new fruits and vegetables daily. Let your family, specially your children to pick new fruits or vegetable in the grocery store. If they are interested in cooking also, let them explore the way to cook that. By doing this your family will eat good food daily with essential vitamins and minerals.

Whole grain food is always the best choice. It is good for your digestion. Fill up your kitchen with whole grain foods like bread, brown rice, oats, popcorn etc. Eating good fats are also important and some fats are better. Avoid butter and other refined oils. Use corn, olive, safflower, sesame and sunflower oil for cooking.

Develop good eating habits. Try to teach your children which are good food to eat and what to avoid for a good health. By doing this you can involve everyone in your family for a healthy lifestyle change. 

Non veg foods like chicken, fishes and eggs are also important and nutrition rich. You can limit your red meat intake. chicken and fishes are  a good source of protein. You can find healthy omega-3 fatty acids in fishes. Teach your family to eat chicken, fishes and their benefits for a good health. 

Teach your children how to read nutrition labels on the food items. Soon they will know what to read on the food labels. Pick healthy foods that provide nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber but limit sodium, added sugars, saturated fat and trans fat.

Cooking at home helps you to control your meal portion size and the quality of the ingredients. Try to eat at home and cook good food while avoid the junk food. So, avoid eating out and cook food for your family at home.

It is better to have fruits and vegetables for snacks than some fried food items. Your children loves fruits so make mix fruit salad for them. Keep them available at your home all the time. Your family is more likely to grab fruits and vegetables over other items if they’re readily available.

Reducing salt from your food is very good. Learn how to reduce salt from your food and teach to your family also. Avoid processed foods because the have higher sodium content. 

READ MORE : Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday You Never Know

Include dry fruits like nuts, cashew and peanuts in your food. A handful of nuts are very good for your health and a good option for snacks. These are nutrition rich foods and your children will loves eating them. Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts are all good choices.

Pack your own food while go picnic. It is important not to eat food from outside because it may have higher sodium content you don't know about the ingredients used. So package your own healthy snacks. Put cut-up veggies and fruits in portion-sized containers for easy, healthy snacking on the go, without the added sugars and sodium.

Thursday, January 17

5 Tips To Avoid Injuries While Workout You Should Know

5 Tips To Avoid Injuries While Workout You Should Know | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

It is important not to get injured during your workout routine, it will ruin your workouts. Most of the people are in a rush to get desired fitness and got injured while trying this. But it is not advisable by fitness trainers. Not to get injured should be your prime goal while workout. Here are some tips for you so that you can avoid injuries.

Set Realistic Goals

You can not run a marathon in your first day. You can only do small things which can become great ultimately. So it is important to set realistic goals which you can achieve on a regular basis. Don't push yourself hard as you may hurt yourself. Do not try to get so much in less time. Make a plan and set small and achievable goal.

Warm Up

Warm up exercises are important before starting your workout. Muscles required some stretching so that you will not injured yourself while exercising. Don't be harsh, warm up is good for your body. It increases the temperature of your joints and elasticity. A 10 minute warm up like running, jogging, jumping jack etc is good start for your next workout.

Gradual Increase

Don't rush to get more reps from day one. Gradual and calculated increase is the key not to get injured. Also, it is not possible to burn all the extra calories you have burned in a day. Slowly increase your strength and eat as per your body requirement. It is the only way to get maximum benefit of your daily workout routine. Low fat diet with proper exercise is important to build a strong body.

Food And Water

Hydration is also very important to your body and it makes a big difference to your fitness. Proper energy level must be maintained before and during workout. Choose a healthy diet plan with enough carb so that you will be properly energized while workout. Drink plenty of water, it flush out fat from your body. Healthy eating is also very important, eat good food and avoid junk food like burger etc. It’s a good idea to sip water leading up to your exercise instead of gulping it down just before you start.

Warm Down

Take it seriously. Warm down your body after workout is equally important like warm up. Warm down your body stop the blood from pooling in your muscles and get it back to your heart which prevents dizziness, it also helps flush out any of the metabolic waste like lactic acid. It’s also the perfect time to stretch, because your muscles are warm and super responsive to stretching. The stretching that will help prevent injuries the next time you exercise. The warm down should happen immediately after exercise and gradually reduce the intensity of your exercise.

READ MORE : 10 Most Powerful Foods Which Helps To Burn Fat You Never Know.

Friday, January 11

Amazing Health benefits Of Dates You Never Know

Dates fruit are very common food in the middle east. Various types of dates are found worldwide mainly Khodry, Khalas, Ruthana, Sukkary, Sefri, Segae, Ajwa, Hilali and Munifi. Dates and their constituents show a role in diseases prevention through anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial activity.

