Wednesday, March 25

Coronavirus- What Is Self Isolation And What To Do During This Period?

social distancing |

How To Self Isolate During Coronavirus spread?

To stop or prevent the spreading of Covid-19, many countries putting their people in self isolation by advising or imposing social distancing. 

The main goal of self isolation is to put as much distance between you and other people as possible. Following steps you can take while self isolate,

1. You and Your family should be in your household. It is also important that you do not have any visitors during this time. Avoid getting in hotel. 

2. At home, you do not need to wear surgical nose mask if you are well.

3. If you have an medical emergency or other then you must wear a mask for you and others protection.

4. Where possible, ask friends, family or neighbors who are not in isolation to pick up food and necessities for you, and leave them at your front door.

5. To minimize the spread of germs you should regularly clean frequently touched surfaces (like door knobs) and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

What You Can Do During Self Isolation?

1. During self isolation, you can get bored easily so it is important that you look after your mental health during this time, including maintaining a normal routine as much as possible.

2. It is good to exercise during self isolation or self quarantine. Exercise each day is advisable, and can be done in the privacy of your room using YouTube exercise tutorials or by walking around your home or garden.

3. You can stay connected with your family and friends using telephone or social media. This is the best way to stay connected and avoid loneliness.

4. You can do some online courses as per your field of interest. 

5. If you are a reader then you can read books during self isolation. 

6. Avoid Rumors.  

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