Saturday, October 6

Top Healthy Foods For Your Baby To Gain Weight And Good Health

Top food for baby for good health |

There are many different reasons for children being underweight. Some children are at risk for losing weight significantly. It is important to provide proper nutritions to babies. 

Complete nutritions boosts immune system of babies and avoid diseases. Their growing needs of nutritions can be fulfilled by high energy and high protein food. Organic foods like potatoes, dry fruits, whole grains etc are the healthy baby food.

Children who eat a balanced diet lay the foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle and this further lowers the risk of long term health issues. 

Childhood is the most critical time for growth as well as for development of the mind and to fight infections. So, it is very essential that the children get a good dose of energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Here are the best foods for you baby to get weight gain with energy. There are various baby food recipes which you can make at home easily. It is also very important to use good hygiene practices to prepare food for your baby.


dairy foods for baby |

Dairy products are essential for your child growth. Dairy products (and dairy alternatives) are packed with calcium, protein and lots of other essential nutrients. Calcium is vital for healthy teeth and bones. It is also important for your muscles, heart and to help your body form blood clots.

Dairy products are rich in calcium,vitamin D and minerals which are important for babies bone, teeth growth and to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Don't give your baby low fat milk because your baby required high energy and fat is a good source of energy.


sweet potatoes for baby health |

Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious and delicious, making them the perfect first food for your baby. They have a lovely creamy texture which is generally liked by the babies.

Sweet potato has high quantity of carbohydrate and provide high energy to your baby. You can start giving sweet potatoes to your baby from the age of six months. Introduce it to your baby in the form of a puree, so it is easier for him or her to eat.

Sweet potato are a good source of vitamin A, C, and B6. They also contain minerals such as potassium (which helps to regulate blood pressure) and manganese (involved in the regulation of brain and nerve function). Sweet potato contains dietary fiber, which is important for a healthy bowel.


Benefits of Ghee for baby  |

Your growing baby needs almost 1500 calories per day for optimum growth and development. Feeding ghee to your kid is one of the easiest ways to boost his calorie intake and keep him energetic and active. Ghee has good amount of fat and fat provide high energy to your baby.


dry fruits for baby health |

The dried fruits are a good source of various nutrients including various sugars, minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Nuts have a high caloric value, are rich in protein, fat, minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Most nuts are rich in fatty acids which is important to the body and may even be helpful in cases of high blood fat content. This is also good for brain development. 

Dry fruits like almonds are also rich in Vitamin E, magnesium and potassium, all of which go hand in hand to maintain normal blood pressure, improve blood circulation and maintain healthy heart. 

It is important that your baby may be choked due to dry fruit consumption. There is a risk of inhaling food into respiratory system because babies play most of the time. So be careful and cut small pieces of dry fruits and then give to your baby.


whole grain food for baby health |

Whole grains help keep your heart healthy and are good for digestion and a healthy weight. It’s easy to get your kids in the habit of eating and enjoying whole grains if you start them when they are young. 

Whole grains give your kids B vitamins, minerals, and fiber to help them be strong and healthy.

Give your little ones whole grain versions of their favorite bread, cereal, or pasta. It is a good way to make them love whole grain food. Eating more whole grains that are higher in fiber can make potty time easier, too.


oats for baby good health |

Oat has a well-balanced nutritional composition. It is a good source of carbohydrates and quality protein with good amino acid balance. 

Oat contains high percentage of oat lipids especially unsaturated fatty acid, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals.

Oat is a good source of lipids. It contains much higher levels of lipids than other cereals which are excellent sources of energy and unsaturated fatty acids.

POTATOES (mashed)

Mashed potato for baby food |

Potatoes are part of a child's healthy diet, providing fuel, fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.

Experts recommend that the children ages 2 years or above should consume a healthy and balanced diet. Potato is a good source of carbohydrates and provide 50 percent of body fuel. 

Serve meshed potato to your child in small portion.


egg for baby health |

Eggs are a good source of energy and protein. They are a great source of protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid and iron).

Egg yolks contain choline, an important nutrient that helps brain development.

Eggs are easy and quick to prepare and fulfill the hunger of your child.

Egg is a common allergen and parents sometimes avoid giving eggs to their baby for the first time. But it’s best to offer your infant cooked eggs regularly, before they reach 12 months of age. If you think your child has had a reaction to eggs, talk to your doctor. The good news is that most kids grow out of their egg allergy.

Try to give small quantity of eggs to baby initially. You can mix eggs with other foods like vegetable puree.

Children need a healthy balanced diet containing foods from each food group so as they get a wide range of nutrients to help them stay healthy. Infants and children have special food needs because they are growing and developing. They also need extra energy for playing and being more active. You should move from smooth, liquid purees to chunkier, more solid textures as your baby develops.

top food for your baby health |



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