Thursday, April 26

Best Tips For You To Improve Your Health

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There is no substitute of a healthy diet plan or a good eating habit. To stay healthy it is important to eat good and exercise regularly. To get rid from stress and depression is also important. But now-a-days, your busy life makes it difficult to take care of yourself. Busy life and bad eating habits may invites those unwanted diseases to you. Ready made foods and fast foods also increasing your waist size.

So let's discuss on some tips which can makes you healthy and protect from diseases.


You must understand your food by its smell, taste, touch and sight otherwise you will not be able to enjoy your food. Food affects your energy level and mood throughout the day. Therefore it is important that you should adapt healthy eating habits.

Mindful eating involves healthy food which includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Mindful eating helps you to avoid overeating. Concentrate on your food and avoid watching TV or computer while eating. Eat smaller portion of your meals and when you feel full stop eating to avoid over eating.


Cooking and eating at home saves your money and health. Food outside from your home may or may not be fresh. Fresh fruits and vegetable contains more nutritions than foods comes from cold storage. Locally grown food is a good choice.

Cooking at home ensures the quality of the food with ingredients. This also make sure that you could not eat junk food. With mindful eating, you can control and adjust your diet hence you can control your weight.


Vegetables are nutrient powerhouses and add color and texture to your meals. Try leafy greens such as kale, collards, bok choy and broccoli for good plant sources of calcium.
Adding beans or lentils to your meat-free meal also maintains an adequate protein intake. Providing about 16 grams of protein per cup cooked, beans and lentils also are a great source of fiber, folate, iron and potassium. These nutrient-rich foods are good sources of manganese, magnesium, copper, and thiamin.

Going vegetarian for one day a week for dietary or religious reasons is a small change in your diet that can improve your health and the environment.


Fruit and vegetables should be an important part of your daily diet. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help protect against some diseases.

Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables preferably because they are fresh and you can enjoy varieties of them throughout the year. Fruits contains antioxidants and other minerals which completed your healthy diet. 

Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. These include vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous and folic acid. Folic acid may reduce blood levels of homocysteine, a substance that may be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.

So, it is good to eat fruits and vegetables and enjoy a good health.


Increase your water intake so that your body remain hydrated throughout the day. Water flush out harmful residual from inside your body and helps in weight lose. Drink at least 2-4 liter of water in a day. You know more a large part of your body comprises water. The proper quantity of water in the
body makes you feel good and energetic.

The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of 50 to 75 per cent water. Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine and perspiration, and is contained in lean muscle, fat and bones.

Eat fruits and vegetables which include high quantity of water.

It is up to you how you manage your body. Eating good food makes you healthy and eating good food with mindful eating habits makes you healthier. 

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