Friday, February 8

7 Best Tips To Reduce Sugar From Your Food You Never Know

best tips to avoid sugar from your food |

You must control sugar content in your food to get a healthy life. If you have diabetes then it becomes extremely important to control your blood sugar level and eat food with lower glycemic indexes. Sugar have calories like in soft drinks or candy, it can increases blood sugar and leads to weight gain. Your healthy lifestyle should avoid food products with added sugar or concentrated beverages because these are not good for your health. 

You can easily cut down the sugar from your daily food. Here are some tips to avoid or cut down the sugar content from your food easily.

1. It is good to remove the table sugar (white and brown), syrup, honey and molasses. Cut the sugar content from the food yo make regularly at home cereal, pancakes, coffee or tea. Try cutting the usual amount of sugar you add by half and wean down from there.

2. Avoid soft drinks as much as you can. They have large amount of added sugar which is not good for your health. Replace soft drinks with water. Water is best, but if you want something sweet to drink or are trying to lose weight, diet drinks can be a better choice than sugary drinks.

3. You should avoid heavy fruit syrup (concentrated) because it may have extra sugars. Eat real, frozen, dried or canned fruits only. Fruit in natural juice form is also preferable. If possible, you can remove the excess syrup of juice with the help of colander.

4. Read food labels carefully and choose the food product products with the lowest amount of sugar. Some products like dairy and natural , may have natural sugar. But some food products contains added sugar so choose carefully. You can also add fresh fruits or dry fruits in your cereal or oatmeal instead of sugar.

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5. At home, while baking cookies, brownies or cakes, you can cut the sugar quantity by one half or one third. You may not feel the difference while eating them with less sugar.

6. You can use extracts like vanilla, orange, almond or lemon instead of adding sugar. Vanilla beans and almond extracts have sweet flavor therefore it's extracts can work in place of sugar. Also these extracts have lower glycemic index therefore will not increase the blood sugar level.

7. Try to avoid sugar completely. Prepare your mind to avoid that additional sugar to put in your food. Your body will get natural sugar from foods. So eat healthy foods and prepare foods with different spices to get delicious taste.

READ MORE: The Best And Worst Low Carb Food You Never Know.

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