Monday, September 14

Bad Effect Of Fast Food On Your Health

Fast food can also be defined as any food that contributes little or no nutrient value to the diet, but instead provides excess calories and fat. Fast food can be a good way to save time, but it is not the proper way for nutrition.

When you feel like eating something and think of food, the things come to mind first are the taste, odour or colour. Those who have to look after their weight will think of the portion size, many others think of energy, fats, sugars, vitamins or minerals. But do you know that the food we eat may cause side effects and a list of disadvantages. 

We are not talking about spoiled or poor quality food. Freshly harvested or just cooked food may also cause side effects, some are serious, some are just disturbing, and some may put you into embarrassing situation. Over time, this can lead to an increased risk for illness and disease. Fast food is harmful to health. It is a cause of various diseases.

Here we discus some most common disease and other side effects caused by fast food.

Bad Effects of Fast Food:-


overweight, which means weighing too much. Fast food is high in calories and sugar that contribute to increased-weight gain. Even small amount of fast food can increase your calorie intake considerably. Fast foods also replace healthy eating habits, People who consume fast foods are less likely to eat fruits, vegetables, milk etc. This change in eating habits can easily lead to obesity.

Heart Disease

People who eat fast-food four or more times a week, up their risk of dying from heart disease by 80 percent. Fast foods create a much higher risk of heart disease because of the high level of saturated fats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and, over time, contribute to high cholesterol levels.

Type 2 Diabetes

Fast food has become a way of life for many busy persons seeking a fast and inexpensive alternative to cooking at home. Although they may develop type 2 diabetes, this type of diabetes is often caused by poor lifestyle choices, such as being overweight and not being physically active. There is a side effect to consuming frequent amounts of fast food ‘obesity’ which can lead to the development of diabetes.

Peptic Ulcer

A peptic ulcer, also known as PUD or peptic ulcer disease, is the most common ulcer of an area of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic and thus extremely painful. For almost 100 years, doctors believed that stress, spicy foods, and alcohol caused most ulcers. Fast Foods which may causes Ulcer are Pizzas, Chips, Salted snakes etc...

So avoid fast food or junk food to stay healthy. Fast foods don't provide any nutrition to the body. 

Best Tips for Eye Make up Properly

Eyes are very important and sensitive part of our body. Eye make up can help make your eyes stand out, they can easily harm your vision.

Follow these make up tips to keep your eyes healthy.

Mascara, eye shadow, and eye-liner can certainly do the trick. But if putting on eye cosmetics is part of your daily ritual, you should know about some potential dangers to your eyes. In fact, being just as diligent about removing eye make-up at night is more important than applying them each morning.

Eye cosmetics are generally safe materials — as long as you use them properly. Over time, all kinds of gunk can grow in those pretty little cosmetic packages. Bacteria and fungi can multiply, and if you continue to decorate your eyes with this make-up, you're transferring those germs directly to your eyes.

Using Eye Cosmetics

Here’s how you can make sure your eyes are pretty and healthy — these cosmetic safety tips will minimize your eyes' exposure to bacteria:

Don't hold onto old make-up — throw it away after a few months.

Don't use mascara that's dried out — and never attempt to moisten it with your saliva or water. It’s best to replace mascara every two to four months, or sooner if it’s dried. A tip: Keep a permanent marker in your make-up kit, and mark the date you open a new tube of mascara, so you won’t use it past its shelf-life. 

Keep eye cosmetics cool — always at 85° F or below (that means don't keep them in your car or in a steamy bathroom). 

Don't mix and match cosmetics-  Use what's intended for your eyes on your eyes only — don't use the same pencil for both lips and eyes, as that can introduce bacteria. 

6 Tips for Applying Eye Cosmetics Safely

Image result for beautiful make up  eyes

It's also important to apply your eye make-up safely to help prevent injury. Getting anything that close to your eye can potentially cause damage — so when you're painstakingly drawing that perfect line, take care not to get the cosmetics in your eye.

Try these eye cosmetic safety suggestions: 

Never put your eye cosmetics on while you're driving or riding in a car. Your mascara wand can all too easily scratch your cornea — not to mention the risks of inattentive driving. You may also want to avoid applying eye make-up on buses or subways – sudden stops can also increase the risk that you'll scratch your eye. 

Skip eye cosmetics when you've got an irritated or infected eye — and if you think that a particular cosmetic is irritating your eyes, stop using it right away. 

Keep eye cosmetics outside of your eye — don't use eye liner on the inner eyelids, where make-up can get inside your eye. 

Always wash your hands before you dig into your make-up bag and start applying eye cosmetics.
Avoid eye cosmetics that are iridescent, glittery, or shiny, as they may contain ingredients that could scratch or irritate the eye. 

Make sure that all eye cosmetic applicators are clean before you use them — it's a good idea to wash or replace all brushes and sponges frequently.

 How to Remove Eye make up time of sleeping. 

Make-up can cause a lot of problems for your eyes — especially if you wear contact lenses. Eyes can become dry and irritated, and cosmetics can leave deposits on your lenses, affecting your vision and the comfort of your lenses. So it's important to carefully and gently wash off your eye make-up each night before bed to make sure that your cosmetics don't work their way into your eyes, build up, and cause damage.

Follow the instructions on the packaging of each eye cosmetic to find out the best way to remove it — some may recommend just soap and water, some a cold cream, and others make-up remover. Most importantly, be gentle when you remove your eye cosmetics, as the eyes and skin surrounding them are very sensitive. And take the same care using removal products as you do with eye make-up — always wash your hands thoroughly before you remove eye make-up.