Tuesday, March 24

11 Regular Health Checks For Women You Never Know

health check ups | www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Good health is important for everybody and you should take care of your health more seriously. If you are a woman than you should take care of your health as an important part of yourself. 

In general, women suffers problems like anemia, osteoporosis, breast cancer etc hence their early detection becomes critical for good health. Regular health checkups helps to determine your health status. So it is important that you should contact your doctors at regular time intervals so that any kind of disease can be detected at their early stages.

Here are some health checks for women which should be done regularly.

Blood Pressure Check

High blood pressure raises the risk of heart attack, heart stroke. All women specially adult must know their blood pressure range through routine checkups. Overweight, obesity are now very common among people so go to doctor and check your blood pressure at regular intervals.

Blood Glucose Tests

Your blood glucose level is also important. Overweight and obese women are at higher risk of diabetes. It makes you really sick so it is highly advisable to go your medical practitioner periodically and check your blood glucose level.

Body Mass Index

BMI means body mass index and it is a measure of obesity in you. Obesity and overweight can increases your risk of hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases. So check your BMI number regularly.

Bone Density Screening

Osteoporosis can be harmful to you and women at age 65 should start getting checkup for osteoporosis.

Breast Cancer Check

Breast cancer is very harmful for women and causes deaths in women. Its best prevention is the early detection of breast cancer. Common symptoms include lumps, asymmetry, and skin or nipple retraction, changes or bloody discharge. If you feel any symptoms on your body please go to your doctor. Remember early detection is the key for the treatment of breast cancer.

Colon Cancer Check And Detection

It is most common cancer among women after breast cancer. Every women must aware of the symptoms like change on bowl habit, blood in the stool or sudden weight loss. Screening generally begins at the age of 50 years and can be done through stool-based tests (to test for blood in the stool) or endoscopy (to examine the intestines using a lighted tube and camera). If you have a family history of the disease, or other concerns, talk to your doctor about starting screening earlier.

Dental Check Up

Bad dental health or infections on gum negatively impacts your overall health. So look after your teeth. Brush regularly and twice a day at least. Avid smoking, sugary foods and alcohol for your dental health. Go to your dentist regularly so that tooth decays or other problems can be identified at early stage.

lipid Profile Check

This is a tool and method used to assess your risk of developing heart disease or stroke.
At higher age you need to blood test more often to know your heart risk.Obesity and overweight are also reason for heart diseases.

Check Up For Cervical Cancer

WHO says that during a Pap smear, your doctor uses a speculum to widen the vaginal canal, takes cells from the cervix with a small brush, and examines those cells under a microscope for changes that may lead to cervical cancer. Screening should start at 30 years of age, if the test is negative you can have the test every three to five years. Alternatively, an HPV test can be used to detect Humanpapillomavirus, one of the most common sexually transmitted infections that can lead to pre-cancer and cancer when persistent. The sample will be also taken from the cervix or from the vagina if you use self-sampling. Screening should also start at 30 years of age (earlier for women with HIV) and you can re-do the test after a minimum of five years if the test is negative.

Check Your Skin 

You can do it by yourself. Women can monitor their skin, carefully inspecting the skin all over your body, looking for any new moles or changes to existing moles which can be early signs of skin cancer. Sunburn on your skin can cause melanoma and other skin cancers so protecting against sun burn is important for all ages. Go to your doctor if you see any abnormality.

Visual And Hearing Impairment

When you get older your visual and hearing abilities decreases. If you have any problems in your eyes or ear, go to your ENT specialist as soon as possible.

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