Dates are very useful and healthy for our body because of its constituents. Dates have dietary fibers, protein, vitamin, iron etc.

Here are the important health benefits of eating dates regularly.

Anti Diabetic

Diabetes is a widely spread diseases. The number of diabetes patients increasing every year. Presently the treatment of diabetes based on synthetic medicines or oral hypoglycemic agents is effective but is has some adverse effects also. Therefore natural products and their constituents is a good approach in the control of diseases like diabetes as they are less toxic and free from side effects than synthetic ones. 

There are various active compounds present in dates (Phoenix Dactylifera Extract) such as flavenoids, steroids, phenol and saponines, which play a role as anti-diabetic. Another important study showed that consumption of dates may be of benefit in glycaemic and lipid control of diabetic patients.

dates fruit healthy snack | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Anti Cancer

Cancer is another disease which is spreading fast. But date fruit may have some benefits which can prevent the cancer.
Cancer caused by the alteration in mechanism of action of genes. There are numerous chemo preventive agents used to cure various types of diseases including cancer. But these drugs show an adverse side effect through alteration in gene normal action.

The dates fruits constituents has shown the anti tumor activity but its exact mechanism of action of dates and their constituents in the prevention of tumor is not known exactly. Earlier studies reported that beta D-glucan from dates has shown anti tumor activity.

Anti Inflammatory

Dates are very useful in case of inflammation. Inflammation is one of the important defense mechanisms against various factors such as infection, burn, toxic chemicals, allergens and other stimuli. Transcription factors LOX and NF-kB play a significant role in the inflammation, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

It is believed that natural products are a good remedy in the suppression of NF-kB and acts as anti-inflammatory agents. Some studies have shown that constituents of plants such as phenolics and flavonoids act as excellent anti-inflammatory agents.

Date fruits play a significant role as anti-inflammatory and recent report on the Ajwa dates showed that ethyl acetate, methanolic, and water extracts of Ajwa dates inhibit the lipid peroxidation cyclooxygenase enzymes COX-1 and COX2. A study in the support of dates as anti-inflammatory showed that the leaves of dates can be considered as a good source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammation drugs.

Anti Microbial

Studies shows that eating dates fruit regularly strengthens your immune system. The incidence of drug resistance against microbial pathogens is increasing significantly worldwide. Bacterial resistance against antimicrobial agents is one of the major difficulties in treatment.

An important study showed that the effect of methanol and acetone extracts of leaves and pits of Dates fruit prevents the growth of F. oxysporum, Fusarium sp., F. solani, A. alternata, Alternaria pathogens.

Anti Oxidants

Antioxidants are important for our body. Antioxidants are chemicals that interact and deactivate the free radicals, therefore preventing them from causing harm to our body. The prevention of actions of free radical is important step in the management of various diseases.

Dates fruits have high composition of carbohydrates, salts and minerals, dietary fibre, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acid gives a unique value in human nutrition. A recent report showed that aqueous extracts of dates have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-mutagenic activity. Some studies also shows that dates constitutes good source of antioxidant and have the highest concentration of polyphenols among the dried fruits.

dates fruit healthy snack | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Positive Effect on Fertility

Dates fruits have some important constituents and each constituent play a role in the management of diseases and fertility.

Dates helps in infertility or problem in reproductive system. Numerous studies or reports are in the support of dates in solving the problem of infertility. Earlier investigators have shown that micro elements from date palm polen extract (DPP) such as estrone, sterols, and other agents that influence male fertility.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3992385/

Tuesday, January 8

Amazing Tips To Motivate Yourself To Get Your Fitness Goal

Your fitness goal must need a continuous motivation otherwise you will struggle. It is the truth and accept it. Go and check the internet, there a many stories of people who do great works, achieve many successes by getting a flame of motivation. They faces the obstacles in their life but finally they got their goals. If they can why not you.

Accept the facts. Plan for yourself. You fitness need your attention. Motivate yourself to get a better fitness level from your current level. Here are the few things you can do to motivate yourself regularly. 

Set Goals

Goal setting is important because without it you can not follow the correct path. Step wise setting small goals will help you to achieve your desired fitness. It takes time to build a healthier body, you have to invest your time and effort.

Realistic goals are important, it ensures that you will actually progressing. Small goals like to walk a mile in 10 minutes or walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes can give you a good start. 

Note Down Your Progress

Your efforts will make you fit but data is also important. Note down your weight and calorie burned. Latest apps and gadgets can make it simpler for you. Your weight loss data will help you to get motivated.Your fitness data helps you to remain progressive.

