Saturday, February 3

7 Body Weight Exercises You Can Do At Home At Any Time

body weight exercise

Body weight exercises are great for weight loss and physical strength gain. it can be done at home at any time. It does not require gym equipments. 

Working men or women found beneficial doing body weight exercise as it saves time and requires less space. It hardly took 20-30 minutes and helps to achieve your weight loss and fitness goal.

Healthy food is must while doing exercise. Your calorie intake decides whether you are losing weight or gaining. Include healthy food like fruits, vegetables, juices and avoid oily or junk food.

Here are the 7 body weight exercises you can do at home at any time:-


push up in
image source:- popsugar

Push up is great for your total body fitness. It includes shoulder, chest, stomach and legs.
It is good to do 10-12 reps of 3 sets. It strengthen your full body.

1. Lie down on the floor with face downward.
2. Put your both hands on the floor shoulder width apart.
3. Make sure your shoulders line up with your wrists and you tuck your elbows in toward your side.


plank in

Plank is a wonderful exercise which works on your core muscles. It tighten your core area effectively. 

1. Lie down on the floor with elbow bends and head towards the floor as shown in the image.
2. Be sure to align your elbows and shoulders and keep your hips, heels and shoulders at the same height.


lunges in
image source:- pinterest

Lungs targets on quadriceps muscles. It also benefits to glutes, hamstrings and core muscles.

1. Put your feet together and arms resting comfortably by your sides.
2. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your front knee is at 90 degrees and your back knee is not touching the floor.
3. Return your original position and repeat with other leg.


squat in

It is one of the easiest and best exercise. This works on all your lower body and build strength.

1. Stand on your feet with shoulder width apart.
2. Bend your knees at 90 degree, hold and back to original position.


jumping jack in

It involves jumping to a position with legs spread wide and hands touching overhead, then return in a normal position. 
Jumping jack pumps up your heart rate and works on full body. A good one to burn some calories.


lying hip raise in

1. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
2. Place your arms out to your sides at a 45-degree angle.
3. Then raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from you shoulders to your knees. 
4. Pause for 3-5 seconds as you keep your core braced and continue to squeeze your glutes then lower body back to the starting position.

Lying hip raise improves the sitting posture and reduces the back pain.


spinal balance in

1. On your hands and knees, with a straight, activated back.
2. Slowly lift opposite arm and leg, keeping both straight, until they align with your core.
3. Hold at the top for about 5 seconds and then slowly lower back down.

Spinal balance exercise improves the flexibility in spine and overall physique.

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