Thursday, February 8

7 Best Food For Your Healthy Teeth

Your teeth health is dependent on what you eat. High sugar foods responsible for your tooth decay. Your diet should be teeth friendly.

Tooth decay happens with plaque. Plaques are the bad bacteria that grows in your mouth. This bacteria feeds on sugar. The more it gets sugar, it produces acid and inflammation in gums. Removal of plaques is essential for your gum and teeth health.

You should control your diet and reduces the food which contains sugar as main ingredients. There are 7 best foods you can have with your meals to improve your teeth health significantly.


Yogurt contains calcium and protein therefore it is a good food for your teeth health.

Yogurt has probiotic property, it means it supplies good bacteria and neutralizes the bad bacteria which causes cavity in teeth.

You should include yogurt in your diet but do not use yogurt with sugar.


Cheese is a tasty food which you surely like and it is beneficial for your teeth. 

Cheese is also known as saliva maker and saliva wash out the bad bacteria in your mouth.

As a dairy product, cheese is rich in calcium which makes teeth healthier.

Eating cheese increase the pH value in your mouth which helps to prevent tooth decay.

Like yogurt, cheese makes saliva and wash out the bad bacteria.


Apple is high in fiber and water. Apple eating produces saliva which clean out bad bacteria and food particles.

At the end of the meal, eating apple produces scrubbing effect on your teeth thanks to its fibrous texture.

As per ADA (american dental association), fibrous food has detergent effect in your mouth and produces saliva. It strengthen the teethes against cavities and gum disease. 


Leafy greens is in the healthy food list for your health because of rich in minerals and vitamins. Leafy greens like kale (गोभी) and spinach (पालक) helps to improve oral dental health.

Leafy greens has folic acid which helps treating gum diseases in pregnant women.


Carrots considered to be a great cavity fighting vegetables. It contains keratin which prevents tooth decay.

Carrots are full of vitamin A and fiber therefore it produces saliva in your mouth while chewing it. This decreases the risk of tooth cavities.

Carrots acts like a natural abrasive for your mouth and brushed away bacteria and food particle in your mouth after meal.


Similar to apple and carrots, it acts like a scraper and washed out the bacteria and food particles in your mouth and prevent tooth decay.

Celery is rich in antioxidants and vitamin A, C which boosts your gums and teeth health.


Almonds have calcium and protein. It helps to build strength in your gums and tooth. 

Almonds are low in sugar.

You can eat a quarter cup of almonds with your lunch.

Healthy crunchy foods and calcium are the main ingredients for your teeth health. Eat foods like leafy greens, apples and carrots which prevents the building up the plaque inside your mouth. Calcium content in foods provide strength to the gums.

Stay away from dark teas, coffee and sports sodas to prevent tooth decay. When they got contact with your teeth it is bad for your teeth health. 

Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day.

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