Wednesday, November 29

Best Body Weight Exercises Busy Moms Can Do At Home

busy moms exercises

Busy Moms have a very tight morning schedule. Get the shower, make the breakfast, get the kids dressed and drive them to school, grocery shopping, kitchen work etc. All this work completed before 9 am. It is totally different from a 9 to 5 job. Actually, it is much more hectic and stressful.

In the busy schedule like this, women gains weight and struggle to get control on it. They have a million things to do in a single day. How can a woman manage its fitness in this busy schedule?

Going gym is also a very tedious task for a busy woman. Only a thought of going gym can give them stress. Also, who has the time to go gym?

This is serious but true that the stress of a busy mom can lead to some serious health risks to them. If going gym is not possible then don't worry about it. You can do some awesome workouts for your whole body at home without gym equipments. It just required your commitment towards your health and a few minutes to do that. 


busy moms exercises
image source:

Push ups exercise performed by raising and lowering your body using the arms. It is an multipurpose exercise and works on your full body at once. Push ups has so many variations but regular push ups are the best, especially for busy moms. You can do it practically anywhere without any equipments.

How To Do Push Ups?

  • It is very easy to do Regular push ups.
  • Start on your hands and knees like the above picture.
  • Place your hands wider than your shoulders and your knees should be behind your hips. 
  • Curl in your toes and lift your knees off the floor, your body must be straight now. 
  • Next, bend your elbows and lower your chest and hips simultaneously until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Finally, push on your hands to lift your chest and hips back into the starting position. This makes 1 repetition of the exercise.
  • Repeat this exercise 3 times, means 10 repetition X 3 times.

If you find it hard initially, you can modify this exercise. To do that, leave your knees on the floor (ensure your knees are behind your hips). It is important to keep your chest and hips in one line all the time. See the image below for reference.

busy moms exercises
image source: quora

Do small repetitions and slowly build your strength. In a few weeks you can increase your repetitions as much you are comfortable.
Regular or knee push ups are great for your full body. It works on your abdominal, deltoid, chest, back body, triceps, forearms, biceps, joints and tendons. 

It is highly recommended and effective exercise busy moms can do within a few minutes.


busy moms exercises
image source- quora

Squats is an another wonderful exercise. You can do it at home without any equipments. 

The squat is a compound, full body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks, quadriceps, hamstrings, as well as strengthening the bones, ligaments and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body. Squats are considered an important exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs and buttocks, as well as developing core strength.

How To Do Squats?

  • Place your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Bring your arms forward, hinge at the waist and sit back (see the image above).
  • Be sure that your knees do not move forward but stay behind your toes while you go as deep as possible until the top of your legs are parallel to the floor. 
  • Return to the standing position by pushing on your heels and lifting your chest. This is 1 repetition.
  • Repeat this exercise 3 times with 10 repetitions in each.

You can do some more variations in squat exercise. 
You can lift light weights in your hand and face them towards the floor while doing squat.
You can hod a barbell behind your shoulders while doing squat.

Tricep Dips

busy moms exercises
image source- quora

This is a simple exercise which works on your triceps muscles. The triceps are a small muscle of the upper arm, opposite the biceps. Triceps dip also works on the core muscles.

How To Do Triceps Dip?

  • First, sit on the floor and place your hands on the floor behind your hips and directly below your shoulders, as shown in the above image. 
  • Bend your knees, place your feet under the knees and lift your hips off the floor. This is the starting posture. 
  • Bend your elbows and lower your upper body, just before the hips touch the floor. 
  • Extend your arms and push on your heels to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10 repetition, 3 times.

Triceps dips also has some variations. You can use a chair instead of sitting on the floor to get additional movement while lowering your hips.

In the upgraded version of triceps dips, you can raise one leg in the air while doing triceps dig. This makes your body to work more on the core muscles.

You can do these exercises at home without equipments. These are highly effective and works on your full body. These will help you to loose some body fat and build your confidence. Just remember to do some warm up body movements before doing any exercise. Include a healthy diet and keep doing exercises to get a wonderful fit body. Busy moms can take care of their fitness with these best body weight exercises.



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