Tuesday, March 10

How To Control Your Cholesterol And Live A Happy Life

You may have heard that your parents or any of your relative have high cholesterol problem. When you try to figure out what is cholesterol, then there are two words related with cholesterol you should know. First one is Hyperlipidemia and second one is hypercholesterolemia.

Hyperlipidemia means that there are lipids or fats in your blood which are increasing in numbers. These lipids or fats also called triglycerides. On the other hand, Hypercholesterolemia means that your blood have too much bad cholesterol. This increases the risk of your arteries blockage due to fatty deposits in your artery.

Cholesterol generally is of two types Good and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is HDL and bad cholesterol is LDL. If the level of good cholesterol is less than bad cholesterol then you have the risks of artery blockage or atherosclerotic plaque.

Your overall health and risks like smoking and high blood pressure is helpful if you are being diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia. Your doctor can combine these factors with your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels which ultimately affects your cardiovascular health.

So, can you control your cholesterol levels to enjoy your life happily? The good news is yes you can. Your high cholesterol levels can be lowered which can reduce your risk of any heart disease like stroke. But you need to check your cholesterol level first through your doctor. Earlier you know is way better then late.

There are some methods or we can say behavioural changes in your life to improve your cholesterol levels. Your lifestyle greatly affects your health. 

Have Good Eating Habits

How to lower your cholesterol levels? It is greatly depends on what you eat and how much you know about your food. Your food must contains low saturated and trans fat. The American Heart Association prescribes constraining saturated fat to 5 to 6 percent of day by day calories and limiting the measure of trans fat you eat.

Saturated fats and trans fats are high in red meat and whole milk dairy products. Replace these foods with skim milk, low fat or fat free dairy products. Eat less fried food items.

Dietary fiber rich food are also help to reduce your cholesterol level in a great extent. Intake of foods like fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish and nuts which are high in dietary fiber helps to maintain in your overall good health. A healthy diet makes you stay away from sugary foods and sugary beverages.

DASH diet plan is a good example of a good eating habits. DASH means Dietary approaches to stop hypertension. It is widely accepted and promoted by American heart Association, US department of agriculture and other institutions. Dash diets promotes your good heart health while providing you full nutrition. It combines all the essential nutrition from different foods based on your culture and preferences.

To understand your food, you should learn to read food labels. When you shop, read food labels which contain information about the food you are buying. Pay attention to the cholesterol levels mention on the labels. By doing this you can significantly control your cholesterol level.

Physical Activity Is Good For Your Health

An inactive lifestyle is harmful for your cholesterol levels. By staying physical inactive, you are decreasing your good cholesterol levels which is not good for your arteries. Studies shows that the person with sitting job or inactive lifestyle are more prone to get high cholesterol disease then others.

Experts suggests that exercising 150 minutes a week is very important for your health. Your exercises may include aerobics or yoga. You can do walking, bicycling, swimming and even dancing to get physical active. 

Smoking Is Dangerous

It is evident that smoking lowers your good cholesterol, HDL. Smoking is not good for your overall health and it makes worse if you already have high cholesterol problem. This increases the risk of coronary heart diseases as well as other cardiovascular problems. Smoking can multiply the risk of getting other diseases like high blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes.

Quitting smoking helps lower your cholesterol levels. Also non-smokers should stay away from exposure to second hand smoke.

Alcohol Is Not Good

If you are taking too much alcohol then you are inviting high cholesterol problem. Drinking alcohol can increase triglycerides in your blood and blocks your artery. So avoiding alcohol is good but in case you are not able to avoid it completely, limit it to less than two drinks per day. 

Losing Some Weight Helps

Obesity is also responsible to increase your cholesterol levels. Obesity and overweight means you have more fat in your body and tends to gain high cholesterol levels. Losing some weight can work for you and improves your cholesterol levels.

Bottom Line

Type of food you eat have great effect on your health. Your food is a part of your lifestyle. High cholesterol may be genetics but good eating habits can control it. Change in your lifestyle is important to tackle high cholesterol disease. Actually your bad lifestyle habits gets you the disease. So by improving your lifestyle with eating habits can get you a happy life with lower cholesterol.

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