Wednesday, February 21

Easy Tips To Choose Best Food To Manage Your Diabetes

food for diabetes

There is a myth about diabetes that you should not eat foods with carbs, sugar, oil and flavor. Do you think it is correct? 

A healthy diet is the main part of your diabetes management. Actually your blood glucose level depends on what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat. The GI (glycemic) index of the food item shows the sugar content of the food. High GI index food rapidly increases your blood glucose level while low GI index food slowly increases your blood glucose level.

Experts recommends 1200 to 1500 k Cal of diet daily to Diabetes patients. Carbohydrates, fat and protein are the main ingredients for your diet. Carbohydrates are not banned in diabetes but should be eaten in the controlled manner. In case, your diabetes is in control then your taste some sweet occasionally.

Here are the nutritional elements you should eat in diabetes.


Carbohydrates are tasteful and keep your stomach feel full. It is the main part of your diet and has most impact on your blood sugar level. It is the best source of energy. Carbohydrates with fiber are the best food for your health. Though it affects the blood glucose level, you should not avoid it. 

There are some good and bad carbohydrates in case of diabetes.

Bad carbohydrates are White bread. white rice, pasta, noodles, fruit juice, fizzy drinks, sherbets, starchy vegetables like peas, corn, potatoes, lentils, sugar, jam, honey, sweet puddings, jelly, cakes, pastries, biscuits and pizza.

Good carbohydrates are Wheat, Oats, whole wheat flour, brown rice, beans, soybeans, orange, grapefruits, apples, pears, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, low fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese.


Diabetes can cause heart disease. So, replace the fat foods with good fat foods in your diet. Fat keeps your stomach full and releases energy and blood sugar slowly.

Trans fat food should be avoided because it is harmful for your body. Limit your intake of fried foods and check the label on the food product which shows 0 trans fat.

Bad fats are vansapati, whole milk fat, butter, cheese, creamy sauces, high fat meats, palm oil, coconut oil and processed food.

Good fats are Olive or canola oil, rice bran, ground nut, mustard, safflower, soybean, cooking oils, walnuts, almonds, pistachio, egg white and fish.


Protein is the main component of your muscles growth. Protein have very small effect on blood sugar. Protein should be 15-20 percent of your daily diet.

You can include protein in your snacks. Lean meat, fish, eggs, milk are the good source of protein.

Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins and minerals helps to your body to work properly and efficiently. It is essential for the normal growth. Vitamins and minerals helps to control diabetes by strengthening the immune system. Vitamins are of two type, fat soluble and water soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are excreted much more quickly than fat-soluble vitamins, and they need to be replaced more frequently. it means you should eat more water soluble vitamins than fat soluble vitamins.

Fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K found in animal fats, vegetable oils, dairy foods, liver and oily fish.

Water soluble vitamins like B, C and folic acid found in fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and other dairy food.

Minerals are essential for bone health, teeth and converting food into energy. Minerals include calcium and iron. These are fond in cereals, fish, milk, dairy foods, fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Now, you know the importance of the nutritional elements for your body and diabetes. A balanced diet with protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and antioxidants helps to boost your immune system and prevent diseases. Good diet also helps to control your blood sugar level. Avoid trans fat, sugar and high GI index foods. Eat good and healthy, stay fit.


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