Friday, January 11

Amazing Health benefits Of Dates You Never Know

Dates fruit are very common food in the middle east. Various types of dates are found worldwide mainly Khodry, Khalas, Ruthana, Sukkary, Sefri, Segae, Ajwa, Hilali and Munifi. Dates and their constituents show a role in diseases prevention through anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial activity.

Dates are very useful and healthy for our body because of its constituents. Dates have dietary fibers, protein, vitamin, iron etc.

Here are the important health benefits of eating dates regularly.

Anti Diabetic

Diabetes is a widely spread diseases. The number of diabetes patients increasing every year. Presently the treatment of diabetes based on synthetic medicines or oral hypoglycemic agents is effective but is has some adverse effects also. Therefore natural products and their constituents is a good approach in the control of diseases like diabetes as they are less toxic and free from side effects than synthetic ones. 

There are various active compounds present in dates (Phoenix Dactylifera Extract) such as flavenoids, steroids, phenol and saponines, which play a role as anti-diabetic. Another important study showed that consumption of dates may be of benefit in glycaemic and lipid control of diabetic patients.

dates fruit healthy snack |

Anti Cancer

Cancer is another disease which is spreading fast. But date fruit may have some benefits which can prevent the cancer.
Cancer caused by the alteration in mechanism of action of genes. There are numerous chemo preventive agents used to cure various types of diseases including cancer. But these drugs show an adverse side effect through alteration in gene normal action.

The dates fruits constituents has shown the anti tumor activity but its exact mechanism of action of dates and their constituents in the prevention of tumor is not known exactly. Earlier studies reported that beta D-glucan from dates has shown anti tumor activity.

Anti Inflammatory

Dates are very useful in case of inflammation. Inflammation is one of the important defense mechanisms against various factors such as infection, burn, toxic chemicals, allergens and other stimuli. Transcription factors LOX and NF-kB play a significant role in the inflammation, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.

It is believed that natural products are a good remedy in the suppression of NF-kB and acts as anti-inflammatory agents. Some studies have shown that constituents of plants such as phenolics and flavonoids act as excellent anti-inflammatory agents.

Date fruits play a significant role as anti-inflammatory and recent report on the Ajwa dates showed that ethyl acetate, methanolic, and water extracts of Ajwa dates inhibit the lipid peroxidation cyclooxygenase enzymes COX-1 and COX2. A study in the support of dates as anti-inflammatory showed that the leaves of dates can be considered as a good source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammation drugs.

Anti Microbial

Studies shows that eating dates fruit regularly strengthens your immune system. The incidence of drug resistance against microbial pathogens is increasing significantly worldwide. Bacterial resistance against antimicrobial agents is one of the major difficulties in treatment.

An important study showed that the effect of methanol and acetone extracts of leaves and pits of Dates fruit prevents the growth of F. oxysporum, Fusarium sp., F. solani, A. alternata, Alternaria pathogens.

Anti Oxidants

Antioxidants are important for our body. Antioxidants are chemicals that interact and deactivate the free radicals, therefore preventing them from causing harm to our body. The prevention of actions of free radical is important step in the management of various diseases.

Dates fruits have high composition of carbohydrates, salts and minerals, dietary fibre, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acid gives a unique value in human nutrition. A recent report showed that aqueous extracts of dates have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-mutagenic activity. Some studies also shows that dates constitutes good source of antioxidant and have the highest concentration of polyphenols among the dried fruits.

dates fruit healthy snack |

Positive Effect on Fertility

Dates fruits have some important constituents and each constituent play a role in the management of diseases and fertility.

Dates helps in infertility or problem in reproductive system. Numerous studies or reports are in the support of dates in solving the problem of infertility. Earlier investigators have shown that micro elements from date palm polen extract (DPP) such as estrone, sterols, and other agents that influence male fertility.


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