Saturday, October 13

Best Tips On Healthy Eating When You Are Older

older people eating habit |
When person age, their body required more nutritions than before. A variety of food helps to get different nutritions. Your healthy eating plan emphasizes fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free dairy, includes lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, salt (sodium) and added sugars.

Your food choices must be nutrient dense but not energy dense and we should be careful to choose discretionary foods only occasionally as these are higher in kilojoules.

If you wonder how to start a good eating habit, following dietary guidelines will help you,

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. They can be fresh, frozen or canned. Eat more dark green vegetables such as leafy greens or broccoli, and orange vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes. Prefer locally produced food items as they are more fresher than cold storage foods.
  • Include protein rich food choices with more fish, beans and peas.
  • Eat at least three ounces of whole-grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice or pasta every day.
  • Have three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy (milk, yogurt or cheese) that are fortified with vitamin D to help keep your bones healthy.
  • Make the fats you eat healthy ones (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats). Switch from solid fats to oils when preparing food.


The combination of healthy food and regular physical activities is really good for you. It will keep you to maintain muscle strength and healthy weight. As you get older, you may gain weight but regular exercise will help to remain you fit. Try to do 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Start slowly if you are not active currently. Walking and yoga is the better way to start.


It’s always good to limit saturated fats, added salt, added sugars, alcohol and low fiber choices for good health. Older people are more prone to diseases as compare to younger people. They may have cardio, liver problem, back pain or irregular bowl movement.

Choosing food is very important as you get old. To fulfill your nutritional needs, you need to eat variety of foods. Stay away from packaged food items as they have added salt. Drink more water than sugary drinks. Older people can also find that they need to eat more high fiber foods and to drink more water to avoid constipation as bowels tend to slow down with age.

Eat foods that provide no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. Check the Nutrition Facts label for the number of milligrams of sodium in a food. You don’t want to exceed a total of 65% Daily Value (DV) for sodium from all foods in a day.


You need to drink plenty of water regularly. In liquid you can take juice, soda water or milk. Actually when you get older you often don’t feel thirsty even when your body wants fluid. You can take green tea or coffee also.


Smoking can't be good for anyone. Avoid or quit smoking immediately. Smoking is harmful for your lungs and can make you dangerously sick. Smoking and drinking is injurious to your health and you should stop it as soon as possible.


A whole grain contains all edible parts of the grain, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. A diet rich in whole grains (like, whole wheat, brown rice, oats, unprocessed maize, millets) has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer. 

Whole-grain diets also improve bowel health by helping to maintain regular bowel movement and promote growth of healthy bacteria in the colon.


Foods high in added sugars may provide calories but few essential nutrients. So, look for foods and beverages low in added sugars. Read the ingredient list of the food and make sure that added sugars are not one of the first few ingredients.


Proper hygiene is also very important for you. Clean hands, food-contact surfaces, fruits, and vegetables. Do not wash or rinse meat and poultry. This used to be a common practice, but experts say it can spread bacteria to other foods. Plus, it’s just not necessary because any bacteria present on the food will be destroyed by cooking to safe internal temperatures. 

Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping, preparing, or storing. Cook meat, poultry, and fish to safe internal temperatures to kill microorganisms. Chill perishable foods promptly and thaw foods properly. Reheat leftover refrigerated foods to a safe internal temperature. 

So, why not find your way to a healthier you for yourself, your family, and your future. You may increase the quality of your life, as well as your chances for a longer one. Keep a healthy diet plan and do some exercise regularly. Stay healthy.


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