Tuesday, August 25

Easy Exercises for a Flat Tummy and Strong Back

Wall push up 

Stand about 3 feet away from a wall and lean forward, placing your hands shoulder-width apart against the wall. Bend your elbows and bring your chest toward the wall (your heels may come off the floor), then push away until your arms are straight again. Repeat 10 times.

Lift and twist crunch 

This is a Pilates exercise and is excellent for trimming the waist and toning the tummy.
* Lie on your back on a yoga mat. Bring the hands behind the back of the neck, lift and twist the upper body to one side and bring your elbow towards the opposite knee.
* Inhale, lower back down.
* Exhale, lift and twist towards the other side, inhale return to starting position.
* Keep this movement going and you can start to speed it up a little bit once you get comfortable with the exercise.

* Then, start to extend one leg out as you go.
* Keep pulling the lower tummy muscles up and breathe deeply.
* To advance it further, you can start to tap the heel of the extended leg on to the floor.

This will work the lower tummy muscles even more therefore giving support and strength to the lower back. Aim for doing it for 30 seconds in one go.

The plank 

Lie down on your tummy and then come on your palms and toes then lift the knees off the floor.
Draw your tummy muscles up and breathe deeply into the side and back of the rib cage. Aim to hold the pose for 30 seconds. Its a very good for burn belly fat.

Scapula squeeze 

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and keep arms up, with palms facing out (to form a W with your upper body). Then pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 3 seconds and release. Repeat 10 times.

Modified plank 

Start on your hands and knees. Place your forearms on the ground with your shoulders over your elbows, and extend your legs. Lower your knees to the ground. Hold for 10 seconds, rest and repeat 3 times.

Siting spinal twist 

* Sit on the floor and cross your legs.
* Place one hand next to your hip and the other on the knee.
* Rotate the spine and look over one shoulder into a Sitting Spinal Twist.
Inhale. Exhale back to centre.

Swap sides, rotating and looking over the shoulder.
Inhale exhale back to centre.

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