Saturday, April 2

What Is The Good Signs Of Pregnancy

The enormous hormonal changes taking place during pregnancy trigger a variety of symptoms. Some women experience many of the symptoms of pregnancy, while others may have only a few. 

A wide range of changes can occur in your body in the later stages of pregnancy, including backache, headache, leg cramps or varicose veins, itch or tingling, constipation, haemorrhoids or indigestion, vaginitis or vaginal discharge, or mood changes or depression. If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor, and see your doctor right away if you experience symptoms like vaginal bleeding or breaking waters, chronic pain, high temperature, severe headaches or vision loss.
Signs of pregnancy

The good signs of pregnancy, such as a :- 

Missed period

Missing a period is often the first sign of possible pregnancy. However, some women experience light bleeding around the time of their expected period. This is usually an ‘implantation bleed’, which occurs when the embryo first attaches itself to the lining of the uterus (womb). 

Nausea and vomiting

‘Morning’ sickness is a condition that affects more than half of all pregnant women. The symptoms include nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite. Most women don’t just get symptoms in the morning, but experience them throughout the whole day.

Morning sickness usually begins around the fourth to sixth week of pregnancy and may settle by week 12, although it can continue for longer or return at around 32 weeks. 

Breast changes

During pregnancy, the breasts become fuller, swollen and tender. These changes are similar to those you may have noticed in the few days before your period. During pregnancy, the skin around the nipple becomes darker and the veins in the breast become more obvious. 


Overwhelming tiredness is common in early pregnancy. This is most likely caused by the massive increase in the sex hormone progesterone. Progesterone is needed to maintain the pregnancy and help the baby to grow, but it also slows your metabolism. Energy levels usually rise again by around the fourth month of pregnancy when the placenta is well established.

Tiredness during pregnancy can also be caused by anaemia, which is most commonly caused by iron deficiency. Eating iron-rich foods is important in the prevention of iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy. Medical treatment of anaemia in pregnancy involves taking iron supplements. 

Frequent urination

Pregnancy causes an increase in levels of body fluids and greater kidney efficiency. The swelling uterus also presses against the bladder. As a result, most women start experiencing more frequent urination within the first few weeks of becoming pregnant. 

Food cravings

Cravings for certain foods are very common in pregnancy, especially for foods that provide energy and calcium, such as milk and other dairy products. You may also notice a sudden distaste for foods you previously liked.

Some women even develop a bizarre taste for non-food items such as soil or paper. This is called ‘pica’ and may indicate a nutrient deficiency. 
Please speak to your doctor or midwife if this develops.

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