Call A Friend

Your friends can help you to stay motivated. Studies suggests that a group of friend can motivate and inspire each other to do more together. It also make you compete against them.

There are many times in your life you may feel depressed. Your close friends can help you out from that situation. 
Choose some activities which makes you contact your friends. Try to include them with your fitness goal. 

Listen Music While Workout

It is good to listen music while doing workout. Music inspire to do more. You have plenty of gadgets to listen music while exercising. Just select the best workout tracks and put your headphones on.

Motivation can be derived from listening to music. Music and mood have an intrinsic connection. Scientists continue to discover how these influences occur at a neuropsychic level. Studies prove that the music we listen, engages a wide range of neurobiological cycles that impact our psychology.

Mix It Up

Try to mix your workout if you are getting bore with regular routine. Do circuit training or cross training. Do a fresh start. it keeps you motivated. 

Reward Yourself

Give yourself a small treat when you complete your goals. Don't be harsh to yourself. It keeps you remain in the game. Give yourself a movie ticket or taste a dish which you want from a long time. You deserve it.

Try different strategies and find what works for you. You will not succeed in your every endeavor but failure makes you stronger so don't get disappointed. Just keep your fitness fire flames alive. Keep doing good work and stay motivated.

Saturday, January 5

Easy Yogas You Can Do At Home To Improve Your Health

Easy Yogas You Can Do At Home To Improve Your Health | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Yoga is great for your physical flexibility. It is also good to remain active and strengthen your muscles. Yoga includes breathing techniques and body movements. It works on your whole body and you can do it quite easily at home without any specific equipments. The good fact is that you don't need to attend yoga classes to perform it correctly. 

Yoga have numerous health benefits. It is good for your general well being. Yoga helps to relive back and neck pain and it might help to control diabetes. Yoga also helps to people to quit smoking, lose weight and get a better sleep.

Here are some easy Yogas you can do at home any time.

Reclining Big Toe Pose I

  • Lying on your back, hook a strap or towel over your right foot. 
  • Push your foot upwards while pulling the strap down to increase pressure, drawing your shoulder blades into your back. 
  • After five breaths, repeat with your left leg.

yoga pose | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com
image source:- yogajournal

Reclining Big Toe Pose II

  • Start with the Reclining Big Toe Pose I (the pose above) with your right leg in the air. 
  • But as you exhale, move your leg sideways towards the floor. 
  • After five breaths, repeat with your left leg.

yoga pose2 | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com
image source:- yogapaws

Seated Forward Fold Pose

  • Sit on the ground with your legs crossed in front of you, bend forward from the hips, walking your fingers along the ground as far forwards as is comfortable. 
  • Hold this position for five breaths, then swap the fold of your legs and try again.

yoga pose3 | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

The Downward Dog

  • Stand in an upside down ‘V’ shape, with your palms spread on the floor, knees bent and your heels lifted. 
  • Breathe out, straighten your knees and push your heels toward the floor.

yoga pose4 | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Low Lunge Pose

  • From the Downward Dog, move your right foot forward so that it’s between your hands. 
  • Drop the knee of your left leg to the ground, then place your hands on your right knee. 
  • After three to five breaths, switch legs.

yoga pose5 | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Yoga is generally safe for healthy people when performed properly. If you have any temporary physical problem, consult your physician before doing yoga.
Yoga improves your health and the way you live your life. Practice yoga regularly to get maximum benefits.

Friday, January 4

Best Leg Exercises You Can Do At Home

Legs are the most important part of your body and properly sculpted legs improves your overall physique. But sadly it is ignored by most of the beginners. A beginner may focus on his or her upper body initially and ignores legs.

Your lower body includes thighs, hamstring,  knee, calf, toe and other muscles which need to be improved and conditioned. There are various exercises you can do to strengthen your leg muscles even at your home without going to gym.. 

Remember that before doing intense exercises, stretching exercises are important. So do some stretching before doing leg exercises. These exercises are for beginners and can be modified as per their level.


  • Stand straight with feet hip-width apart.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles and straight your hand. 
  • Bend your knees (90 degree angle with your legs) while keeping your upper body as straight as possible.
  • Repeat the movement.
  • You can do this with or without weight.


  • Stand with your feet just outside shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly out. 
  • Squat down with your weight in your heels. Keep your upper body straight.
  • When you hit the bottom of your squat  (i.e. thighs 90 degree with legs), squeeze your butt tight and drive hard through your legs and heels as you launch straight up, pelvis forward, pushing off your toes at the last moment of contact with the floor.
  • Land softly, then use the momentum from landing to go right into your next squat. That's one rep.


