Saturday, November 25

6 Best Cardio Exercises To Cut Your Body Fat Quickly

Cardio exercises are mean to develop your cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, blood cells and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues and the ability of the muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for movement. 

In simple terms, cardio exercises are the exercise which increases your heart rate. The movement in the cardio exercises increases blood flow in your body and you feel more active. Your muscles becomes stronger, hence your body becomes stronger and fit. Increases blood flow in your muscles also increases the fat burning process. Cardio exercises enables your body to burn more fat and achieve your weight loss goal.

There are numerous benefits of cardio exercises. Some of them are:-

  • Healthy Lungs. Cardio Strengthen the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs.
  • Healthy Heart. Cardio Strengthen and enlarge the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate, known as aerobic conditioning.
  • Improves Blood Pressure. Cardio exercises improves blood circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure.
  • Better Oxygen Supply. Cardio exercises increases the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating better transport of oxygen.
  • Better Mental Health. Cardio improves your mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression, as well as increased cognitive capacity.

  • Reducing the risk for diabetes.
  • Weight Loss. Cardio exercises increases the fat burning process and when fat burns, you will get weight loss.
  • Better Bone Density. Simple cardio exercise like walking improves your bone density in knee area.
  • Live Longer. Cardio improves your overall health which leads to a longer life span.

Now, you understand the benefits of cardio exercises in your daily life. 

Here are 6 best cardio exercises you can do to cut your body fat and makes a healthy you.


Walking is the easiest exercise you can do. Just walk in a good posture with moderate speed. Walking benefits you heart, lungs, knees and in weight control. Regular walking for 30-40 minutes a day can actually prevents the weight gain and burn more calories. 


Running is also a simple exercise you can do. In running your speed is faster than walking. Running benefits include weight loss, improvement in cardiovascular and respiratory health. 
  • Research suggests that the person with average weight will burn approximately 100 calories per mile while running.
  • Running increases your metabolism even after you have finished running. You will continue to burn an increased level of calories for a short time after the run.
  • To get more benefits while running, the key is consistency and a slow increase in speed and distance.

Jumping Rope.

Jumping rope exercise requires a rope which has handle at both hands fro grip. It is again a simple exercise like walking and running. A jumping rope or skipping rope is a cardio exercise which has a number of techniques to do like alternate foot jump, criss-cross, side swing, toad, leg over etc. 
  • Jumping rope burns fat quickly and increases your metabolism.
  • 10 minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to 8 minute running, if done properly.


Swimming is a simple and healthy workout. It is a low-impact workout that has mental and body health benefits. It builds strength in your heart and lungs. 
  • Swimming is an exercise that burns a lot of calories, is easy on the joints, supports your weight, builds muscular strength and endurance.
  • Swimming can burn 550-600 calories per hour if you can swim efficiently.


Cycling has health benefits similar to walking and running. Bicycles are often used by people seeking to improve their fitness and cardiovascular health.
  • Cycling increases your heart rate and metabolism which leads to weight loss.
  • It makes you slimmer while reducing fat.
  • Regular cycling with good pace helps you cut your body fat quickly.

Stair Climbing.

Stair climbing is often described as a low-impact exercise. It is very beneficial in weight loss and improving muscle strength. Stair climbing exercise can be performed at different intensity, depending on your fitness level and the amount of calories you wish to burn.
  • Stair climbing burns more calories than walking.
  • It strengthen your lower body muscles and joints.

These aerobic exercises are best to burn calories and makes you fit. Below, you can find the amount of calorie which each of the exercise burns:-

100 lb or 45 kg  150 lb or 68 kg 200 lb or 90 kg
Walking, 2 mph 160 240 312
Running, 7 mph 610 920 1,230
Jumping rope 500 750 1,000
Swimming, 25 yds/min 185 275 358
Bicycling, 6 mph 160 240 312

In the conclusion, it is good to know that the amount of physical activity or exercise required by any individual for weight loss can be different. But if you want to weight loss or weight control, you need to do regular exercise with a balanced diet plan. Stay healthy and be happy with these 6 best cardio exercises to cut your body fat quickly.


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