Friday, March 16

6 Common Practices New Runners Can Stop Doing Today

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Running or jogging is the best exercise to lose some body fat and get in shape. Running makes you fit and physically active while losing weight. It increases your metabolism and heart rate. It can be a good warm up exercise routine before doing vigorous exercises. 

It does not required any tools or equipments or yoga mat or group of people. Just wear your shoes and go for a run, you may like to carry your favorite music also. It is the simplest and easy way to start running.

As you know, running is the simplest exercise you can do but their are few things you should understand before actually start running. Specially, new runners can make some mistakes which need to be avoided not to get injured. These mistake are generally found common and can lead to runner's injury. If you have just started out, understand and keep these things in mind so that you can minimize the chances of getting injured and maximize the chances of getting success.

Runners in


Yes! It is correct that running don't required expensive gym equipments or any other muscle building thing. But it is critical to wear proper gear for your workout routine. You can say, it is a mandatory requirement because it is for your safety. 

A good pair of running shoes is all you need for running. It is the only but critical equipment you required. Do some research and correctly match your shoes with your feet. Get help from the shoe store employee's to get the proper measurement of your feet. This helps you to find the correct shoes within your budget.

Women need a good quality of sports bra while running. It reduces pain and physical discomfort caused by running.


This is a common mistakes by new runners who wanted to do more early. Running is a good hobby you can do, it is exciting but new starters should took some time before increasing their intensity and frequency of their runs.

Initially, run slowly in which you are comfortable. Running too fast under excitement only make you tired and can cause risk of injury. It is wise to run slowly in your first few weeks and when you feel comfortable start increasing the pace and length of your run. This will ensure that you will not get injured.


Due to excitement, new runners might think they need to run everyday so that they can achieve more in less time. But this will make them more prone to injury. 

Running seems to be easy to do but it is a high impact physical activity which works on your whole body. New runners may have weaker fitness and bone density for the intense exercises than the experts. So, your body need rest to recover between workouts. Try to follow a training plan which include high and low intensity workout schedule as well as rest days.


Cross training is also called circuit training. Cross training means to combine different exercises in your exercise routine. In case of running, cross training refers to combine running, cycling, swimming and strength training. This will improve your overall strength which helps you in running.

New runners try to run everyday run after run. It makes you a better runner but by doing only running you certainly ignores other muscles in which running does not help. Cross training helps to work on your every muscles and improve your fitness level. This will also make you stay away from injuries.


New runner wants to run regularly but ignoring pain may harm you. If your body feels pain at some stage in running or exercise, please stop and treat the pain on priority. If your body don't feel good while in running, you can not achieve your goal. Running with pain can only make things worse for you. So, first treat your pain and try to stay away from the injuries.


Newbies are highly excited when they create a hobby like running and it is natural to compare yourself with others in the same field. You may try to read tips and tricks, blogs, magazines, websites etc about how to be a great runner. By doing this you may unnecessarily pressurizing yourself for the optimal performance. But you must understand that every great runner once a beginner. Their achievements came after a careful training plan. So make their success your motivation and be a good runner.

Novice runner needs to trained their mind and control their excitement. A good runner should follow a training plan with good and healthy diet. Wearing perfect gears and self motivation is very important. Don't overdo with excitement, it can cause you a injury. So, all the very best for your goals to becomes a good runner. Avoid these 6 common practices a new runner can do.

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