Thursday, March 12

Workout In A Hotel Room You Can Do While You Travel

workout in a hotel room |

Are you a frequent traveller? If yes then it becomes hard for you to maintain a good fit body. While travelling you need to take care of your food, your luggage and other things. When you are away from home, you are actually away from so many routine things like eating on time, morning walk, workout and a good sleep. You may or may not eating well or drink more than you should. All these disturbances in your daily routine can take a toll on you and your fitness.

When you are away from home, your hotel room is the only place where you can relax and sleep properly. Also, your hotel room is the right place to maintain your fitness and helps you stay active. Here we have put together a workout plan which you can use in your hotel room.


Mountain climber exercise is great for building cardio health, core strength, and agility. To do mountain climbing exercise, find a suitable place inside your room.

  • Get into the Plank exercise position, your hands must be straight.
  • Maintain your hands distance equal to your shoulder distance. Your back should be straight.
  • Pull your right knee towards your right shoulder and chest as far as you can. Then pull it back in original position.
  • Repeat it with other leg and do as fast as you can. Adjust your repetition as per your fitness level.


You hotel room wall can help you to do a good exercise. Wall squats strengthen your upper legs. To do wall squats, stand against the wall and lower yourself into a sitting position. While in sitting position hold this while maintain a 90 degree angle with your legs. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.


To do triceps dip, end of the bed or a chair can help. You can do this without bed or chair.

Start seated with knees bent and feet on the floor. Place hands behind you, directly under the shoulders, with finger facing your hips. Lift hips to a hover.

Bend elbow straight back and use your triceps to press back up. Repeat 10-12 times and do three sets.


Use a sturdy chair or end of the bed in your room. Put your hands on the chair or bed end and do push ups. Do 10-12 reps and three sets. It is great exercise for your chest muscles.


Yes you read it right. Your luggage can be used as a weight to lift up to perform an exercise. Stand straight and pick your bag. Lift it up with your hands up to your chest. Then lower it down. Repeat it 10-12 times.


Plank is a great exercise you can do anywhere. Your hotel room is a good place to do planks. Lay down on the floor like a push up position but bends your hand from elbow. Face downward and hips straight. Maintain a firm posture and activates your core. Hold this as much as you can. Rest and repeat it two to three times.

You can do plank’s other variation also like side plank.


Burpees are great for fat burn. Start in a standing position and jump down to a plank position on the floor. Then lower yourself in a push up position. Then stand up and jump into the air at your position. Do this 7 to 8 reps and take rest between 2 to 3 rounds.


Staying active is important while you stay away from home frequently. This small workout routine can helps you to stay fit and energetic throughout your trip or vacation. Ensure to eat well with fruits and salads and drink water regularly while you are travelling.

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