Monday, October 29

7 Rules To Build Muscle Mass You Never Know

7 Rules To Build Muscle Mass You Never Know |

You wonder how to build muscle fast? Don't you? Everyone wants a good physical structure with strength. You can get a good body and strength by good muscle growth. But how can you build muscles effectively and what should you do for it? First of all you must understand that the growth of muscle can occur in three ways-
  • by an increase in muscle cell numbers, 
  • by an increase in muscle fiber diameter, 
  • by an increase in fiber length,
All three of these mechanisms are involved in muscle growth. So proper exercises, proper nutrition rich diet and relax are the main ingredients for you to build muscle mass fast and gets an attractive body. But there are some rules for building muscles. Without understanding these rules you may not achieved your muscle building dream. Here are the 7 rules for muscle growth.

(1) Avoid Stress

Stress can kills your muscle building dream. When you feel stressed, hormones such as cortisol, can quickly put the brakes on your muscle growth. It means lack of proper sleep, long stressed working hours with improper food can stop your muscle growth.

You need to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours so that your muscles can relax. If your work environment not suits you then you should change that. Take some massage therapy, it will help to relax your muscles.

(2) Eat Enough Protein In Your Diet

Protein for muscle building is essential. It is a basic building blocks for our muscles and tissues. But how much protein is necessary for building muscle mass? While building muscles, protein should be 10 to 35 percent of total calories for adults. So if you are taking enough protein, you can build your muscle mass easily at gym.

Your body required less protein to keeping your muscle mass. Experts recommended daily 0.37 gm per pound of protein on an average to an adult. A lean meat, fish or beans can provide good amount of protein to you on daily basis. You can also take good quality of protein supplements. But experts suggests that extra quantity of protein may not help you or harm your body.

(3) Strength Training

Strength training is important to build muscles. Strength training exercise offers many benefits for individuals of all ages and is perhaps critically important for the elderly. The benefits associated with strength training are:-

  • increase in lean body mass; 
  • increase in metabolic rate; 
  • increase in bone density; 
  • decrease risk of injury; 
  • building back lost muscle tissue that commonly occurs with aging. 
Strength training is an important piece of the fitness equation. Men and women should participate in muscle strengthening activities that work the major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms) at least two times each week.

Strength training include lifting weights, using resistance bands and doing push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups.

One of the best ways to support strength building is good nutrition. Protein, carbohydrates and fat play a major role, as does getting enough calories throughout the day.

(4) Do Effective Muscle building Exercises 

Some people do vigorous training at gym but failed to achieve good muscle mass and becomes frustrated. Compound exercises like squats, dead lifts, bench presses and shoulder presses are the best one to build muscles. These exercises stimulates your muscle growth.

To maximize strength and muscle growth, do compound exercises and avoid isolation exercises. resistance training also promotes muscle gain. Seek advice from your professional instructor. A gym instructor, personal trainer, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist will help make sure you are doing each exercise correctly. Good advice will increase your gains and reduce your risk of injury.

(5) Eat More Carbohydrates In Your Diet

Carbohydrates are an important group of foods for fueling your muscles. That's because carbs are partially converted to glycogen, which is stored in muscle to power your workouts.

If you are strength training at least twice a week then you need at least half of their calories from carbohydrates per day. That doesn't mean you should be loading up on pizza and bagels. Try adding in good quality carbohydrates that are low in fat, such as whole-grain breads and cereals for the best strength-training boost.

Low-fat milk and yogurt and fruits and vegetables also are good options and provide some carbohydrates in your diet. When planning your meals and snacks, it is recommended to stay away from higher fiber foods immediately prior to or during exercise.

(6) Eat Good Fat

Your body actually need fat which you can get from your daily diet. Your body depends on fat to supply energy to muscles during activity. As a general guideline, fat should make up 20 to 35 percent of your total calories. There are good and healthy fat available which supports your muscle building motive and provide more energy.

For overall health and muscle strength, focus on sources of heart-healthy fats, including extra-virgin olive oil, canola oil, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, avocados and fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines and trout. If fatty fishes are not available to you, try fish oil supplements.

Fat contains twice the number of calories as carbohydrates and protein, so it is important to monitor serving sizes.

(7) Relax Your Body And Drink Water

Give rest to your body after vigorous muscle building training. Drink plenty of water because water flush out the fat from your body and hydrates your muscles. If your body is not properly hydrates then you can injured yourself. 

When you exercises, cells in your body breaks but it gets repaired and new cells generates. This ensures new muscle growth. But your body do most of the repairing work during sleep.

To build strength and muscles, your body needs relaxation after 4 or 5 days of intense workout. So after your workout days, take a day for the rest and recovery.

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