  • From a standing position, raise one foot off the floor. You should be looking directly forward, with your chest up, knees and hips slightly bent, and your back straight.
  • Descend into a squat by flexing your hips and knee. As you squat, extend the non-working leg forward to allow clearance for your movement.
  • Hold the bottom position briefly and then return to the start by extending through the hips and knee, driving through the heel of your working foot.
  • Repeat with another leg.


  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. 
  • Take a big step forward with right leg and start to shift weight forward so heel hits the floor first.
  • Lower body until right thigh is parallel to floor and right shin is vertical (it's okay if knee shifts forward a little as long as it doesn't go past right toe). If mobility allows, lightly tap left knee to ground while keeping weight in right heel.
  • Press into right heel to drive back up to starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.


  • Same as the forward lunge, Start with feet together.
  • Step back with one foot to complete a lunge.
  • Step back toward starting position.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.


  • Stand shoulder width apart. Step out to the side, keeping toes pointing forward.
  • Complete a lunge, bending at the knee to lower downwards.
  • Your knees should not pass over your toes.
  • Step back to starting position to repeat to the opposite side.

image source:- irongrif.com


  • Stand straight. Position toes and balls of feet on calf block or elevation with heels and arches extending off.
  • Place hand or hands on support for balance. Lift one leg to rear by bending knee.
  • Raise heel by extending ankle as high as possible.
  • Lower heel by bending ankle until calf is stretched.
  • Repeat. Continue with opposite leg.

image source:- www.muscleandfitness.com


  • Begin in a standing position.
  • Move into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
  • Kick your feet back into a plank position, while keeping your arms extended.
  • Immediately return your feet into squat position.
  • Stand up from the squat position.

image source:- journal.crossfit.com


  • Stand next to a chair, which you may hold onto as a support. Stand on one leg. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping your leg straight, raise it as far out to the side as possible, and swing it back down, allowing it to cross the opposite leg.
  • Repeat this swinging motion 5-10 times, increasing the range of motion as you do so.

image source: www.bodybuilding.com


  • Lay on the floor with your feet flat and knees bent.
  • Raise one leg off of the ground, pulling the knee to your chest. This will be your starting position.
  • Execute the movement by driving through the heel, extending your hip upward and raising your glutes off of the ground.
  • Extend as far as possible, pause and then return to the starting position.

image source:- www.skimble.com


  • To start, place your entire right foot onto the bench or chair. Press through your right heel as you step onto the bench, bringing your left foot to meet your left so you are standing on the bench.
  • Return to the starting position by stepping down with the right foot, then the left so both feet are on the floor.
  • Complete 15 steps leading with the left foot, then repeat another 15 steps leading with your left foot. Do three sets.

Prepare your workout plan and include a leg day. Your legs are vital for your overall looks. Your tonned upper body will not look good if your lower body is not good and not properly tonned. Do the above mentioned leg exercises regularly in your leg day schedule. Stay healthy and stay fit.

Tuesday, January 1

Do You Know Why Running Is Good For Your Health?

Running is Good for your health.

Running is a popular physical activity with a consistent growth, despite some public concerns about the possible harmful effects of running. As per the various studies, it is now well established that physical activity like running has substantial health benefits. 

The World Health Organization has recently released evidence based Physical Activity Guidelines and recommending at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, or an equivalent combination of both.

Your inactive body may attract various diseases like:
  • High blood pressure, 
  • High blood cholesterol, 
  • Stroke, 
  • Type 2 diabetes, 
  • Heart disease, 
  • Cancer,

To avoid the diseases you should do regular physical activities. Running is the best option you should do regularly. Running improves your stamina and strengthen your heart. Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits to your body.
  • Prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke,
  • Control weight and avoid obesity, 
  • Make your muscles stronger, 
  • Reduce excess fat, 
  • Promote strong bone, muscle, and joint development,
  • Improves heart and lungs condition,
  • Build overall strength and endurance to your body, 
  • Improve your sleep, 
  • Decrease potential of becoming depressed,
  • Increase your energy and self esteem, 
  • Relieve stress, 
  • Increase your chances of living longer,

"The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" issues some guidelines (for adults 18 to 64 years) for physical activity to remember which are:-

  • All adults should avoid inactivity. Some physical activity is better than none, and adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits.
  • For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Aerobic activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week.
  • For additional and more extensive health benefits, adults should increase their aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. Additional health benefits are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond this amount.
  • Adults should also include muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week.

Running considered to be a vigorous exercise but running may not be suitable for all people, and those who wish to start, but have specific health concerns (for example, high blood pressure or obesity), should take advice from their doctor. Those who are unable to perform vigorous activity like running, can consider low-impact activity as an alternative.