Friday, March 9

Best Tips To Live Your Life Stress Free

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Stress has become so common that you may feel captured by it. Your daily life is so stressful and you are not enjoying your life. You feel stress due to your financial problems, your health, family problem, job location, culture of your job, bank loan, credit card bill and many more reasons.

Stress hampers your life in a great way and you are not able to enjoy the happiest moment of your life. Stress affects your body and mind. Due to stress your blood pressure may rise and you become more vulnerable towards cardiovascular diseases like hypertension. 

There are many reasons of stress but it’s treatment solely depends on you and your ability to handle your problems. this is so common and you are not the only one who feel stress in their day to day life. So it is better to take a stand and ready to fight your problems which causes stress.

Here are the best tips to handle stress in your daily life. these are not the hard and fast rule but you should think about it and if you like, try to apply them.


Make a time schedule, put an alarm clock and fix your time in the morning to wake up. It means you need to sleep early in the night so that you can sleep proper duration. 

You have heard in your childhood that early to sleep and early to rise make a man healthy and wise. It is actually true because your brain work efficiently only when you give it rest properly. Also your body heal itself while you sleep. Without proper sleep you may feel dizziness in whole day. It also hampers your work performance. So sleep early at night preferably between 9 to 10 is recommended by experts.

By fixing your wake up time daily you will have time to think about your other works and plan your other activities. It is advisable to wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning as per your work requirement. After waking up on time don't forget to drink a glass of water.

Getting proper sleep will relax your mind and you can prepare yourself for the daily challenges in your life hence you can reduce your stress.


Regular exercise is beneficial for you. it strengthen your body, stamina, heart and lungs. More blood will flow through your veins and more energetic you will feel. A good body and mind make you a happy person. A happy and relax person can handle his or her problems more efficiently. It makes your life less stressful.

If you can't go gym then walk a mile. Walking or jogging is good for you as it helps to reduce your weight and increases your immune power. It also kick start your metabolism and you feel fresh. Do some regular exercises daily so that you can get rid of your stress.


Healthy eating is also very important along with the regular exercises to get stress relief. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables so that you get the maximum contents of the essential nutrients. 

Minerals, vitamins and antioxidants helps to boost your immune system and provides more energy to you. eating healthy also improves your brain function and you can work more efficiently. due to better immune system you prevents many diseases to catch you.

Healthy diet makes you healthy therefore you can focus on your other problems more effectively.

Take an example, If you are suffering from fever you may be on bed rest. you can't focus on other works while you are lying on bed. On the other hand, if you are healthy and fine you can easily do other tasks. The tasks can be related with your office work or work at home.

Therefore always eat healthy, include fresh vegetables and fruits so that you get proper nutritions which makes you fit. Your fit body makes you stress free.


Water is necessary for your body to remain hydrated and for your brain to work normal. The fact is almost 70% of your brain is water, so water is very important for your brain and body.

Drink plenty of water daily and make a habit to drink water regularly. Without water your brain may feel tired which causes anger and stress. Your normal work routine and activities may also affect.

Drink minimum 2 to 3 liter of water daily. Eat vegetables and fruits which has more water contents like grapes, apple and watermelon. Drink fruit juices whenever possible.

Read More: Best Tips For You To Drink More Water Daily


While working in the office, try to relax for a minute. In office you spend your whole day in front of your computer or on desk. This makes your body stressful and you may see some health issues in your body. Take a break for one or two minute in every after 30 minutes. Your body needs it.

Drink a sip of water in every 20 minutes and raise your hands above your head to stretch your body. If you have tea time then take it . Your desk job can make your life stressful therefore take a small break regularly. This will not only reduces your physical stress but also increases your productivity.


You must think about it that you have a life outside your office. Don't take stress for your office work. it is worth to remember that office work never ends. So it is not wise to take stress or tension to complete your task or job. 

In office try to increase your productivity while taking care of your health. It is true that you spend most of the time in office but if you carry stress all the time you cannot done your job properly. So the best way is enjoy your work in the office and outside the office.

You can celebrate any occasion 
or watching movies with your friends or office colleagues after office hours . This will definitely make you stress free.


Yoga is the best way to get relief in stress. yoga involves breathing exercises and concentration. It increases your ability to focus and your mind work fast. yoga increases flexibility in your muscles and your blood flow through your veins easily.

Meditation classes also teaches you to focus more so that you can work better. 

Read More: Stress Relief With Yoga, Incredibly Easy Methods That Works For All


Spend your quality time with your loved ones. Love your wife and love your children. Play with them or watch movies with them, have dinner together with your family. Talk about their work, what they like or dislike. Enjoy your life with them. This also relaxes your mind and releases your stress.


Nowadays smartphones is everywhere. You spend your most of the time on your phone. This actually stresses your mind. Use smartphone only for the productivity work. for example mobile apps like expense manager, vocabulary builder, or similar apps which enhances your productivity are good. But on the other hand mobile games, watching videos etc may waste your time.

Just avoid smartphone after office and at your home. Give your time to your family. By doing this you can releases some of your stress.


You should try to avoid use of smartphone at home. This will make you stop using social media on your phone. Instead of your phone, try to enjoy your life with your friends. Talk with them face to face. Studies suggest that more you spend your time on your smartphone, the more you feel stress.

So reduce your time on social media on your smartphone.

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This is the most important part which can impact on your stressful life. 

You know your salary, your expenditure so you must plan for your future. Make a list of your EMI, medical bills, grocery budget, car loan, your savings, your credit card bill dates etc. It is just a process to organise your daily activities. By organizing all these things you can remove your stress.

Do it by yourself and try to make a plan for your next week.

Your life is so important don't make it too stressful. Try to enjoy your life with your family, with your colleagues and with your friends. Do exercises or yoga regularly, take the meditation classes, drink plenty of water regularly, eat healthy and avoid junk food, organise your work, and reduce your time on smartphone. 
I believe by doing all these things you can significantly reduce your stress and improves your health. These are the best tips to live your life stress free.

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