Sunday, November 5

10 Best Essential Oils for Women You Never Know

Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetherolea, or simply as the oil of the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is "essential" in the sense that it contains the "essence of" the plant's fragrance—the characteristic fragrance of the plant from which it is derived. Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation, often by using steam. Other processes include expression, solvent extraction, absolute oil extraction, resin tapping, and cold pressing. They are used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps and other products, for flavoring food and drink, and for adding scents to incense and household cleaning products.

Essential oils have made a difference in women’s health for centuries and, whether you realize it or not, they are all around us. They are found in plants, roots, seeds, flowers, bark and fruit.

1. Clary Sage Oil

clary sage on

Clary sage oil is extracted from the clary sage herb (Salvia sclarea), which in the past was found in Southern France, Italy and Syria, but today is cultivated worldwide. Clary Sage oil kills bacteria and fungi. It is also helpful for women who troubles with irregular, obstructed or painful menses, you can try clary sage oil before you spend a fortune on specialized treatment from a gynaecologist. It has no side effect so you should not be worry about it. It simply stimulates the opening of obstructed menses and makes them regular, while easing the pain.

2. Oregano (ajavaayan) Oil

Oregano oil and oregano have been used in folk medicine since ancient times, including by Hippocrates. Oregano essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the oregano plant. Oregano or its oil may be used as a dietary supplement.
This powerful oil is beneficial for regulating menstruation and delaying the onset of menopause. Those suffering from obstructed menses may also find relief by using oregano essential oil. It has a substance that stimulates or increases menstrual flow and help a woman reduce her symptoms of oncoming menopause, including mood balance and hormonal shifts.

3. Orange Oil

Orange oil is an essential oil produced by cells within the rind (outer skin of the fruit) of an orange fruit. It is a by-product of orange juice production by centrifugation, producing a cold-pressed oil. It is composed of mostly (greater than 90%) d-limonene and is often used in place of pure d-limonene. D-limonene can be extracted from the oil by distillation. The smell of orange oil is very good and soothing in nature and relaxes your mood. Because of this property, orange essential oil used in aromatherapy. Women mostly feel more depressed and problems and orange essential oil can relax their mood .

4. Bergamot Oil

Bergamot essential oil is a cold-pressed essential oil produced by cells inside the rind of a bergamot orange fruit. It is a common top note in perfumes. Bergamot essential oil is a major component of the original Eau de Cologne composed by Farina at the beginning of the 18th century. The scent of bergamot essential oil is similar to a sweet light orange peel oil with a floral note. 
This light citrus essential oil has a range of benefits for skin, body and general well being. It balances oily, acne prone skin, minimizes the look of scars and marks on the skin and tones the skin by making evening the production of melanin. Bergamot oil is beneficial for skin, it is also a relaxant that soothes nerves to help cure ailments associated with stress such as sleeplessness and depression. Its antimicrobial properties prevent the growth of germs that cause body odor. The refreshing and citrusy smell of bergamot oil is used as a natural deodorant and air freshener.

5. Lemon Oil

lemon essential oil comes from the cold-pressing the lemon peel and not the inner fruit. The peel is the most nutrient dense portion of the lemon in terms of fat soluble phytonutrients. A study was conducted for the effects of lemon essential oil on pregnant women during bouts of nausea and vomiting. Around 100 women participated in the study and results showed that the symptoms dramatically decreased just after 2 days compared to the placebo group. After 4 days the essential oil group experienced an average of 33% decrease in nausea and vomiting!

6. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile was described in ancient medical writings and was an important medicinal herb in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. chamomile is used as a dietary supplement for sleeplessness, anxiety, and gastrointestinal conditions such as upset stomach, gas, and diarrhea. It is also used topically for skin conditions and for mouth sores resulting from cancer treatment. The flowering tops of the chamomile plant are used to make teas, liquid extracts, capsules, or tablets. The herb can also be applied to the skin as a cream or an ointment, or used as a mouth rinse.

7. Basil (Tulsi) Oil

The various basils have such different scents because the herb has a number of different essential oils that come together in different proportions for various breeds. The strong clove scent of sweet basil is derived from eugenol, the same chemical as actual cloves. Studies of the Basil essential oil showed that it has the antifungal and insect-repelling properties. A natural healing and immunity-building ingredient. 
Basil has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine since time ancient times. When used topically and massaged into skin, it adds luster to dull-looking skin. Basil oil also used to treat the symptoms of acne and other skin infections. It's oil-absorbing properties strip away excess scalp grease or product buildup in hair while adding shine. Basil oil is widely used in aromatherapy for to treat respiratory issues as well as tension, mental fatigue, migraines and melancholy. When diffused, Basil helps promote mental clarity for a stress-relieving experience.

8. Geranium Oil

Geranium oil prevents hair loss and makes the hair strong. It is perfectly suited for oily hair and is also effective at controlling dandruff. Geranium oil removes fatigue & tiredness off the body from a hard day at work and fights off anxiety & depression making you calm and relaxed. This Oil is a deodorant and can be used to help with body odour. It can keep you fresh with a clean aroma all day long. Geranium oil is effective in treating rough, dry and dehydrated skin and is used to treat acne, eczema and other fungal infections. It stimulates the growth of new skin cells. This oil not only promotes faster healing of the wounds, but also helps to prevent ugly scarring when the wound heals.

9. Frankincense (Loban) Oil

Frankincense is an aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes, obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia in the family Burseraceae. Frankincense is one of the oils that can really calm and soothe the whole body and mind. It eases all aches and pains, clears the lungs and acts as a skin tonic. Sprinkle 4-8 drops of essential oil on to the water’s surface after the bath has been drawn. Agitate the water to disperse the oil. The effect of such baths is to reduce tension in body and mind. To enhance the therapeutic effect of your favorite cream or shampoo add a drop of suitable essential oil and feel the difference.

10. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of certain species of lavender. It has amazing aroma and myriad benefits for beauty and wellness. Lavender's calming and relaxing qualities make it a unique essential oil. When applied on skin, it cools and soothes skin irritation, redness and swelling. It soothes the after effects of hair removal methods like tweezing, threadng or waxing. As a scalp toner, it calms itchy scalp as well as undoes damage caused by extreme weather or pollution. Adding this oil to bath water helps soak away stress and when applied apply to the temples and the back of the neck, it relieves tension and aids in a restful night’s sleep. As a diffuser oil, it has a cooling energy and helps to soothe nerves, calm the spirit and relieve irritability.

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