Tuesday, March 6

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Grapes You Never Know

grapes health benefits www.womenlovehealth.blogspot.com

Grapes are one of the popular fruit around the world. It is widely cultivated and consumed fruit. Grapes are very nutritional and contains phytochemicals. 

"Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties. Research demonstrate that phytochemicals can protect humans against diseases."


  • It is widely used as a fruit and it's extract can be used as a wine.
  • Grapes are a good source of vitamin C.
  • Grapes found in different colors like black, dark blue, green, orange and pink.
  • 71 percent of total grape production in the world used for wine.
  • China is a top country in grapes production.
  • Spain uses largest area to producing grapes for wine.
  • Grapes is a healthy fruit and contains several vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 

Here are the health benefits of eating grapes daily.


Grapes have 81 percent of water content. Plenty of water is advisable to drink in a day to remain activate your metabolism. Fruits, specially, grapes can fulfill some of your water demand.

Grapes not only have high water content, it also have several minerals and other nutritional elements. 

Due to high water content grapes have low calories and at the same time it provides feeling of fullness.


Grapes are found to be beneficial for your cardiovascular health. 

The active components from grape extracts, which include the grape seed, grape skin, and grape juice have polyphenols (antioxidants) such as resveratrol, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, and flavonoids.

These compounds possess a range of additional cardio-protective and vaso-protective properties including anti-atherosclerotic, anti-arrhythmic, and vasorelaxation actions.

Consumption of grape and grape extracts or grape products such as red wine may be beneficial in preventing the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease.


Grapes contain a variety of phytochemicals, like phenolic acids, stilbenes, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins, all of which are strong antioxidants.
Studies suggests that due to strong antioxidant activity in grapes, it inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and suppressing platelet aggregation.


The situation which causes irritation of pain in stomach called dyspepsia. Grapes helps to treat dyspepsia. Grapes is a light food with high percentage of water and low calorie. It removes the irritation in stomach. To get relief from dyspepsia you can eat 250 gm of grapes daily.


Grapes are great to treat dyspepsia. It is a laxative food which also helps to overcome constipation. Grapes have high content of fiber. 

Take 100 gm of snacks as a snack. It is an easy and effective way to eliminate constipation. If you have diarrhea, avoid eating grapes for sometime.


Grapes are rich in antioxidants property. These antioxidants significantly helps to reduce your cholesterol level. Polyphenol is an antioxidants which is helpful for keeping low your cholesterol level. Highest level of polyphenols found in grapes skin, seeds and stems.

The wine made from grapes extracts is also good to drink for you cardio health.


To keep your eyes healthy, you need to eat some specific foods with certain vitamins. Grapes have vitamin C as ascorbic acid. Actually these vitamins and minerals are called antioxidants so don't get confused. 

These antioxidants helps to keep your cells and tissues healthy. Eating grapes can reduce the risk of eye diseases.


Asthma caused is an inflammation of the airways in the lungs.

"Asthma attack can be triggered by air pollution, allergens, exercise, infections, emotional upset, or certain foods."

Grapes have anti inflammatory property that helps to increase the moisture in lungs. Eating grapes (contains flavonoid) also prevents the inflammation of lungs which causes asthma.


Weakness in your bones causes osteoporosis in which bones becomes less dense. Studies suggests that a grape rich diet boosts the bone calcium retention ability.

The phytochemicals found in grapes provides strength to the muscles tissues around bones.


Migraine is a common problem among people. Grape juice and grape seed extracts may provide relief to your migraine problem.

Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B2 are found in grapes. Grape juice with it's skin and seeds provides riboflavin and other nutritions to your body which helps to fight migraine. 


Grapes extracts has resveratrol antioxidants which is able to induce the longevity genes such as SirT1 to your body. SirT1 is the most important anti aging gene found till date.

Muscadine grapes (mainly grown in south america) have 40 times more resveratrol than regular grapes and can induce the longevity genes like SirT1.


Hemorrhoids are veins in your anus and rectum that have become inflamed and swollen.

Stomach problem, constipation and irritable bowl movement can cause hemorrhoids. 

Increase dietary fiber in your diet can helps you to get relief in hemorrhoids. Grapes have good quantity of fiber which helps in softening stools.

General recommendation for fiber is 25 gm (for women) and 38 gm (for men). Grapes contains 0.9 gm of nutritional fiber in 100 gm of serving.


Studies suggests that phytochemicals like antioxidants (polyphenols) and metabolites found in grapes helps to treat Alzheimer disease.

Alzheimer is a neurodegerative disease which affects people age above 65 years. Grapes and grape juice can improves brain health with Alzheimer patients. Antioxidants like Resveratrol in grapes is responsible for brain health.

Grapes have many nutritional health benefits as you see above. Grapes are rich in phytochemicals, minerals and other nutritions which helps you in maintaining your good health. Studies suggests different benefits from eating grapes although in-depth research on health benefits of grapes is being done. But you can enjoy eating grapes for a healthy life.

1. https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/food-safety/at-the-food-processor/water-content-water-activity.html
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2728695/
3. https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/0911/

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